Saturday, June 14, 2008


The BBQ is July 12th at the Beckerman residence. This date is official, so I hope that everyone can make it. If you can't, YOU SUCK, and I hate you for life. Just Kidding, we will miss you but we can't cater to everyone. There is unfortunetely no magic date that is perfect for everybody, so I hope that all involved with Fantasy Fantasy will be able to do what they can to make it. Please contact me later, by phone for time of the party, and directions. Thank you all for your patience (it is after all a virtue). I will hope to see you all there, and remember live the journey for every destination is but a doorway to the next. Don't say goodbye say good journey............. Well anyway, I could ramble on all night (God knows I've got the spare time) but I'll just wrap this up instead. Peace Out, LATE, Rack Em, and I'll smell all you fart eating chumps later.


Josh the Commish said...

Sorry for the ridiculous post, I get wierd when I'm bored.

ematejoca said...

Have you seen the Detroit Auto Show?
Fantastic cars.
You should not get wierd when you are bored.
You have many possibilities in Detroit to enjoy yourself.

About the "Love in Rom". The boy is a "batata"; the girl is "turma".
I did not take the photos. I have never been in Rom.
But I find the pictures nice, because is a young love in a very, very old city.

By the way, I am very fond of RED WINGS, because they are very succeful.
Why you did not like the movie about them?
I did not post immediately after the win, because I want to scan the news in the German newspapers, but I did not manage it.

Now I am going to sleep. It is 3.15am, and tomorrow I am invited.

Ryan said...

Nice Masters of the Universe quote.

Josh the Commish said...

I said the Red Wings movie was awesome. That means that I loved it. I have been to the Detroit Auto Show many times, and it is great; but it only goes on in February.

Lickolas said...

Or January, but who's counting.

Josh the Commish said...

Oh! My bad, I just new it was when it was cold out?

Joe said...

Jim Rome sucks and so do you Josh! You can rack my butt hairs. There are a lot of them. Late FRIEND!

Josh the Commish said...


Solobeck said...

B3 Press Release:

Pablo: TEAM, you may have won the FFL. . .

Tyrone: . . . and earned yourself a nice trophy. . .

Uniqua: . . . But you sure can't say any of you . . .

Austin: have ever won. . .

Tasha: . . . an Emmy!

B2: As owner of B3, I would like to personally congratulate the five characters who, although may have died several times throughout the season, have still earned my utmost respect. Pablo. Uniqua. Tyron. Austin. Tasha. Job well done. Congrats on your 2008 Emmy win!!! To all others in the FFL --GIVE THEM THEIR DUE!!!!!

Josh the Commish said...

Congrats to the Backyardigans! It is a well earned award for a very respected quintet. Although I have a feeling if Superman, Neo, and Unicron were all on a daytime T.V. show together that they would be raking in the Emmies (I know I would watch it).