Monday, March 9, 2015

The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Miley and Barry's Best of Both World's Touring Battalion of Commandos

The Horsemen of Apokolips are Eternity, Eson the Searcher, He-Man, She-Ra, White Lantern Sinestro, Havoc in a Tie Interceptor, Hope Summers, Scarlet Witch, Shadowcat (w/ a Star Sapphire), Obi Wan Kenobi w/ R-2 Unit #12 in a Jedi V-Wing, Experiment 626: Stitch (w/ a green lightsaber) in a Z-95 Headhunter, Guild Navigator #1 in a Pre Guild Foldspace Ship, Purple M.U.S.C.L.E. Man #1-5, and Pink M.U.S.C.L.E. Man #1-5.

Isis wouldn’t even enslave her Miley Cyrus and Captain of The Varsity team Barack Obama’s Best of the not free for long world touring battalion of Crusaders…err I mean Commandos are The Question (w/ red lantern ring), (original) Human Torch, Jared Nomack (w/ Despotellis’ yellow lantern ring), The Insecticons: Bombshell, Kickback, Venom, Ransack, Barrage, and Chop Shop, Dr. Alan Grant (w/ green lantern ring), Dr. Ellie Sattler (w/ blue lantern ring), Suspiria Witch Coven #1-5 (w/ Indigo (1), yellow (2), and red (3 & 4) lantern rings), Duke (w/ green lantern ring), The Dinobots: Grimlock Rex: The Dinobot Prime, Slag, Snarl, Sludge, Swoop, & Katy Perry, Esme Cullen, Alice Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale, The Deadly Viper Assassin Squad: Bill, Bud, O Ren Ishi, Vernita Green, and Elle Driver, Droid Fighter Ship #7-8, Metroid #1-3, & 6, Scary Spice, Evil Dwarf #1-6, Compsognothid #51-53, Xenomorph #55, Witch #1, and Allosaurus #1 all in Rama.

2 years and 2 months. For 2 years and 2 months this conflict has continued. Being off in the depths of space, brings a new definition to the term Cold War. Space is cold and silent, it seems like it was designed to test the patience of men. When to eat, when to sleep, when to revamp the plan, and when to attack. Is it ever the right time to attack? The death toll at this point is still zero; but the scouts are becoming ever more daring; and both squads seem to sense that this cold war will soon heat up…

The Commandos gave no order to Rama, it was simply the will of the ship that moved in towards The Horsemen flag ship, and it was the prescience of The Guild Navigator gazing into the future that foresaw the plan of Rama and began moving in quick towards the larger alien craft. Despite this aggressive position taken by both sides, neither the undefined alien intelligence of Rama, nor the super-human perfection of The Guild Navigator seem to identify the problem that both the ships were far too large to make it through the energy activated bubble entrances of The Section Z sector, therefore causing them both to get stuck.

This leads us here. To this moment when the space-worthy ships within the enormous Guild machine, and the Cybertonian giants within Rama are fully prepared for battle, when the ever-patient Eson and Eternity feel the need to end this match before it truly begins. They both make there omnipresent selves known to all who surround them; but they then instantaneously switch places with every member of The Commandos. The Commandos find themselves thrust into the heart of The Guild Ship, where battle will certainly and immediately erupt, while Eternity and Eson both find themselves brought inside of Rama. The Guild-dwarfing craft of Rama then simply disappears into nothingness, as if were nothing more than a speck of dirt on the back of a moving vehicle.

Back on The Guild ship, two years of anxiety and aggression is being brought out within both of the squads. An insane battle, that was supposed to take place in the depths of space itself comes out in force within the steel lined halls and caverns of the enormous transport vessel.

As a brawl of Muscle Men erupts against a mish-mash of dinosaurs, atrocities, and not-so-nice dwarves; Blazin Bad Zula herself grabs The D-Vas and The Cullen family as her personal protection on a most important mission.

Obi Wan and Havoc find their way out of the cargo hold and into the surrounding space in an attempt to open up some free flying area; but they are promptly followed by The Insecticons in flying insect mode as well as The Droid Fighter Ships.

Stitich in his Z-95, decides to stay inside the hull of The Guild Ship and instead joins He-Man and She-Ra in their battle against The Dino-bots.

Hope, Scarlet Witch, and Shadowcat stand their ground, even as they are rushed by The Susperia Witch Coven with their Metroid pets in tow; while White Lantern Sinestro seems to be laughing off his own outnumbered odds in his aerial battle against The Question, the Human Torch android, Jared Nomack, Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, and Sgt. Duke.

