Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Look Up!!

Ok, as I am sure most of you are aware, viewing the site on mobile is great for reading matches but a pain when you want to get to the schedule or your roster because you have to view the web version of the site and do a lot of pinching and crap.

I, the almighty Fizzatu, have come to ease your burdens and save your fingers from unnecessary tapping.

So I ask you to Look Up!  On a PC, between the top post and the logo, you will see handy links to the most used pages on the site: Rosters, Schedule, and the Standings.  On Mobile, it should show as a dropdown box.

Let me know if there is anything else you would like to see added to the list that perhaps I forgot.



David Parks said...

Super convenient, since my phone can barely load the web version.

NFG Mike said...

You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Josh the Commish said...

Fizz is on the ball this year!! Stay awesome Z!!

Artifact said...

It's probably the best thing I've ever done.

Lickolas said...

It works okay. Not a bad effort. Hopefully version 2.0 is better.

Josh the Commish said...

Chris's top ten list of accomplishments:

10. Finishing college
9. Providing the sperm that made Ben
8. Bonus Life: Extended Play
7. Providing the sperm that made Jack.
6. Detroit Groudy Radio
5. The Majors LIVE
4. Getting a job he can do in his pajamas.
3. Providing the sperm that made Ella.
2. Meeting Josh Houslander
1. The Look Up post.