Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Royal Highness Vs. Layanderletson's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family

Layanderletson's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family are: Zoom, Vandal Savage, (Kingdom Come) Red Robin, Damien Darhk, (Kingdom Come) Green Lantern, Deathstroke, Robin (Damien Wayne), Vision, Thor, Green Goblin (Norman Osborne), Green Goblin (Harry Osborne), Patrick Starr, Toto, Stass Allie, Nightcrawler, Abomination, Venom, Jedi Knight #1B (Gary), Strom Trooper #49, Aerial Clone Trooper Captain, Aerial Clone Trooper #1-6, Ewok #52-57, Jedi Master #50A, Nexu #3, Super Battle Droid #1-2, Pony #3, Griffin #23, Treasure Troll #17, Ice Bros. #8-10, Magwai #2, Smurf #7, Little Goomba #64, N.S.-5 #35, a black dragon, a purple dragon, a bronze dragon, a sliver dragon, a copper dragon, Decepticon #3 & 6, and Uruk Hai #1-8.

The Royal Highness is: Emperor Palpatine, Kylo Ren, Jadis the White Witch, The Pretender Monsters: Birdbrain, Bristleback, Icepick, Scowl, Slag, and Wildfly, Obliterator, Silver Racer (w/ a green lantern ring), Suprema (w/ a blue lantern ring), Ursa, Broly, Metron, Old Man Logan, Avalanche, Sonny, Agent Smith, Hugh Glass, an Imperial Shuttle, Uruk Hai #57, Jessica Rabbit, White Dragon #9, Sith Lord #8, Ancient Sith Lord #2-3, 7-8, Wookie Soldier #2-4, 8-25, Queen Xenomorph #1-3, 7-8, Signalmen #1-4, Looney Tunes Gremlins #1-4, Upgraded Matrix Agent #1-5, and Minotaur #1-5.

The planet once known as Hoth, a desolate frozen place that at one point did not hold enough lifeforms to fill a space cruiser is not the same as it once was. Not since The Royal Highness took it over with their armies, colonized it, and renamed it Cannabis Prime. Now it is overtaken by a strange system of Feudalism. Its regional chieftans, though by no means driven by intentions of good, have done well to establish a semi-peaceful balance of power over the once intelligently uninhabited ball of ice. But once the super kitties became aware of this enemy outpost, they began formulating a plan of attack for the complete takeover and overhaul of the system.

The true Emperor of this place is Palpatine, who along with his Sith Lords reside in the long parked, and questionably functional Imperial shuttle turned palace in the center of the roughly inhabited Hoth. Jadis the White Witch, along with the lone Uruk Hai, and her pets the Pretender Monsters and the Queen Xenomorphs reside in a cave nearby, while other commons and loners have formed small groups that occupy barely livable areas near the Palace Shuttle.

The Super Kitties, the sworn enemy of The Highness, has no choice but to fight their way into these areas or die in the harsh wasteland. Palpatine, who once lived amongst and fought alongside the Super Kitties is anxious to destroy this team once and for all; but he bides his time, in hopes that his lesser Vassals can do his dirty work for him. His lesser followers and users of the Dark Side, do not quite have his mastery of patience.

“At last we will reveal ourselves to the Super Kitties; at last we will have our revenge”, says an ever-emo looking Kylo Ren to his grandfather's old master Sidious,

Due to the landscape and increased number of targets, the Super Kitties are unable to mount a full scale ground assault against their enemies; but small strike forces begin mounting assaults all over the occupied areas of the planet.

Vandal Savage leads, Damien Darhk, Deathstroke, both the Green Goblins, Zoom, the Uruk Hai, and a group of empathically controlled dragons into the cave of Jadis, despite it being a highly defensible position. The casualties for the dragons and the Uruk Hai are high, as the extra large Xenomorphs seem to come out of the very walls of the cave to attack them. The battling is fierce and Norman and Harry are able to destroy the last two Alien queens, after the rest of both sides monsters destroy each other. Elsewhere in the cave, Savage, Deathstroke and Darhk are able to use brains over brawn to defeat the Pretender Monsters, who they lure into a area too small for them to form Monstructor, and barely large enough for them to move at all. The three of them, coordinate their attacks and are able to one by one destroy all six members of the Decepticon group. The two green goblins, have learned to fight quite well alongside each other; but their pumpkin bombs come up short against the White Witch, who uses her frost magic to bombard the two millionaires right off of their gliders. Her next opponent, is one whom she may match on the power scale, but whom she never even sees coming. Zoom, simply rushes in to her back area of the cave, and runs around her with such velocity and creating such friction, that The White Witch actually catches fire and burns to death at the proverbial stake. The DC Villains set up shop in the cave and begin to formulate their next plan of attack.

