Sunday, June 29, 2014

George Lucas Conference Final: Chapter XXXII

Superman soars toward the Phoenix Force.  The Kryptonian uses the barrage of his Kryptonian powers to create a flux within the Phoenix Force.  Freezing breath, heat vision and the sheer brute strength of Superman pummels the cosmic entity.  In response, the Phoenix Force blasts Superman in an attempt to manipulate Superman’s life force.  Superman screams as his body is ripped from within.

Although pushed to his limits, Superman still manages to struggle against the Phoenix Force to an awe inspiring standstill.   The superior entities careen across the city, laying complete decimation within their wake.  

Superman’s clothes are in tatters and his body is evidencing actual wounds caused by the Phoenix Force.  At the same time, the Phoenix Force’s essence ebbs and wanes as Superman has actually created a weakening schism within the cosmic power.

The back-and-forth battle lasts for close to an hour.  The concrete of the streets is ripped apart.  The windows of buildings shattered.  The concrete of structures shattered.  The devastation is unlike anything seen on the Playoff Planet since last year’s Universe Bowl. 

Screams are heard, being emitted from both the essence of the Phoenix Force and mouth of Superman.  Superman decides that he only has one chance to survive as he steers the Phoenix Force into the earth below.  A godlike explosion occurs as a gargantuan crater is created by the two crashing into the ground.

Smoke and dust is emitted from the hole.  Silence engulfs the entire area.  


Ryan said...

Get up Kal-El!!!!! GET UP!!!!!

Josh the Commish said...

You're done Supes. Throw in the towel!!

Ryan said...

Did you just hear them Clark?!? They're saying you're done!!

Artifact said...

And then the Phoenix Force rise up from under Super corpse and torched the teddy bears.
