Sunday, June 29, 2014

George Lucas Conference Final: Chapter XXX

A battered Superman lands in front of Emperor Joker; the Phoenix Force hovering over its teammate.

A gaping Friend Bear looks toward Wish Bear as they peek out of a car window which they snuck into.

Friend Bear:  This sh%t just got real.

Wish Bear:  We have to help him!

Friend Bear and Wish Bear jump out of the car and saunter toward Superman.  Friend Bear stands to his right while Wish Bear stands to his left.  Superman looks down at his allies.

Superman:  We face the odds, my friends.

Wish Bear:  You’re Superman for f@#k’s sake.  You’re.  F@#kin’.  Superman.

Superman smiles and stands ready for battle.  Both Friend Bear and Wish Bear follow suit.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

That's right! You're f&@#ing SUPERMAN! Now end these f&@#ing Midgets!!!!!