Sunday, November 6, 2016


Casino-Voyager Room. . .

Darth Shemalyah:  Only one stands before our victory.  It shall be ours. . . As I have foretold.
Brek Nyram:  What is your wish, my master?

Batman reads the heat signatures behind the corner wall.  He presses the trigger and releases.  A ray rips through the detritus and rubble strewn across the room.
Before Shemalyah can instruct her acolyte, his brains splatter upon the wall, resembling a Jackson Pollack print.

Batman: No one left, Shemalyah!  Nowhere left to hide!
Darth Shemalyah slowly moves from her corner.  Her eyes burn a bright yellowish red.

Darth Shemalyah:  Shemalyah does not hide.

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