Saturday, March 22, 2008

Alice's Wonder Team Vs. Le' Napoleon Brigade

Alice's Wonder Team is Extinction Alice, Apocylypse Alice, Leeloo, Carlos Olivera, Ram Man, Kimbo Slice, Tyler Derdon, Lucca Brazzi, Jill Valentine, Sith Lord #1 & 2, Micheal Corleone, Goblin #1-90, Mummy #1-18, Vampire #1-4.

Le' Napoleon Brigade is John Mclain, Gandalf, Wonder Woman & Wonder Girl, Poison Ivy, Emperor Palpatine, Morpheus, Jules Winfield, Vincent Vega, Marcellus Wallace, Skyfire, Man at Arms, Teela, Detective Mike Lowry, Detective Marcus Brunett, Vito Corleone, Santino Corleone, Andre "The Giant", Silver Dragon #1-6, Storm Trooper #51-86, James "Sawyer" Ford, John Locke, Danielle Rousseau, Dr. Juliet Burke, Desmond Hume, Carrie Bradshaw, Courtney Cox, Army #101-130, Robin Hood & Little John, Romeo & Juliet, Big Boy, & Scary Spice.

Player/Coach Micheal Corleone orders 12 of the goblins to give the Vampires cover from the sun so they can get into one of the buildings. 2 of the goblins begin fighting among themselves and they expose Vampire #2 to the sun which kills him. The other 3 vampires safely reach one of the buildings where they set up camp in one of the dark rooms. Lucca Brazzi takes out 1 of the army soldiers but he is then enticed to enter into one of the buildings with Carrie Bradshaw. Lucca doesn't even think about turning down that kind of offer despite the battle going on around him. But as he walks into the room Courtney Cox and Scary Spice jump out behind him and then the three of them pepper spray the hell out of him before they beat him to death. Palpatine refuses any help from his teammates as he begins fighting with the 2 Sith lords. Micheal Corleone personally leads his army of goblins and mummies to battle against the opposing forces of Army Soldiers and Storm Troopers led by Robin Hood. Kimbo Slice attacks Andre the Giant but Andre picks up a park bench (there were not any steel chairs around) and hits kimbo in the head with it. He then picks up a rock and finishes him off but Jill Valentine shoots him in the head. Mike Lowry and Marcus Brunett sneak into the darkened building where the vampires are hiding out along with there 12 goblin protectors. The "Bad Boys" start shooting at the Goblins. Marcus takes out 4 and Mike Lowry takes out 6 but then the vampires attack from the shadows and start sucking the blood from the 2 detectives and begining the process of turning both of them into vampires. Micheal Corleone orders his goblins and mummies to charge while Robin Hood orders his men to take cover behind the buildings and open fire. Robin Hood himself manages to get up on a billboard where he takes out 15 goblins with his bow. Romeo pulls out his sword and chops apart a mummy but he is then surrounded by enemies. Juliet thinks he is dead so she pulls out her dagger and kills herself. Romeo fights his way free to see that Juliet is dead so then he kills himself (how tragic, for 2 star-crossed lovers, I'll wait a minute until everybody is done crying)....... O.K., back to the battle. In the initial charge the troopers and soldiers shoot 35 of the charging goblins but once they get in close the battle tips in their favor. The troopers and soldiers begin losing at a rate of 2 to 1 as goblins and mummies kill 25 of the Storm Troopers and 15 of the Army Soldiers with 20 of the goblins being killed in the process. Little John managed to take out 5 goblins. While Marcellus, Vincent, and Jules each killed 1 goblin. The soldiers and troopers now charge against the slower mummies. They kill every mummy but their losses are pretty severe. 10 more army men and 8 more storm troopers die in the mummy battle. Vito and Sonny Corleone gang up on 1 of the mummies and kill but in the heat of the battle Sonny knocks down Micheal Corleone. Sonny turns to shoot his enemy but when he sees that it is his own brother he can't bring himself to do it. Micheal pulls out his gun and shoots Sonny in the chest. Extinction Alice begins to go on a mad killing spree. She takes out Poison Ivy with one kick to the head and then she takes control of Sawyer's mind making him kill John Locke. She shoots Marcellus Wallace in the back but she eventually meets her match as Gandalf fights back. Gandalf blocks all of the bullets she is shooting at him but when she gets in close she knocks the wizard's staff out of his hands. She is about to finish him off when he pulls out Glamdring and stabs her in the chest. Apocylypse Alice attempts to do the same thing as Ex. Alice but Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl get in her way. Ap. Alice is quicker then both of them and gets in some great moves. Ap. Alice knocks Wonder Woman to the ground and then turns to face Wonder Girl. Wonder Woman throws her lasso around Ap. Alice from the ground binding her up and then Wonder Girl finishes her off with a fierce punch to the head. Sky Fire flies between 2 of the buildings shooting at Leeloo but she manages to dodge every shot. Skyfire does