Monday, April 3, 2023

Week 4 Consortium: David Byrne's Meat Suits vs Doctor's Madhouse

David Byrne's Meat Suits: Galactus and herald David Byrne, Hal Jordan, Captain Kirk, Enterprise Commander, Enterprise Lieutenants, Enterprise Crew members 1-5 all in the USS Enterprise, The Leader in the Mario 2 spaceship, Guy Gardner, Atrocitus, Nite Owl, The Comedian, Silk Spectre, Ozymandius, Rorschach, Freddy Krueger, Omnius, Reverse Flash, Vladimir Harkonen, Stormtroopers 1-20, Pounce and Wingspan, Junkeons 1-9, Big Bird and Snuffalufagus, Deadpool, Deathstroke, Chip and Dale

Doctors Madhouse: Brainiac w/ Brainiac’s Skull Ship, Darth Vader w/ Darth Vader’s TIE Fighter, Jango Fett w/ Slave I, Padme Amidala w/ Naboo Starfighter, Clone Troopers #1-10 w/ Republic Shuttle, SHIELD Agents #1-10 w/ Quinjet, John and Ted w/ Y-Wing, Ranx The Sentient City, Dr Manhattan, Silver Surfer, Abeloth, Captain Marvel, Nova (Richard Rider), Hancock, Kryptonian #1-3, Yellow Lantern Ring #3, Parademon #1-6


Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolypse said...

In a vote of 4-2 Doctor's Madhouse is Victorious!

Captain Marvel, Hancock, Brainiac, and Kryptonian #1 survive.

David Parks said...

Swag on, Doc, that was a tough squad to beat.

Doctor's Madhouse said...

I feared the trade of the Enterprise to you may have been enough to seal my fate, but I stand a happy man today