Sunday, May 1, 2011

Logical Genocide Vs. Beckerman's Backyardigan's: Beeyatches

Logical Genocide is The Champion of The Universe, Az-rel & Nadira, Nekron, Ion, Black Lantern Sinestro, Titan Maximum, & Smurf #10 (w/ a blue lantern ring (AKA: Roster-Filler Smurf)).

Beckerman's Backyardigans: Beeyatches are The Living Tribunal, Lord Chaos, Black Lantern Apocalypse, Black Lantern Parallax, Boba Fett, Pre Viszla, Zombie Omega Red, Tenderheart Bear, & Skrull #17.

The sky over Metropolis is black as can be as the looming forces of both The Backyardigans and Logical Genocide take their places amongst the valley of skyscrapers. The dark forces from these two teams must be blocking out any semblance of light that could potentially illuminate the night sky... Oh wait a second, never mind... Night Sky, oh yeah. That's why it is dark out, because it is night time. I've really got to stop waiting until the last minute to write these matches. The Champion of The Universe has positioned himself on top of The Daily Planet awaiting any challengers, while Nekron is high above the Metropolis Skyscrapers looking the cosmic entity known as Lord Chaos in the face. Conversation is not necessary for two such powerful beings as they bide their time before the inevitable cosmic brawl. Ion takes Az-rel and Nadira with him to the very top of the Metropolis Stratosphere (AKA: Just barely within the "out of bounds" area for the match) to attempt to steal a victory from the all-powerful Living Tribunal (get it... steal a victory, cause they are The Kryptonian Bonnie and Clyde and they steal S**t). As these two battles commence, the only thing that Titan Maximum is battling is the urge to not act like the token "huge guy" in the battle and destroy buildings Godzilla style as he walks through the city streets. This is a battle that he is of course losing as he leaves a trail of building debris long enough that this Detroit Native begins to mistake it for Newburgh Road North of 8 Mile (have you ever driven that stretch? It feels like you are riding across Tartarus on a Unicycle). The Black Lantern versions of Apocalypse and Parallax hang back around the skyline of The Metropolis Outskirts, while Boba Fett leads the small of crew of conventional fighting Backyardigans (consisting of Pre-Viszla, the chained up Zombified Omega Red, and Tenderllax (Oh yeah, he's back)). It of course goes without saying, that The (pride and joy of The Logical Genocide Crew) Roster Filler Smurf has charged Ion's ring up to 200%, but what he has also done is to charge up Black Lantern Sinestro as well. The blue ring of course lends no help to the black lantern ring, but a lantern wielder as powerful as Sinestro has still managed to maintain some semblance of his former lantern powers. With this being said, Sinestro has a minimal level of both green and yellow energy residing within his cosmic corpse; so with a little added blue energy his potential green energy becomes a low-level kinetic power to be tapped for future use. After R-Eff Smurf is done doing his charging duties, he flies up to the top of The Daily Planet and strikes up a super-deep conversation with The Champion of The Universe. Smurf #10 begins with: "So, uh Champ... So you were are first round draft pick huh? I mean, we could of went Phoenix, Darth Vader, Cosmic Spider-Man,... well, you get the point; but we uh went with you. So what,... you are like a cosmic pro-wrestler or something... Right"? The Champ comes back with a vengeance: "I'm the best of the best little man, I don't know about those other chumps, but I bet if you line em up, I'll show you what the Champ can do"! "Yeah, I bet... I'm really excited about it too". The Smurf retorts. "I'm picking up on your sarcasm little blue" The Champion says. "Wow... Really, maybe they should call you the Champion of Obvious Dialogue. Don't get me wrong homie. I'm not blaming you personally, alls I'm saying is that our general managing on this team is about as thought out as your costume". Black Lantern Sinestro decides that he needs to make his presence known, and takes flight towards his team's two opposing Black Lanterns. On the way to the battle, Sinestro is joined by Az-rel, Nadira, Ion, and Roster Filler Smurf, who are all on their way to separate parts of the battlefield but decide to pick up on some of that cosmic drafting and killer conversation that Sinestro is spewing. Sinestro doesn’t even break stride when he blasts Tenderllax from the air, just because he saw him in the distance and had a clean shot. “Oh!! Hells yeah”! Az-rel shouts. He continues: “You just took out Tenderllax! Way to bring the rain Sinestro”! “Hell yeah. Baby steps dawg”. Ion adds. Sinestro begins to fly faster to get away, and actually accomplish something and says under his breath: “It was a friggin care bear... God being on an expansion team sucks”. Down on the ground, Zombie Omega Red begins to rip apart the dying Skrull #17, who The Flying L-Gers thought was Tenderllax (both Tenderheart Bear and Black Lantern Parallax are still alive at this point in the match). Boba and Viszla let him feast for a while, but then they pull his leash and get back to their mission. When Sinestro comes upon Apocalypse and Parallax, neither of the Backyardigan Black Lanterns think that they have the upper hand do to strength in numbers. Black Lantern Parallax knows that he can not control his own power nearly as well as Sinestro can, so he therefore concentrates enough to separate himself. He gives his remaining Black Lantern Powers to Apocalypse which strengthens him