Abomination, meets up with Broly and the two of them manage to heat up a good half mile of frigid landscape with their knock-down-drag-out brawl. The constant hot air being poured out of Broly helps as well. Their is a whole lot of talk about how he is the most powerful fighter in the universe, and unbeatable, and super sayan this and super sayan that; but at the end of the day, Abomination's base strength level is higher than that of the Hulk and that is what he uses to grind Broly into the ground and then crush him into nothingness. Metron makes short work of Jedi Master #50A, as well as the ever evasive Nightcrawler; but their teammate Alan Scott is able to use his built up reserve power to overtake Metron, with a huge magic-infused bit of green will power to knock him from the Mobius Chair and destroy him.

Thor, Vision, Venom, the two Robins, and their guide: Penguin Suit Mario form an incarnation of The Avengers whose comic I would absolutely love to read. They form the crux of the attack, while they coordinate the airstrike Gary, the former padawan of Kit Fisto, who is smoking death sticks, while riding with Toto and Patrick Star in the cockpit of Decepticon #3 (if you remember Gary as a padawan from the early seasons of Fantasy Fantasy, than you are truly a lifelong devotee to this league; shout out to Nick for creating him). The Aerial Clone Trooper Captain rides inside Decepticon #6 realying the orders to the Aerial Clone Troopers zipping in behind them with their jetpacks. The non-Sith powerhouses of the Highness, hold up in an old smuggler base is their target. Despite their fighting prowess, the two Robins rather quickly fall to the Upgraded Matrix Agents, while their boss Agent Smith fights fellow computer program Mario, first making him lose his suit, then making him get smaller, and then finally ending him. Suprema and Ursa take to the air to combat the two Decepticon ships, while Obliterator has little difficulty obliterating the aerial clone troopers, before catching an Asgardian hammer with his face. Gary leaps out of the cockpit of his Decepticon carrier, with his lightsaber ignited; but is no match for Ursa who smacks him to the ground hard before she uses her heat vision to melt Decepticon #3 almost entirely before it hits the ground. The blue-aura glowing Suprema blasts through Decepticon #6, to destroy its spark as well as the clone inside it, as the Kryptonian and the fake Kryptonian join with each other in order to double-back and aid The Silver Racer and the Agents in their battle against the Marvel dudes. As the battle heats up, both sides call in reinforcements; but the back up for both crews meet up with each other on a sloped landscape below, before they can actually rendezvous with the squads that called them in. Attrition is high, as The Wookie Soldiers numbers are decreased by two thirds, while the Looney Tunes Gremlins, the white dragon, and the Minotaurs all die in the skirmish; but not before The Ice Bros. become deiced, Griffin #23 becomes declawed, Treasure Troll #17 gets decuted, N.S-5 #35 becomes deactivated, and Goomba #6 gets decompressed. The pony riding Magwai and Smurf yell something unintelligible as they mount a last ditch charge against the wookies but that too is in vain. The Signalmen are not present, because as it turns out they have already mounted a failed attempt to take back the cave of the White Witch from Savage and his cohorts where they lost their lives. What is left of the wookies begin to regroup when they hear a deafening horn call to action. The ewoks pop up from the snowbanks above the valley; and along with the two super battle droids mow down the rest of the wookies with a combination of arrows and laser blasts.

