Thursday, April 17, 2014

A letter to citizens (or is it subjects).

A written address to Parliament, from Patrick Samuel:

My fellow members of Parliament: I hope that my absence, like all of ours is not looked upon by our constituents as cowardice. But the streets are unsafe and I fear our planet is in peril. We have faced destruction before; but it has never been like this. I cannot explain this occurrence anymore than any of you can. I do not know why the world is not being rebuilt as normal. I do not know why more than one match is happening at once. I do not know why the time seems to be….. Unmoving. I simply cannot explain these phenomenon. And although I am a secular minded individual, I would encourage all to pray…. Pray to whomever you think may help us. Pray to your God, pray to the gods, or if you must pray to The Watchers. We will overcome this. We must overcome this. The explosion that just overtook this community was more powerful than anything we have ever seen on The Play-Off Planet, and as we know that is saying very much. The Parliament Building may be destroyed; but Parliament remains, I remain, your elected officials remain, Parliament remains. Parliament remains…. Even if the all the combatants that have thus far fought for either side have been destroyed. As I stated, I don’t understand it either. Stay smart, stay vigilant, and please stay alive…

An unexplainable explosion happened right before this…….

The post (or match) that follows happened right before the explosion……

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