Sunday, November 6, 2016


Casino-Voyager Room. . .

George Washington trods into the Voyager Room.  His armor’s boots are no longer functional. 
Washington: Shemalyah!  Shemalyah!

Darth Shemalyah yells from the corner where both she and Brek Nyram stand. 
Shemalyah:  Over here, Washington!

Washington begins to walk to his teammates when a blast sends him hurtling across the floor.  Ronan the Accuser smiles at his quarry’s sustained injuries.  Washington turns and begins to systematically fire all of his various weapons at the Kree warrior.  Ronan sustains the immense damage caused by the suit of armor.  Like a true warrior, he wades through the bombardment and faces his enemy.  Ronan reaches Washington and lifts him up by his head.  A crunching is heard and the helmet is then ripped off by Ronan.
Ronan:  A valiant effort Coach, but a failed one nonetheless. . . .

Ronan begins to crush the skull of Washington when suddenly his eyes jut from his head in bewilderment.  Ronan looks down, only to see a green lightsaber boring through his chest.  Ronan drops the mortally wounded Washington on the floor and the Accuser himself meets his maker.
Washington:  I have but one life for my team. . . and that I have given in battle. . . is an honor bestowed only upon. . . the few chosen. . .

George Washington dies next to his enemy.

1 comment:

Artifact said...

Valiant fight leader.