Monday, June 1, 2009

Consolation Match Week 2

Points: 12
Prize: 1977 CJ-5: Postal Jeep Right Hand Drive
Setting: Tim Cheveldae's House

Schedule: To be determined.


Artifact said...

Not to be picky. but i believe the mail jeeps were actually of the DJ class. (Delivery Jeep)

I didnt verify this with the interwebs so please keep your flaming to a minimum if I am wrong. I did try to call Chrysler to verify this but they told me they were busy with some "more important shit".

Josh the Commish said...

I will defer to the expert. I tried to ask people at Chrysler as well but they told me that it was a Jeep thing and I wouldn't understand.

Artifact said...

That's right bitch.

You wouldn't.