The Susperia Witches, with their lantern rings, occult powers, and ballet skills put to good use are holding their own quite nicely against the trio of mutant females. Shadowcat used her Star Sapphire Ring to wipe out Witch #1; but despite her phasing abilities still had her lantern-infused power sucked away once all three Metroids latched on and overloaded themselves with her power killing every combatant involved. Scarlet Witch took out the Indigo powered Coven Witch #1, as well as the yellow #2, before being coated in mystically infused red vomit by the remaining witches, who were then destroyed by a now furious Hope Summers.

Out in space, Obi Wan and Havoc make quick work of the two droid fighter ships from within their own Star Wars craft; but run into a little more trouble once they engage in a dogfight with all six Insecticons. Bombshell leads the attack formation; but Havoc and Obi-Wan manage to get behind them. Obi Wan uses the force from within his V-Wing to dizzy up the larger Deluxe versions of The Insecticons while he and Havoc then use Advanced Missiles to target them out of the internal space vacuum of Section Z. Venom, Chop Shop, Barrage, and Ransack all go down one by one in that order. Havoc and Kenobi then attempt to regroup, but before they can, Kickback gets a claw into the side of Kenobi’s ship and rips it in two destroying not only The V-Wing, but Kenobi and R-2 Unit #12 as well. Bombshell completes a similar task by using his laser antennae to take out Havoc’s ship; but Havoc manages to crash land the Interceptor and gain ground on a small asteroid. As the two much larger Insecticons fly at him, the charged up Havoc blows apart the spark of Kickback, but is unable to recharge himself fast enough for another shot, before Bombshell can rip him apart.

The Muscle Men seem to be over-powering The Evil Dwarves fairly well, but once a handful of the Pink ones beat the Xenomorph to death, they were unhappy with the surprise acid blood that instantly returned the favor. The Purple guys stomped the compies with ease as well, but Allosaurus #1 ended up eating three of them. The Muscle Men, both Purple and Pink were all killed but only Evil Dwarf #2 & 4, and The Allosaurus survived the skirmish.

Sinestro seems to be toying with the other lanterns he is facing, despite his numeric odds. As he controls the entire spectrum, through the force of life, he provides a quick answer to The Red Lantern Question, right before he puts out the flame of the original Human Torch. Sinestro then makes a quip about how a person as ugly as Nomack could never possibly wield a yellow ring properly. Duke could not possibly be braver as he provides some time for his PHD wielding teammates. Duke flies in with a F-16 construct around him, only to be blown to pieces by Sinestro. Ellie Sattler charges Dr. Grant’s ring up to 200% right before Sinestro ruins her weekend; but Dr. Grant, with every bit of energy and will power he can muster constructs an enormous Utah Raptor made of green energy that sarcastically says: “Sinestro” before bighting the famous lantern in half.

Scary Spice leads her team of combatants into the inner workings of the ship and in past the control room. She seems to be able to sense exactly where the Navigator is, and what he is up to. Although not played by The Horsemen directly, several guards, defenders, and lesser Guild Representatives stood in their path and fought them along the way, but they were all defeated by Scary Spice’s team of vampires and assassins. Several other booby traps were set and sprung by the Guild manufacturers, a few of which even took out Alice and Rosalie. Once they got inside the large control room which resembled a throne room more than cockpit, the burning smell of cinnamon was so strong that they could barely stand it. They then caught a glimpse of the large clear-plaz tank that held The Guild Navigator, an inhuman looking monster, unrecognizable next to a regular person despite the fact that that is what he or she once was. The last bit of counter-measures are sent out by the navigator. A hunter seeker is fired from the wall, that takes out Esme Cullen, while a large release of mélange blasts from the tank itself to kill Bud (instantly over-dosing him on a drug he has never seen). The rest of her team begin to choke, when Bill asks Blazin Bad Zula how she can stand it. She tells them that they need to “rush back and help the others, and that she can get it from here”. “But [cough-cough-gasp-cough], how??”? Asks Jasper. Scary Spice turns to them and smiles with that sexy look of hers and says: “I’m a Spice Girl, I know how to handle a little bit of the good stuff. I also know how to Zig a Zig Ah”!! She then rushes into the room and busts open the clear plaz container of The Guild Navigator, who falls to the ground, gasping against the oxygen rich air, knowing that he/she only has seconds to live. The Navigator does manage to bounce into the mind of Scary Spice and scare the spice out of her once and for all before they both die on the mélange rich floor.

As the battle of Stitch and The Masters of The Universe Vs. The Dino-bots rages on, the remaining combatants from both squads show up to join the fight.