significantly, and then pulls Tenderheart Bear out of his back pocket and reforms The True Tenderllax with his yellow entity powers. This is a trying expedition of powers, and not the right time to exercise tem, which is why, both Apocalypse and Tenderllax evade the battle for the time being. Nekron and Lord Chaos finally decide to get all Nekro-Chaotic on each other show everybody first hand why comics starring characters like Wolverine and The Punisher sell so well; because there is no way to make a fight between two characters like this interesting. The whir of lights and power that ensued might have been very interesting to someone on a lesser plain of existence than I; but all I know is that when I woke up... They were both dead. The Living Tribunal held his own considerably well against the Deadly Tribunal of Az-rel, Nadira, and Ion. Ion hung back from the fight at first, while the two Kryptonian criminals went head first into the fight. The two petty thieves from Superman’s home planet pounded on The Living Tribunal with all of their might, while Ion sat back waiting for the right moment. The Living Tribunal made it look like nothing when he grabbed a hold of Az-rel and tore him in two, but the cosmic being was much more weakened by the attacks than he let on. And it showed once Ion let loose the full power of his Blue Ring enhanced, entity powered green ring into The Living Tribunal to kill him. Nadira is hit by part of this blast as well, and falls to the ground injured but very much alive. Titan Maximum is ready to brawl when he is confronted by the much smaller Black Lantern Apocalypse. Apocalypse begins to grow considerably up to his full size potential, but he is still dwarfed by Titan Maximum. Dwarfed by size, that is; but not dwarfed by power, which is proven when Apocalypse punches through the chest of Titan Maximum and then rips off his chest, worse than they ripped off Voltron. Black Lantern Apocalypse becomes drunk on power and hubris when he is confronted by Black Lantern Sinestro. Apocalypse firmly believes that he can not be killed by his incoming opponent, but once Sinestro channels his former lantern powers from his past life along with his black lantern powers, he is able to destroy Black Lantern Apocalypse with one well-aimed blast of energy. Sinestro pauses for a second with the same arrogance that his defeated opponent recently possessed, when he is caught and pulled to the ground by the tentacle of Zombie Omega Red. Boba Fett directs his crew with Mandalorian-gloved hand signals as Zombie Omega Red holds Sinestro down. Pre Viszla then jumps over top of Sinestro and uses his mastery of both the dark and light arts (the lightsaber in the chest may have helped as well) to destroy Black Lantern Sinestro. Boba Fett gets ready to finish off what is left of Logical Genocide by preparing his team for the final attack. A weakened Ion and scared Roster-Filler Smurf stand ready against Boba Fett and his crew, when The Champion of The Universe jumps down from the skyscraper above. Ion looks energized by the “Hogan-Style” entrance and a shaken Nadira wakes up from the crater she was resting in. At this same time, Tenderllax comes flying in at top speed to put an end to the match. The Champion of The Universe grabs a hold of Omega Red by the tentacle and uses the Russian Mutant as a mace to blast Tenderllax out of the sky. Knocking the entity out of Tenderllax and the undeadness out of Omega Red. Pre Viszla then rushes at The Champion but is met by a cosmic steel chair to the face which knocks the “Sith” right out of him. Boba Fett shoots a blaster bolt at The Champion but it bounces off of his chest. Boba Fett ignites his jet-pack and grabs the powerless Tenderheart Bear by the back of his neck as he starts to fly away. “You’re no good to me dead Tenderheart” Boba Fett says. The confused and shaken Tenderheart doesn’t quite realize that he no longer has the Parallax powers (for now at least) in him any more and says: “What’s up Boba, let me at em... I got this”. Boba shakes his helmet and says: “No Tenderheart, actually you don’t. You just got schooled, and even so... You ain’t no Beckerlax”. Tenderheart retorts: “Well... I’m at least better for dude on dude cuddling with than Beckerman is”. Boba Fett flies back to base with the fur ball in his hands while he says under his breath: “That’s not what I heard“. The Champion of The Universe is down on the ground waving his arms around screaming the following: “WHAT’S UP PEEEEEEEOPLE!! FIRST TEAM NOW THE BACKYARDIGANS. WHO’S TOP DOGG NOW!! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY ABOUT THAT SMURF”! The Champion says to Roster Filler Smurf. The team is fully expecting Smurf #10 to come back with a sarcastic remark when Roster Filler Smurf uses his ring to make a translucent blue energy mega-phone in front of his face. The Smurf then says into the megaphone: “AND THE WINNER OF THIS BOUT... AND STILL CHAMPION OF THE UN IVERSE... THE CHAMPION OF THE UNIVERSE!!


Josh the Commish said...

L.G.: The Champion of The Universe, Nadira, Ion, and Roster Filler Smurf survive.

Backyargigans: Boba Fett and Tenderheart Bear escape.

Krisatu said...

Finally the Champion of the Universe is showing why he's the Champion of the Universe. He pulled off a HUGE win for me.

Two wins in a row over two former FFL Champs? That's pretty impressive, almost unbelievable, especially given my conroversial managorial style.

Major props to you Becks, I knew I had to go big facing off against you.

Solobeck said...

Nice win S.

Krisatu said...

Thank you.