Monday, May 1, 2023

Sigmaz vs. Trash Pandas

 Sigmaz: Eren Yeager, 10 domestic terrorists, T3, The Shredder, Tokka and Razhar, Master Chief, Simon Belmont, Jigglypuff, The Joker, Azula Tai Lee, Mai, Kratos, Atreus, Fenrir, Goblin w/ AR15, 6 more goblins

Trash Pandas: Zaheer, Ghazan, P'Li, Ming-Hua, John Wick w/Dead Dog, Trinity, Vision, Pakku, Naruto, Amon, T-1000, Lucius Malfoy, Autobots 1-4

It was a dark cold night at Hogwarts.  Without the leader ship of Malcom X the Sigmaz have taken shelter in the Hogwarts school.  They are being led by Shredder who is nothing compared to the great Malcom X. 

The Sigmaz sent out the Domestic terrorists into the forbidden forest as scouts along with Eren Yeager, Tokka and Razhar.  Upon searching the forest they come upon someone.  It's a man in a suit holding a dead dog.

"Did you do this" says Mr. Wick

"Rada rada rada" says the domestic terrorists as we have no clue what they are saying in their language.

John Wick starts an onslaught of the terrorists.  It is something they have never seen before.  Their ak47 training was not enough for the assassin.  John Wick wiped out all of the terrorists.

Eren Yeager with ODM gear makes move at John Wick which he evades.  He begins to run deeper into the forbidden forest.  He can't make it far with Yeager having ODM gear, but he just needs to make it a little further.  John Wick is finally hit.  Yeager got him in the back and was ready to execute him.  That is until he realizes its a trap and he was lead to the rest of the Trash Pandas.

Yeager quickly transforms into a titan because that is his only chance to make it out alive.  While doing so he crushes the body of John Wick.  The noise of Eren turning into a titan causes Tokka and Razhar to come to his aid.

Eren quickly destroys the autobots of the Trash Pandas rendering them useless in battle.  The airbenders of the Trash Pandas quickly take to the defense.

"Shadow Clone Jitsu" yells out Naruto

Over 50 shadow clones quickly appear.  Eren is confused on who the real Naruto is.  The attacks are coming quick and Eren has to take the defense.  Naruto knows how to take the titan down.  The real Naruto waits for his chance and uses his Kunai to slice open the nape of the Titan.  What Eren didn't realize is Naruto upon cutting the nape left an explosive tag which then explodes killing the Giant titan.

The airbenders made quick work of Tokka and Razhar.

"Forward to the school" screams Naruto

Arriving at the school. Azula, Tai Lee, and Mai are guarding the entrance.

Zaheer says "you guys go on ahead, we can take on the benders"

Zaheer and the other air benders stay back to duke it with the og air benders.  The legend of Korra squad comes out on top but only Zaheer surviving.

Trinity and Vision destroy the lonely Jigglypuff with no remorse.  This pissed off Kratos who went berzerk taking the heads of both Trinity and Vision with his blades of Chaos.

Lucius Malfoy is met by some goblins who stood no chance against someone on their home turf.  The wizard was ruthless and began casting forbidden spells leaving nothing but a pile of dust from the goblins.  Simon Belmont and Master Chief try to counter attack but the wizard is to powerful for them.  Malfoy began to torture the two in order to find the rest of the Sigmaz but the two would not give up their comrades.  

All while this is happening we got a terminator fight going down.  T3 and T100 begin to box it out.  Trading blows.  The advanced technology showing its power.  Once again T3 gets the upper hand on t1000 just like in terminator 2.  Just like the movie though the damage had been done to t3 and he falls over and dies.

This leaves Kratos, Atreus and Fenrir to fend off Naruto.  Naruto and his shaddow clones continue to confuse the enemy but that's all it could do.  They were able to fend them all off leaving just the real Naruto.  He quickly makes a few more shadow clones to pull off the Rasenshuriken.  This kills Atreus and Fenrir.  Leaving a furious Kratos.  Kratos quickly jumps to Naruto.  They begin to fight.  Kratos and his anger begin to take the upper hand as Naruto is gassed from the work he already put in.  

Kratos about to end Naruto's life is blinded by anger and doesn't realize who just walked in.

"Avada Kedavara" says Malfoy.

Kratos is killed by the dark killing curse.

The Joker and Shredder are seen trying to escape.

"Imperio" yells Malfoy

Under the curse Malfoy makes the two fight to the death with Shredder coming out victorious.  He then makes the leader jump off the top of hogwarts to his death.


Crack Danks said...

The Trash Pandas are Victorious! Lucius Malfoy, Naruto, and Zaheer survive.

Artifact said...

Great stuff Frank! Very detailed!

Josh the Commish said...

Good match up!! And good match!!