Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Right Wing Vs. The Untouchables

The Right Wing is Zues, The Wicked Witch of the West, Flash, Duncan Idaho ghola #6, John Stewart, Mr. Freeze, Blackfire, Jedi Knight #16-21, Storm, Sandstorm, Green Goblin, T-Rex #16-18, Athena, Jack Shephard, Batwoman, Agent #1 & 2, Slimer, Donkey Kong Jr., Gold Dragon #10-15, Goliath, Capt. Panaka, & The Incredible Hulk.

The Untouchables are Deadpool, Megatron, The Men in Black (Jay & Kay), The Constucticons, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, & The Thing, Doc Hudson, Pyro, Mystique, The Protectabots, The WildC.A.T.S.: Spartan, Voodoo, Zealot, Grifter, Maul, Warblade, Void, & Lord Emp, White Queen, James Bond, Dr. Polaris, Huntress, Det. Horatio Caine, Legolas, Green Arrow & Black Canary, The Atom, Malificent, Tinkerbell, Horse #1-6, Army Soldier #76-93, Griffin #1 & 2.

Green Goblin begins flying around the city on his glider but Dr. Polaris uses his magnetic powers to take the glider right out from underneath him. This causes Green Goblin to fall several stories to his death. Jay, Kay, Legolas, Green Arrow, Black Canary, & Horatio Caine all take a horse and ride their seperate ways. Since it worked so well against Reign Supremacy Sandstorm transforms into a dune buggy and Capt. Panaka, Jack Shephard, and Donkey Kong Jr. all get inside. They start wildly driving through the city's streets and come up on The WildC.A.T.S.; Sandstorm does a drive by and Capt. Panaka with his award winning aim hits Void with 5 lazer blasts before she can teleport out of the way. Sandstorm turns around to try it again but Voodoo uses her powers of magnetism to completely crush the Autobot along with everyone riding in him. The 2 griffins take to the air but are quickly burnt to a crisp by the 6 Gold Dragons. Maleficent turns into a dragon herself and begins to fly toward them but she notices that the Wicked Witch of the West is flying at her on her broomstick preparing for an attack. Although Maleficent loves her dragon form she knows she will get much more enjoyment from killing a fellow witch. She becomes even more arrogant at her chances of victory once Tinkerbell and The Atom both fly up to lend her some back up. The Wicked Witch lives up to her name as she flies by Tinkerbell and swipes her out of the air, crushing her in her green hands. She then dodges the attack made by Maleficent and throws her patented mystical fireball at the other witch which engulfs Maleficent in flames. The Atom retaliates to this attack by hitting the broomstick of the witch of the West with one well-placed punch breaking it in 2. The Wicked Witch then falls out of the sky. Batwoman and Huntress, using a variety of ropes and grappling hooks both swing up to the top of one of the tallest skyscrapers. They begin fighting using a flurry of kicks and flips (I don't know how else to explain it so just pretend like your watching any episode of any Batman cartoon). Huntress attacks using some sort of binding rope to tie up Batwoman but as Huntress goes in for the kill Batwoman falls on to her back doing a sort of bicycle kick which knocks Huntress (Sans grappling device because it is wrapped around Batwoman) off of the skyscraper. Zues attacks Deadpool and Megatron with lightning bolts out of both of his hands. Deadpool gets hit in the chest and is knocked to the ground and Megatron gets hit in the leg. This does a signifigant amount of damage to the Decepticon who now begins flying because it is easier to stay off of his leg. Megatron begins shooting his arm cannon at the god but Zues manages to either dodge or deflect anything that Megatron throws at him. Megatron then transforms into gun form and lands directly into the arms of Deadpool who is now healed from Zues' original attack. Deadpool uses the Decepticon leader to blow away the King of the gods with several blasts from the very high-powered robot/weapon. Mr. Freeze creates a wall of ice in order to provide cover for his team but Jay & Kay blast through it with their high-powered alien weapons and ride through on their horses. They then shoot Mr. Freeze and damage his suit which leaves him exposed to the city air that is warm enough to kill him. Duncan Idaho rushes in in a flurry of kicks and knife slashes that knock the Men in Black from their horses. Before they even realize what hit them they are finished off along with both of their horses by the ghola of the Atreides Weapons master. Goliath attacks by crushing Horse #5 and its rider Black Canary who have been left alone by Green Arrow; who has been spending less and less time with her ever since he met his new best friend Legolas. They have been doing nothing but talking mostly about why arrows are still the superior form of weaponry and the joys of green clothing among other things. Goliath then brings his huge fist down on Dr. Polaris crushing him with his hand. The Army soldiers move up in a unit against the mammoth individual lending each other cover fire as they move in closer and closer to Goliath. Gloiath manages to crush soldiers #79 & 80 but the well-trained soldiers actually bring down the huge individual as they unload bullet after bullet into him. The Atom rejoins the battle but as he is flying into the fray Slimer opens up his disgusting mouth and swallows the tiny titan completely consuming him. Pyro then turns on his flame-thrower and takes aim at Slimer. This at first does not seem to