Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Beckerman's Backyardigans Beeyaatches vs The Abomitrons

Beckerman’s Backyardigans Beeyaatches are Krayt Dragon #1 & 2, Darth Vader, Darth Talon, Red Hulk, Wolverine, Doomsday, King Hiss, Dark Phoenix, Holocaust, Orion, Magog, Arkillo, Double Cross, Fangry & Briscoe, Fly Wheels, Vehicle Voltron, Triggerhappy & Blowpipe, and Slugslinger & Caliburst.

The Abomitrons are Cerberus, Hancock, Blade, Iron Man, Cyborg Superman, Abin Sur, Ben 10 Alien Force, Sgt. Mike Shinsky, Ax-battler, Tyris Flare, Gilius Thunderhead, The Crew of Serenity, Commander Cody, Capt. Rex, Elite Clone Trooper #21-30, Stryfe, Horri-Bull & Kreb, Capt. America, Bucky, Nomad, Baby Bucky, Kirby, Rotta the Hutt, & Jedi Knight #36-38.

Beckerman’s Backyardigans Beeyaatches arrive on Arrakis hungry and ready for a fight. “I will not tolerate anymore of this team’s insolence. There is no reason for our current record. Do not leave this planet today without victory,” Darth Vader says to his eager crew of killers. Red Hulk and Doomsday both take off, charging right towards The Abomitrons. Doomsday then leaps high into the air, and crashes into Serenity. The ship takes a hard turn down and crashes into the sand with a horrible explosion. Doomsday slowly walks out unscathed and with blood dripping off of his body. “Heh. Nice one. Now watch this,” says Rulk. He charges in and goes after the Elite Clonetroopers. Rulk stomps Elite Clonetrooper #30 into the sand and crushes #24 in his massive hands. He’s then knocked a few hundred feet by a wicked punch courtesy of Hancock. He then flies right up to Rulk and kicks him as hard as he can in the crotch, which sends Rulk high into the air. Hancock flies up after him, but Rulk wraps him in a bear hug. They start falling back down to the ground. Hancock manages to get one arm free and as Rulk is maniacally laughing, he shoves his hand down Rulk’s throat and rips out his lungs. Hancock then lets Rulk’s body crash into the sand and he flies away, but not before discarding the lungs. “Damn, Hancock. Was that really necessary?” asks Nomad through The Abomitrons Starktech Comlinks. “Well it worked. Didn’t it?” replies Hancock. Then the trio of Iron Man, Cyborg Superman and Abin Sur take to the skies and engage the Backyardigans. Darth Vader sees this vain attempt and sends Vehicle Voltron, and all of the team’s Transformers to dispatch of the airborne Abomitrons. Fangry flies ahead of the rest of the robots, ignoring the orders given to them by Lord Vader. Abin Sur then creates a giant green ax with his power ring and drives it betwixt Fangry’s head. Slugslinger and Triggerhappy along with their Targetmasters, Caliburst and Blowpipe, then start zipping through the air, firing wildly at their opponents. Cyborg Superman and Iron Man both evade the oncoming gunfire with amazing grace and ease. And in a flurry of repulsor rays and heat vision, they destroy the two Decepticon jets and their Targetmasters. Flywheels is busy arguing to himself, due to his horrible split personality and is shot down by the Commander Cody and Captain Rex led Elite Clonetroopers. Doublecross then breathes a double blast of fusion-powered fire from both of his heads at Iron Man. Abin Sur manages to throw up a green energy wall in front of Iron Man. Cyborg Superman then flies up behind the Autobot monster and rips one of his heads off. He then yanks out Doublecross’s spark. Iron Man, Cyborg Superman and Abin Sur then regroup to face the massive Voltron of the Near Universe. Iron Man uses his Starktech to scan Vehicle Voltron and determine the correct course of action. “Don’t worry Tony, I’ve got this one,” calmly states Cyborg Superman. He then takes control of Vehicle Voltron, regardless of how hard its pilots resists and try to fight back. He then manipulates Voltron and makes it rips itself apart. “Enough! This must end now!” bellows an enraged Darth Vader. Orion and Arkillo both fly up and