Sunday, May 18, 2014

Season 7 Week 9: The Slaves vs. THE RABBLEROUSERS

George Washington's Slaves are: Kol Skywalker and Loki.

REAL MAN'S RABBLEROUSERS ARE: Darth Maul with cybernetic legs, and Darth Rage.

The Rabblerousers' Darth Maul with cybernetic legs spots Kol Skywalker in the Emperor's Throne Room. He fires up his double-sided lightsaber and gives it a familiar spin before charging Skywalker. Kol wastes no time and arms his saber before using a force push on his attacker. Maul quickly rises and races in on the Jedi. He again slashes furiously, but a skilled Skywalker parries them all. Kol tries to distance himself from the walking Cuisinart with a jumping flip backward, but has underestimated the speed of the Sith's robotic legs. A waiting Maul impales the landing Skywalker through the midsection. A shocked Kol finds enough inside to chop Maul's head off before he joins his opponent in death.

The Slaves' Loki engages Darth Rage with a twirl of his spear. He rushes the Sith, but Rage quickly ignites his lightsaber and slows down the Asgardian with a Force push. An angry Loki ascends and again runs in with a series of spear thrusts, but Darth Rage blocks them all. He jumps backward so he'll be out of range of his own soon to be deployed Force Lightning, but a teleporting Loki greets the Sith with a spear through the torso. Pure fury guides the near dead Darth Rage as he decapitates Loki with his last breath. The deceased combatants hit the ground in unison.

A finger snaps and the illusion ends. Loki appears and is seated upon the Emperor's Throne with Kol Skywalker standing next to him. A headless Maul and a gutted Rage lie before him, and Loki is content. "Ahhhh... Now I see. You must have manipulated The Force to make them fight each other. Very clever." compliments Kol. "The what? No, I... sigh, nevermind." says Loki with a roll of his eyes. "Idiot." Despite this, The Trickster god continues to enjoy his rightful place upon the throne.


NFG Mike said...

George Washington's Slaves are triumphant as Loki and Kol Skywalker survive!


Josh the Commish said...

Congrats Z!!

Artifact said...

Awesome dude. Loved it.

Josh the Commish said...

Nice season Fizz!! 6 & 3 baby!!

Solobeck said...

Not without Darth Shemalya he isn't!