Sunday, May 25, 2014

Real Man's Rabble Rousers Vs. Beckerman Presents: The Mickey Mouse Grindhouse

Real Man’s Rabble Rousers are Nom Anor (w/ a Red Lantern Ring).

Beckerman Presents: The Mickey Mouse Grindhouse is Jason Todd (w/ Cannon Fire Gun, Armor Skin, and a Mithril Vest), and Robert Hudson (w/ Laser Gun, Laser Sword, and Mewtoo).

The translation from Japanese could not be more correct, for it is crazy and Kongy in this match right from the start as the barrels are falling like mad. As Hudson, Todd, and Mewtoo are leaping over one, two, and even three barrels at a time in an effort that would makle even Steve Wiebe proud, I have no idea why Nom Anor is so pissed off as he is just spewing red energy vomit everywhere to destroy the barrels before they roll him over.

The Grindhousers are turning it into quite a competition as Jason turns back to Robert and yells: “Come on dude, I know you’re a gamer let’s do this. If you were a video game company, you’d be “Hudson Soft””!!

“OH!! SICK BURN” Yells Mewtoo to his boy Robert as Rob is repeatedly attempting to climb the same broken ladder to no avail.

“What the Hell, Mewtoo, I thought you were my sidekick and straight up Bro FO Life”. Says Hudson in a whiny voice.

“You know I am Big H (that’s what Mewtoo calls him, it’s kinda creepy), but when a burn is that sick I gotta call it like I see it SON”!!

Hudson sneers as he says: “Give me a break guys, I’m just a little out of shape. Most of us on the team are after this past year of bench riding. I mean it is kind of weird that I have been the guy who everybody made fun of for the “ALL VAMPS” strategy for all these years and now I end up being a character on the one team that for some reason actually brought the strategy back”.

After this amazing exchange, the best Grindhouse Squad that has been played all season forms up as they notice that Nom Anor has grabbed the upper level hammer in a rage and is coming at them. The hammer swings wildly, and red energy flies about even more wildly as Nom Anor comes at them. Jason Todd gets hits square in the chest with a blast of red lantern power, which knocks him to the ground and even starts to eat away at his cannon skin as his last line of defense his Mithril Vest stops the energy from breaking through and hurting him. Todd regains his composure and starts firing his Cannon Gun, while Robert backs him up with his laser gun. As Anor gets closer, Hudson switches to his laser sword but Nom Anor brings the last swing of his hammer down hard to take him out.

Todd flips back onto the scene and begins to kung fu the hell out of Nom Anor. Nom Anor finds himself at a disadvantage in the melee battle but unleashes his entire cache of specially mutated spores on the former Batman sidekick to burn through the Mithril Vest and Armor Skin alike. But as Batman’s sidekick falls, it is Rob Hudson’s sidekick who swings around the top scaffold and then hits the Yuuzhan Vong politician with a full force Psychic Blast to finish off The Rabble Rouser’s one man team.


Josh the Commish said...


Grindhouse: Only Mewtwo survives.

Real Men: All dead.

NFG Mike said...

Consolation awesomeness. It's a strategy!

Josh the Commish said...

Thanks Mike. I was wondering if anybody actually read this match.