attack the three Abomitrons. Arkillo doesn’t hesitate and creates at yellow spear and thrusts it into Abin Sur. Iron Man and Orion are engaged in a fast paced dogfight. Iron Man zips through the air, firing his repulsor rays at Orion, but Orion deflects them with an Astro Force energy shield. Orion blast Iron Man with the Astro Force, which is just simply too much for Iron Man’s armor to defend. Back on the ground, Captain America has taken the squad of Bucky, Nomad, Baby Bucky, Stryfe, Sgt. Mike Shinsky, Ax Battler, Tyris Flare, Gilius Thunderhead, and Jedi Knight #36 up onto a rock formation. “Ok men, we’ve got this team up against the wall. Now lets finish it,” Captain America says to his teammates. “Ha! Let’s see you try!” exclaims Magog, who hears Cap’s inspiring words. He, then along with Holocaust and King Hiss, attacks. Magog fires a blast from his trident and blows a hole through Bucky. “This time. STAY DEAD!” shouts Magog. King Hiss is then jumped by all three Golden Axe characters and is hacked to pieces before he can conjure any magic. Holocaust drains the life from Nomad and Baby Bucky, and then blows Sgt. Mike Shinsky away with an energy blast. Magog tries to blast Captain America, but he blocks it with his shield. Jedi Knight #36 leaps in and cuts Magog’s trident in half with his lightsaber. Holocaust then helps his teammate by blasting Jedi Knight #36 in the back. Captain America throws his shield, which knocks Magog down and hits Holocaust in the back of the head. Cap grabs the shield out of the air and in mid jump. He then brings it crashing down on to Holocaust’s protective helmet/armor. He shatters the armor, and then brings it down again, connecting with Holocaust’s skull. Stryfe picks Magog up with his telekinesis and look puzzled. “You look very familiar. Do I know you? Nevermind,” says Stryfe as he uses his telekinesis to shut Magog’s brain down. Wolverine then leaps down off of a cliff that he was perched upon. He drives his claws deep into Ax Battler and then cuts Tyris Flare’s sword in half. She is about to cast one of her fire magic spells, when Wolverine sticks his claws right up under her chin. Gilius then charges Logan and knocks him down. The two short hairy fighters then square off. Gilius swings his mighty ax and drives it into Wolverine’s abdomen. Wolverine then grabs the dwarf by the beard and stabs him in the chest with his claws. He pulls the ax out of his side and crumple in the sand, allowing his healing factor begin working. Commander Cody and Captain Rex lead the Elite Clonetroopers against Darth Vader and Darth Talon. They are simply out matches against the two Sith Lords. Every last one of the Elite Clonetroopers falls quickly to Darth Talon and Darth Vader. Lord Vader then uses the Force to grab a hold of Captain Rex. “You used to be such a valuable asset to me Rex,” says Vader. He then Force chokes him and throws him to the ground. Vader’s new apprentice then strikes down Commander Cody. Krayt Dragons #1 and 2 come in and attack the Ben 10 Alien Force, but actually to little avail. Ben turns into Humongousaur and eats Krayt Dragon #1. Gwen then fires beams from her eyes at Krayt Dragon #2, while Kevin turns into solid rock and rams into the side of the dragon. Gwen then creates a large energy construct meat cleaver and cuts the Krayt Dragon #2’s head off. Dark Phoenix finally enters the fray and instantly makes an impact. She vaporizes Rotta the Hutt, Jedi Knights #37 and 38. She then takes off up in the air after Cyborg Superman and Hancock. Cyborg Superman is the first to attack, and tries everything he can, but she just turns him into crystal. The now crystallized Hank Henshaw falls from the sky and shatters on impact. “Aww, what the hell. Bring it on woman!” yells Hancock. He flies straight at the cosmic powerhouse and actually connects with a right cross. She then fires back and sends him sailing into the sand below. Everyone in the battle pauses for a second in