Sunday, August 14, 2016


Jor-El flies to the City Region of the Playoff Planet.  He reaches the Bostonia Quadrant and lands before a small establishment.  He opens the wooden door and enters “Cheers”.

Jor-El: Kal-El!
Superman turns his head and looks at his father.  There is a multitude of beer bottles littered across the bar where the Kryptonian sits.  Jor-El’s son lowers his face in shame as his father sits beside him on a stool.

Jor-El:  This is the Universe Bowl, Kal-El!  Why do you sit here, drinking when you know you can’t get drunk!
Superman:  I can pretend.

Jor-El: You’re acting like a baby; not the man you are!
Superman:  What is the use?

Jor-El:  Son, please, tell me what troubles you.
Superman:  I was the one, daddy!  I was the one!  Now, it is her!  It’s her!

Jor-El:  I understand, but realize that her role is one that needed to be filled.  She is a new light on this team.  She is a leader, as are you.  There should be no quarrels between the two of you, only respect.
Superman:  I do respect her and what she has done for this team.  I am told she respects me too.  I’m just. . . tired. . .

Jor-El:  Get up!
Jor-El lifts Superman from his seat and looks him in the eye.

Jor-El:  There is no room for being “tired” at this time, boy.  This is the Universe Bowl!  This is our team’s chance to become inscribed in the book of winners, like the Horsemen, like the Backyardigans, like the Commandoes!
Superman snaps out of his hazy funk of self pity and smiles at his father.

Superman:  Thanks, dad.
Jor-El:  My pleasure, son.  Now go show them who you are!!!

Superman:  Up.  Up. And away!
Superman flies straight through the roof, punching a whole in the structure.  Jor-El looks at the automaton bartender.

Jor-El:  Just put that on the Slaves’ tab.


NFG Mike said...

You know what to do, Luthor.

Artifact said...

What a drunk fool. Ha.