Back in the battle-proper, the death toll continues to rise. Jedi Master Stass Allie matches Sonny the robot's jumping skill and cuts him in half at the torso with her lightsaber, while Avalanche shoots a healthy dose of seismic blast at Venom. Venom dodges the attack, which causes a literal avalanche behind the symbiote-suited villain turned sometime hero. Venom then knocks Avalanche to ground, wrapping his tongue around the neck of the mutant before crushing his skull barehanded. Venom is then met with a cosmic blast from the Silver Racer that blasts him and the symbiote apart at a molecular level. The Amalgam character then gets his head knocked off as he is caught by a uppercut from Thor's hammer with Thor still attached (ouch). Agent Smith matches the jedi moves of Stass with ease, before he knocks the lightsaber from her hands and puts a .50 caliber bullet between her eyes. Smith and his Agents then leap into battle with Thor and Vision but are taken off guard. Vision is able to disrupt their digital mainframe, while Thor brings down a blast of lightning from the heavens that transcends the very simulation that gives the Agents life. It wipes them from existence completely; but Thor would have no way of knowing that with this move, the same fate would befall his friend Vision. Suprema and Ursa do a clean-sweep-flyby to take out the super battle droids, Storm Trooper #49, the ewoks, and their pet Nexu, accidentally killing their teammate Jessica Rabbit, whom the ewoks had taken as a queen as well. All that is left in the open battle is Thor and Abomination, who square off in a pitched battle (my first Becks shout out of the season) with Ursa and Suprema. This powerhouse brawl involves punches that could knock down a sky-scraper like an errant finger knocks down a house of cards. At first all four are fighting together; but eventually Thor breaks off with Ursa and Abomination with Suprema. Abomination and Suprema level each other with a double punch that causes them to join each other in death in classic Superman/Doomsday fashion, while Ursa is able to overtake Thor, who is simply not able to muster enough Asgardian energy after so much was expelled to take out Agent Smith and the Agents. It is a mixture of brute strength and heat vision that puts Ursa into a state of complete exhaustion and Thor to his grave.

Six days pass after this long battle, before Savage and his allies come to realize that the Sith Lords, who, like them were more than willing to let their teammates die to gain what seemed to be for both sides an upper hand in the overall battle have come to realize that they mysterious dark side users will ot come to their cave. Instead Savage will have to attack the Imperial Shuttle Palace head on. And attack it they do.....

Swiftly and stealthily, Savage, Darhk, Deathstroke, and Zoom sneak in through the hatch of a jettisoned escape pod and move towards the cockpit turned throne room. Kylo Ren and the Sith Lord square off against Deathstroke, while the four Ancient Sith Lords split off into groups of two to take on Savage and Darhk. Zoom is preparing to quickly make his move on Palpatine, but the dark lord can already sense his presence. Deathstroke moves against the unnamed Sith first and slices off his head before allowing his blade to find the chest of Kylo Ren who was crying about something or other. But Deathstroke is then swarmed by the two remaining Ancient Sith, one left, who dispatched Darhk and the one who escaped Vandal Savage. Deathstroke takes out another one with an emptied magazine into his fast moving body; but is then hit with a deadly amount of Sith lightning. Vandal Savage stabs the remaining ancient Sith in the back and then coordinates with Zoom to move in on Palpatine...

Unfortunately for them they never received advice from Yoda.

And even though they would not have thought they were, they certainly underestimated the power of the Emperor. Palpatine, freezes Zoom in place with the force and unleashes a barrage of Sith Lightning that sends Zooms lifeless corpse back into the speed force. Savage then makes his move; but Palpatine spins backwards, igniting his crimson lightsaber and then leaping back towards his enemy and plunging it in to the chest of Vandal Savage.......

As Palpatine sits in his throne, plotting and meditating as to where to find his next apprentice and Ursa recovers in the cold from her injuries, there is a conversation taking place in a long jettisonedescape pod, by two men huddled close inside it for safety. Hugh Glass passes a canteen to Logan and says: “Well, shall we join this fight”?? Logan takes a long swig of the whiskey, passes it back to Hugh and says..... “Ehh, maybe the next one”.


Josh the Commish said...


-Kitties: All dead.

Highness: Palpatine, Ursa, Old Man Logan, and Hugh Glass survive.

NFG Mike said...

First, we take Cannabis Prime, then the League itself! We're goin to the Dark Side, bay-bay!

Solobeck said...