a quick landing and Morpheus jumps out of the plane before he transforms into robot form. Leeloo attacks them but she is no match for the two of them togeather. Skyfire pins her up against a wall and Morpheus finishes her off by chopping off her head with his Tachi. Lowry and Brunett finish turning into vampires. The first thing they do as vampires is bite the 2 remaining goblins out of instinct which begins the process of making 2 goblin/vampire crossbreeds. The original vampires never did this because they have made a deal that they would not bite any member of Alice's Wonder Team, but these 2 new vampires made no such pact. Man at Arms and his daughter Teela move against Carlos Olivera. Carlos shoots Teela in the arm which infuriates Man at Arms. He clobbers Carlos in the head with his mallet while Dr. Juliet Burke rushes in to help Teela. Tyler Derdon jumps on Desmond Hume who says "I knew that was going to happen". Derdon chokes him to death before he can be saved by Danielle Rousseau who was perched on the billboard in Robin Hood's old spot. She shoots Derdon in the chest with her rifle. The 6 silver dragons swoop down to attack Ram Man but Ram Man rams Silver Dragon #2 in the neck killing it. Silver Dragon #3 tries to bite Ram Man but it cannot get through his armor. Ram Man kills this dragon with his axe. The other 4 dragons get the idea as they fly back and regroup. They shoot Ram Man from the air with fire from all directions and burn him to death. Micheal Corleone shoots Courtney Cox in the head but then starts whining about how he never wanted this life as Sawyer, Big Boy, Little John, and Scary Spice all surround him. Little John gives a hand signal which makes Rousseau take him out with a bullet to the head. Jill Valentine rushes in in an attempt to save her head coach but she is to late. She takes aim and shoots Rousseau knocking her off of the billboard she then breaks Big Boy's neck and then turns around to shoot one of the dragons out of the sky. With a perfectly aimed shot she blasts Silver Dragon #1 sending it off course head first into a building. She dodges the falling bricks and dead dragon but does not see Silver Dragon #6 who swoops down and bites off her torso. John Mclaine has been sneaking around the building for some time trying to think of the best way to get in to fight the vampires. He realizes he can't do it alone and that he is going to have to lead everyone left into the dark vampire controlled room. Palpatine, who has been battling the 2 Sith Lords for quite some time is trying to convince them that they should fight each other so the winner can become his new apprentice. Darth Deez has no intention of being the apprentice after he has already been the master which is a thought that is easily sensed by Lord Sideous as he does a flip over top of Darth Deez cutting off his head. Darth Nutz, who remained loyal to his master until the very end picks up his masters lightsaber and attempts to attack Palpatine with a twin lightsaber attack. Palpatine moves out of the way and in an act of complete, but well-deserved arrogance puts away his own lightsaber and begins shooting the lesser Sith Lord with Sith Lightning. While he is slowly killing Lord Nutz he reminds him of the chance he had to become his apprentice, how he is a disgrace to the Sith order and how he knows nothing of the true powers of the dark side. He is about to drag this on even longer when Man at Arms yells "Palpatine, we need your help". Palpatine pulls out his saber and finishes off Darth Nutz before he joins the others in their vampire attack. The remaining uninjured members of Le' Napoleon Brigade storm the vampire room but the 7 vampires attack swiftly. John Mclaine, who put this plan togeather yells "duck" and his team all listens to the order. Just then Skyfire in plane form starts shooting through the window injuring, but not killing the vampires. Once the windows are blown out some sunlight shines through the windows killing the 2 goblin/vampires who were not smart enough to get out of the way of the sun's rays. With the vampires briefly stunned Gandalf chops off the head of Vampire #1 and Robin Hood does the same to Vampire #3 as Little John helps by knocking him aside with his staff. Palpatine removes the head of the Mike Lowry vampire as Wonder Woman throws Vampire #4 out of the window letting the sunlight do the work for her. John Mclaine pulls out his Beretta and unloads it into the Marcus Brunett vampire but he keeps coming. Mclaine is about to get bit in the neck when he throws both himself and the vampire out the window. As they are falling Brunett is melted away by the sun and John is cracking up as he is falling to his death because in his mind he at least won the fight. But Silver Dragon #4 comes flying in from between the buildings and catches Mclaine before he hits the ground saving him from death.

1 comment:

Mrs. Fizzle said...

Hells yeah! 3-1, not a bad record! I kicked Alice's Wonder Ass!