work but eventually even the gross little ghost cannot take that much heat as he evaporates into nothingness. John Stewart moves against The Fantastic 4 and with a giant green battering ram breaks through the invisible force field that has been created by Invisible Woman. He then finishes her off with a giant green fist. Mr. Fantastic wraps himself around the green lantern but John Stewart completely engulfs himself with green energy making himself look much like a green version of the Human Torch. This melts Mr. Fantastic off of him creating a smell much like that of burning tires. He moves against Human Torch next but Human Torch cannot keep up with Stewart's speed and is completely destroyed as John Stewart redirects both his own flames and Human Torch's back at Jonny Storm. The green Lantern is now thinking that the hard part is over but just then an enraged Ben Grimm jumps off of a nearby building and punches John Stewart in the head completely demolishing his skull. He lands on the cement creating a small tremor. The Hulk firmly believes that he can take out the WildC.A.T.S. on his own and begins to do so as he jumps into the middle of the team landing directly on top of Voodoo. First he crushes his favorite punching bag the Thing. He then grabs a hold of the android leader of the team Spartan and crushes him into scrap. Horatio Caine makes a valiant ride at the Hulk on his horse and hits him with several shots from his 9 mm. But this just makes the Hulk angry as he kicks Horatio Cain and his horse over top of the building next to them. White Queen attempts to turn the Hulk back into Bruce Banner by controlling his mind, and she is actually almost successful but this act makes the Hulk even more mad which takes the power of changing away from even him. The Hulk has no problem crushing the White Queen even as she tries to protect herself with her normally impervious skin. Lord Emp & War Blade try to keep the Hulk busy while Maul keeps increasing his size until his level of intelligence is nearly nothing. Even with the rampaging Maul in his strongest form Lord Emp is not certain that they can take the green goliath. But they get some more unexpected help as the Constructicons merge to form Devastator. Hulk pounces on Maul knocking the life out of him and then throws the dead body of Maul at Devastator. Devastator just narrowly misses being completely demolished by this attack by getting out of the way at the last second. Hulk pulls out a lampost and knocks off the head of the supposedely immortal Lord Emp but Devastator steals the idea by pulling out his own lampost and using it to hit the Hulk. This still does not kill the Hulk but he is eventually finished off as Devastator gets over top of him and brings his huge metal fists on to the Hulk over and over again until nothing remains except the small battered body of Bruce Banner. The Protectabots merge to form Defensor but Black Fire and Storm fly in to face him. Blackfire hits the gestalt with multiple cosmic blasts and then rushes in to hit Defensor with a flurry a super-powered punches this begins to destabiliaze the huge Autobot but he is not knocked over until Storm throws as powerful of a gust as she can at the Transformer knocking him to the ground. In the act of falling Defensor creates a huge cracked crater in the city streets which the 6 Jedi's and Duncan Idaho jump into and finish him off. Doc Hudson pulls up and Mystique jumps out of the passenger seat. She runs up to the Jedi but she shape shifts her body to look exactly like Storm. She says "Come on we can still help the Hulk". The Jedi do not realize that that battle is already decided and as they turn the corner they are attacked by Devastator and Warblade. Jedi Knights#16 & 17 take out Warblade by using their lightsabers to cut through his organic steel body like butter but they do not do much more than scratch the mighty Devastator who defeats them all. Agent #1 & 2 attack Grifter and Zealot who put on a great show of their skills in hand to hand combat but the Agents prove to be to much for them and they finish off the remaining two WildC.A.T.S. with their superior speed, strength, & fighting knowledge. James Bond moves against the agents next as he comments to himself that he truly appreciates the way these 2 can dress. James is able to dodge the blows of the 2 computer programs at first and is even quick enough to pull out his Walther .380 and shoot Agent #2 in the head, but 2 agents at once was a bit to much even for the great 007 as Agent #1 hits him with a fierce karate chop to the neck that cracks his vertebrate. Mystique, who is still masked to look like Storm runs up to Athena in hopes to get Athena to do some of her dirty work. Mystique says "The Flash has gone crazy, you need to try to stop him". Athena acts like she is going to help but she senses what even the 6 Jedi Knights could not. Athena knows a virtuous soul when she sees one, so she knows that the right thing to do is to attack. She takes her sword and cuts the head off of the Storm look alike and kills Mystique. Doc Hudson is racing around the city but the Flash easily catches up to him. Flash passes him up and then races by a billboard knocking it over just with his sheer velocity. The huge sign falls on Doc Hudson completely crushing him. Duncan Idaho and Deadpool begin fighting each other. Deadpool is happy to find out that this Duncan Idaho is more like the one on his team not