Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week 7 Consortium

Week 7 Consortium
George Washington's House Elves Vs. John and Vader's House of Sith Aids

The House Elves are:
Sandworms #1-18, Omnius, Ajax, Luke Skywalker, T-1000, Soundwave (w/Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Wingthing, Squawktalk, Beastbox, Glit, Enemy, Howlback, Garboil, Overkill (w/ only one leg), Slugfest, Autoscout #1, Autoscout #2), Sgt. Slaughter, Taurus, Red Dog, Mercer, Shaak Ti, Predi-Alien, Ginaz Swordsmen #1-9

The Sith Aids are: Director Krennic, Watto, Winnie the Pooh, Padme Amidala, Jet Jaguar, Ultra Man, The Deluxe Insecticons: Chop Shop, Venom, Barrage, and Ransack, Dinobot, The Pretender Monsters: Birdbrain, Bristleback, Icepick, Scowl, Slog, and Wildfly, 25 Stormtroopers, 9 velociraptors, and 9 Jedi Younglings.

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

In a vote of 4 to 1: George Washington's House Elves are Victorious!!

Sith Aids: All dead

House Elves: Overkill, Squawktalk, T-1000, Shaak Ti, Sgt. Slaughter, and Sandworm #4, 9, 13, & 16 perished.