Sunday, March 14, 2021

Evil Midgets Vs. Be Gentle at The City of Detroit

 Evil Midgets Team: White Lantern Yoda, Darth Maul w/the darksaber and double bladed lightsaber, Gamera, Wendigo, Bat mite, skywarp

Be Gentle Team: Black Goku, Z fighters (gohan, krillin, piccolo, tien, yamcha, chaitzu, yajirobe, and bulma), super boy, king zeno 

It's a very hood like day in the city of Detroit.  The car alarms are ringing, you can hear your neighbors Aunt kicking out the gang banging nephew, and the air is filled with a nice cloud of smoke.  It all seemed to be a normal day for Yoda and his fellow peers, that is until their encounter with Goku Black and the Z fighters.  Yoda had just gone for his brisk morning walk when he had his encounter with Piccolo.  Yoda had instantly drawn his lightsaber and attacked without hesitation.  Although Piccolo did not make an attempt to attack Yoda knew his strengths and knew he could be the only green badass in Detroit ya hur

Upon seeing what Yoda had just done Bat Mite makes a run for it.  God knows where but all we know is he’s not gonna be anywhere close any soon.  Goku instantly springs into action and shoots across the sky where he is met by Skywarp.  Little does skywarp know what he is going to get into.  Goku doesn’t even bat an eye as he hits him with Dragon Fist and blows him away with ease.

A tremble begins to shake the entire city.  It couldn’t have been from the power of the Dragon Fist.  It was Gamera the want to be Godzilla. Even though Gamera isn’t Godzilla this big beast can do some damage.  Gamera comes tunneling toward Detroit with none other than Bat Mite on its back.  Causing nothing but utter destruction Gamera is running in the city and crushes King Zeno while doing so.  Superboy instantly springs to the aid of Goku where the both team together to try and take down Gamera.  Superboy uses his heat vision as Goku powers up a large Kamehameha wave while screaming like a jackass to shoot at Gamera.  In unison they strike Gamera and deal a great amount of damage.

All while this is going on Yoda and Darth Maul have taken notice to the rest of the Z fighters.  

Yoda and Tien and beginning to engage in combat.  Tien realises he can’t get close enough and tries to use the Solar Flare Technique, Yoda brushes it off like it's nothing and swings his saber taking off the head of Tien.  Wendigo is met with the unwavering power of martial arts from Krillin and Yamcha.  Where together they are able to take down Wendigo with a one two combo. As you were sitting here thinking Darth Maul couldn’t get any more badass but he does because not only does he have his double bladed lightsaber he has the Darksaber where he is able to wipe out chiaotzu, yajirobe, and bulma like Anakin did them kids in Episode 3. Ya I said it. Fuck them kids

Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Goku, and Superboy all regroup in centerfield at Comerica Park as it is one of the only places untouched by the utter destruction of the battle between Goku and Gamera.  Just when they thought they were alone Yoda comes walking out of the away team dugout saying “here are we” as he is followed by Maul and Bat Mite.  Numbers are in the Z fighters but intelligence and skill not so much.  Goku instantly shoots into the air to build up some sort of power.  On the ground a clash ensues between the z fighters and maul.  Maul is able to lunge at Krillin but is stopped by Yamcha’s wolf Fang fist.  Maul just laughs and utters “you are nothing” and swiftly kills both Krillin and Yamcha with his Darksaber.  Superboy is left to fight Yoda where he is holding his own until Maul is there to help.  Just as he feels so hopeless and blinding light and gut wrenching screaming is let out. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH” *five episodes pass* “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH” and Goku lets down a Spirit Bomb Decimating what was left of the city of Detroit.  


Crack Danks said...

Be Gentle is your week 2 winner!
Survivors: Goku
RIP Gohan, Super boy, Gamera

Josh the Commish said...

Ha!! Good match Conner, you're still my best friend. I'll get you next time.

Well done Frank, kind of funny how you wrote my match at Comerica Park, and I did yours at Tiger Stadium. #irony