“Me Grimlock, not just leader of Autobots, me King of Dino-bots. Me not Grimlock Prime, me Prime Grimlock Rex”. Says Grimlock, and then from atop his head: “Me Katy Lock, Grimlock’s wife. Me Queen of Dino-bots ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAR”!! This dialogue, if you can call it that begins the last stage of this epic battle. The Cullens and D-Vas all rush Hope Summers, who begins mind blocking them all one by one. First Jasper, then Emmett, then Bill, Vernita, and Elle; but she misses just one Deadly Viper Assasin, as O Ren Ishi leaps up from her side and delivers a katana into the neck of the young Hope before she can muster any form of defense or attack. She-Ra, is broken off from her battle with Slag, to make short work of the two axe wielding Evil Dwarfs, and then to throat drop-kick Allosaurus #1 to death. She then goes toe to toe with O Ren Ishi, and despite the assassin’s skills she finds out the hard way that her swordsmanship is still no match for that of She-Ra, who uses her much larger sword to decapitate her opponent. She-Ra then turns to go back and help out her brother; but she is blindsided by a green power ring wielding Dr. Grant, who seems energized just by being around the Dinobots. She-Ra stands tall as the strongest woman in the universe; so Grant creates an energy construct of just a regular man, which easily crushes her (Ha!! Get it!! Pluralism is great…. FOR ME TO POOP ON!!)!! Stitch, then does a fly by in his Z-95, which blows the weakened Dr. Grant to pieces, on his way back to battle the Dinobots, who have just been joined by Bombshell. Stitch unloads every bit of missile and laser power he has left in his ship into Bombshell, before he ejects out right before he perfectly crashes the ship into the chest of Sludge, killing both The Autobot and Decepticon in one fell swoop. As this is happening, He-Man has pulled an enormous steel girder from the side of the ship and used it to beat Snarl into scrap. Slag swings his mighty tail at He-Man, who is able to leap out of the way and onto the back of the robot dinosaur. He then throws the Master Sword into the back of the neck of Slag to perfectly decapitate the Dinobot as the sword comes ripping through the other side. Stitch hooks on to the wing of Swoop and then uses his four laser guns to blast a hole through the wing of the non-dinosaur Dinobot, so as to burst inside of the metal body of his opponent and come crashing out the other side; but not before destroying Swoop’s spark on the way out. Stitch is one happy little alien as he pops out, but the great Horsemen that was known as Stitch finally would meet his demise as he was greeted by an enormous laser blast from the mouth of Prime Grimlock Rex, as he exited the now dead Swoop. He-Man does a barrel roll off of Slag in order to retrieve his Master Sword, which he does on his way to charging at the much larger Grimlock. He-Man knows to go for the Matrix of Leadership inside his chest cavity; which is exactly what he does. He-Man bounds into the air and places himself in a position to downward thrust into the Matrix. The artist formerly known as Katy Perry is thrown from the Dinobot onto the hard metal floor as He-Man throws his mystical sword into the nucleus of The Matrix, just as Grimlock uses his immeasurable strength to bring his jaw together around He-Man and shatter every one of his metal teeth around the powerful flesh body of The Master of the Universe………………………………………..


Josh the Commish said...

Katy Lock comes to around an hour later and says: "Me Katy survivor".

Josh the Commish said...


-Katy Perry is the sole survivor.

Ryan said...

Haha. Well I guess that's what I get for giving Nick Katy Perry for free.

Nice win dude. Good match Josh.

Ryan said...

Still not exactly sure why Eternity and Eson just disappeared.

Josh the Commish said...

Read the Rama Series. Marvel isn't the only thing with super-powered beings. Those were both great squads. It was a tough one to write. It's a tough break Ryan, but I'm glad you enjoyed the match. Congrats Nick!!

Ryan said...

I made that statement being aware of Rama's super powered abilities.

NFG Mike said...

Can't wait for the Katy Lock and Dinobots halftime spectacular next year! Slag is probably the "left shark" of the group.

Lickolas said...

Sweet!!!!! Very cool stuff Josh, I am beyond shocked right now. For the first time ever, Katy Perry did something useful.

Great squad Ryan, I didn`t think I had a chance.

Nice work on using Rama as it had never been properly used before. Allegory for god yo.

Loved the Scary Spice bit as well, never even occurred to me how great the girls would be in the Dune Universe. They would have been Bene Jezerit witches of he highest order

One issue with the match though dude, like Alice Cullen would have been fooled by the booby traps the Navigator`s had set. Someone needs to catch up on their Twilight yo.

Artifact said...

I'd like to stick my Gom Jabbar into Posh spice.