like the one he had to face in the Dessert battle. Deadpool seems to have the upper hand even though his projectile weapons are useless against Idaho's shield, but then Batwoman swoops in to lend a hand to Duncan Idaho. She kicks Deadpool to the ground and Duncan Idaho jumps on him stabbing him in the chest. It appears that Deadpool is dead as they begin walking away but he pops back up and chops off Batwoman's head with his katana blade. Duncan Idaho jumps back on top of Deadpool stabbing him repeatedely. This time Idaho does not allow any chance for error as he uses his knife to actually remove Deadpool's heart. He actually feels bad for doing such a gruesome act which reminds him of his childhood growing up on the brutal Harkonen homeworld of Geidi Prime. As he is pondering his many tragic lives both as a person and a ghola Megatron flies in to avenge his BFF Deadpool and uses his arm cannon to disintegrate Duncan Idaho. Blackfire and Storm attempt to do the same thing to Devastator as they did to Defensor but Devastator proves to be a little more durable and cannot be knocked down so easily. Devastator fights back through the wind and punches Storm, knocking her through the brick wall of the neighboring building and breaking every bone in her body. Blackfire is unsure that she can take the gestalt on her own but she continues to blast away at it and flying around the huge Transformer to quickly for him to hit her. Just then the 3 T-Rex's come rampaging in and attack Devastator. In this crazy city environment the dinosaurs are scared and confused as T-Rex #16 knocks down Devastator with his thick tail. The 3 T-Rexes begin tearing Devastator apart but Devastator continues to fight back. Black Fire flies in to help but the blood-thirsty T-Rex #18 bites swallows its "teammate" whole. Devastator with his last burst of strength slams the heads of T-Rex #16 & 17 togeather and kills them right before T-Rex #18 rips out the core circuitry of Devastator and destroys the spark of all 6 Constructicons. The Gold Dragons swoop down to attack the Army Soldiers but the soldiers hold their position and fire back. In the first run the Dragons take out Army Aoldiers #77, 78, 85, & 90-93. Soldier #76 yells "concentrate all shots at the nearest dragon". This plan somewhat works out as they kill Gold Dragon #12 and then #14 but the Dragons then land and begin to pick apart the soldiers one by one. The valiant soldiers fight until the end and even manage to take out Dragon #10 before they all die but they are simply mismatched against the huge beasts. The wounded dragons begin to take off but they are suddenely riddled with arrows from Green Arrow and Legolas who are riding up on their horses. Legolas puts 4 perfectly placed arrows into Dragon #11 and Green Arrow puts an explosive arrow right into the mouth of Gold Dragon #13. But as the biggest one of the bunch Gold Dragon #15 bears his teeth and his wings the 2 horses rear up and throw their riders onto the ground. The 2 archer regroup and Green Arrow shoots the dragon with an arrow that turns into a net which keeps the dragon tied up for a moment while Legolas pulls out his daggers and jumps on top of the Dragon. Legolas knows exactly where to stab the dragon in order to take him out which is exactly what he does. The hungry T-Rex #18 makes a quick and well-deserved meal out of the remaining 2 horses. Megatron rudely interupts the meal of the T-Rex by blasting it in the head. The T-Rex could have possibly fought back if it were smart enough to know what was going on but the animal continues to act on instinct and refuses to give up on the dlicious horse meat long enough to fight back. Megatron continues to shoot the dinosuar until it is dead. Athena runs up to Megatron and with an amazing leap jumps right into the hole in his leg that Zues made with his lightning bolt. She then hacks away at his circuitry with her mystical sword until he begins to shut down. Pyro sees this happening and knows that Megatron is not going to survive so he blasts Megatron with his mutant enhanced flames sealing the hole and trapping Athena inside burning her alive. Agent #1 does not so much attack Pyro as he does his equipment. He kicks Pyro's flamethrower breaking it and causing a major explosion. Pyro is not harmed by the fire but it does cause him to be quite distracted as the agent breaks his neck. Green Arrow and Legolas blindly shoot dozens of arrows into the fire and kill the agent. Flash runs up and is way to fast for either of the archers to hit even with their incredible aim. Flash catches one of Legolas' arrows and stabs it into the heart of Green Arrow. Flash then punches Legolas' elven bow and breaks it in half with the pure speed vibration. Legolas pulls out his long Elven Knives and prepares himself. Flash runs by with such velocity that the force alone knocks Legolas over and seems to knock one of the Elven Knives out of his hand. The very dizzy Legolas gets up to look for his enemy but he can't see him or his knife anywhere. He then looks to his side and see his knife sticking out of the chest of Flash who is lying on the ground dead. Flash was moving so quickly that even the reflex enhanced elf did not know that he stabbed the knife into the superhero as he ran by. Legolas looks around the destroyed city with a very solemn feeling due to the fact that he is the sole survivor of either team.

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