awe as Hancock gets back up and shakes the sand off. “Damn woman,” grumbles Hancock. He then prevented from going back after Dark Phoenix as Doomsday charges in and spear tackles Hancock. Arkillo flies down and attacks Horri-Bull. The Decepticon Headmaster wildly fires his flamethrower and concussion blaster at the Sinestro Corp member. Arkillo dodges this wild attack and uses his yellow power ring to blast several holes into the Transformer. Cerberus then knocks him to the ground as Blade flips in and cuts the arm off of the carnivore. Cerberus finishes him off be ripping open his torso and devouring his entrails. Doomsday and Hancock are going blow for blow, slamming each other in the sand, causing a huge dust cloud. Doomsday kicks Hancock down and leaps on top of him. He starts pounding his fist into Hancock chest. He finally kills Hancock and lets out a mighty roar. Orion fires his Astro Force at Captain America’s back but Kirby jumps in and swallows all of the blast. Kirby then fires the Astro Force right back at Orion, which stuns the son of Darkseid badly. Cap then leaps in with Kirby in hand and has Kirby fire the Astro Force at point blank range, killing Orion. The team of Darth Vader, Darth Talon, Doomsday, Dark Phoenix and a rejuvenated Wolverine now face off against Blade, Cerberus, Captain America, Kirby, Stryfe and the Ben 10 crew. Darth Talon goes after the Ben 10 crew and cuts Kevin in half. Ben transforms into Brainstorm and creates a force field around Gwen and him. The Sith Twi’lek slashes at the force field with her lightsaber as Wolverine goes after Kirby. He quickly cuts the pink ball in to a dozen pieces. Logan then stares down Stryfe. He lunges at him, but is caught in mid air by Stryfe’s telekinesis. Doomsday leaps in and smashes Stryfe into the ground, which cause Wolverine to drop to the sand. Dark Phoenix flies in and without a second though blasts through Ben/Brainstorm’s force field and incinerates the two Abomitrons kids. Blade and Captain America then move in to double team Darth Vader. Blade throws a glave at Vader, who uses the Force to redirect it back at Blade and into his shoulder. Blade drops to one knee as Vader relieves him of his head in one quick swipe of his lightsaber. He then uses the Force to throw Blade’s body at Captain America. Lord Vader jumps at Cap, but Cap leaps up and smashes his shield into Vader’s chest piece. It starts sparking badly, which Captain America capitalizes on. He slams his shield down on to Vader’s helmet, killing the Sith Lord. But just before the shield connects, Vader in a last ditch effort, uses the Force to throw his lightsaber into Cap’s abdomen. Darth Talon comes in behind him and thrusts her lightsaber into his back. “That was for my master,” grows Darth Talon. Cerberus is now the final member of the Abomitrons that still stands. The three-headed dog doesn’t hesitate and charges Doomsday. He knocks the monster down and his middle head snaps at Doomsday. But Doomsday grabs a hold of Cerberus’s jaw and literally rips it off. Dark Phoenix then comes in and obliterates the rest of Cerberus with a blast of cosmic energy.



Solobeck said...

Awesome match! Loved the action and especially the dialogue of Vader!

Josh the Commish said...

That was actually a Ryatu special. I liked it as well. Hancock's dialogue was great.

Solobeck said...

My bad! I knew it was Ryatu. Not sure why I typed Joshatu. It is somewhat inexcusable that I inadvertently gave manlove to the Commish over my "better half".

Josh the Commish said...

Ryatu & Bryatu: GET A ROOM.

Ryan said...

What is up with this? Am I being molested in my sleep?

Thanks for breakfast this morning Bryatu

Josh the Commish said...

Ryan: The entire idea of being molested implies you saying know, which we all know is an impossibility.

Lickolas said...

Did someone say molesting?

How can I get in on this?

Josh the Commish said...

By the way, I am an idiot. By know I obviousely meant no.