Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Right Wing Vs. Reign Supremacy

The Right Wing is Ullysses S. Grant (designated leader), Sandstorm, The Flash, Incredible Hulk, Army Soldier #131-151, Storm, Bear, T-Rex #16-18, John Stewart, Nick Houslander, Athena, Duncan Idaho ghola #6, Capt. Panaka, Goliath, Mikhail Bakunin, Jack Shephard, & Scrappy-Doo.

Reign Supremacy is Capt. America (designated leader), Batman & Robin, Iron Man, Chuck Norris, Cyborg Superman, Peter Venkman, Ray Stanz, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddimore, Capt. Malcom Reynolds, Zoe, Wash, Anora, Kaylee, Simon, River, Jane, Book, Raven, Mega Man & Rush, Starfire, Mario & Luigie, Tim, Paul, Steve, & The Bry, Yaddle, Jedi Knight #36-40, Ax-battler, & Sebastian the Crab.

Sandstorm transforms into a Dune Buggy and Gen. Grant, Mikhail, Bear, Scrappy-Doo, Nick Houslander, and Capt. Panaka (who has become Gen. Grant's personal aid) climb in. Gen Grant thinks he can command his troops better while he is on the move. Nick, a Golden Ax expert advises Gen. Grant to take out Ax-battler before he can use his volcano magic. Grant listens to his distant descendant as he talks into the comunicator that is hard-wired into Sandstorm and can be heard by by both Storm and Athena who also have great leadership abilities in the field. Storm doesn't relay the message because she feels that this is a job she can handle herself as she creates a tornado which in turn creates a giant sandstorm moving in the direction of Reign Supremacy. The sandstorm takes out not only Ax-battler but also Sebastian, Kaylee, Wash, Anora, Simon, and Paul Coffey. Storm is about to send another tornado through when Batman shoots her with a brappling hook and brings her down to the ground. On the way down she is met by a dropkick from Robin. The Jedi's, led by Yaddle charge the Army soldiers. The soldiers start laying down a suppressing fire but most of the bullets are blocked by lightsaber blades. The soldiers manage to take out Jedi Knights #37, 39, & 40 before the remaining Jedi break their ranks and plow through the soldiers with Yaddle herself getting 11 of the kills. The Hulk jumps into the fray where he is met by a dropkick by Book and a magazine full of bullets from Zoe niether of which do much of anything but give Hulk a reason to smash their heads in. The Hulk moves to turn on the rest of the Serenity crew when he is hit by some red hot eye beams from the Cyborg Superman. The Cyborg then follows his attack with an uppercut that sends the Hulk flying backward. Hulk jumps at the twisted Superman punching him back. The Ghostbusters & what remains of Capt Reynolds' crew look on in amazement at the two creatures that both just survived punches that would have easily leveled buildings. Hulk moves in for another punch but the half alien/ half robot uses his superior speed to dodge the hit and move in for a strangle hold which eventually breaks the neck of the green mammoth. John Stewart shoots a blast of green energy at Jedi Knight #36 which kills him but when he tries the same thing on Yaddle she blocks it with her lightsaber. The green lantern begins to fly in to finish off this battle when he is hit by another kind of energy that knocks him off course. Winston and Ray had both just shot him with blasts from their proton packs. John Stewart rights himself and the Ghostbusters realize that they are not going to able to seriousely hurt him with their weapons unless they try something drastic. Egon decides that they are going to have to once again try to cross the streams. They attempt this dangerous stunt but it does not work as well this time as they cause a full protonic reversal which blows up all of the molecules in their bodies as well as Jedi Knight #38 who was right next to them. Athena comes rushing to help Storm who is fighting Batman and Robin but Capt. America rushes in to help them. Cyborg Superman has taken to the air to fight John Stewart so Athena tells Storm "Go help John, I'll handle these 3 mere mortal men". So Storm flies up to help take on the huge threat of the Cyborg Superman. Although no matter what Storm and the green lantern seem to hit him with it has very little effect. John Stewart creates a giant hand which grabs a hold of the half-Kryptonian and begins sending powerful surges of energy into him which would be strong enough to kill just about anything born on earth. While he is being restrained Storm uses every bit of power she can conjur up to send a huge lightning bolt into their enemy. This has absolutely no effect on the flesh made up of DNA and genetic material from the origional Superman but it does manage to short out and destroy the metal and robotic parts of his body which will no longer allow his brain to function rendering him lifeless. Capt. America throws his shield at the head of Athena but she ducks and then grabs Batman and Robin, one in each arm with the intention of using their heads as weapons against Cap and killing all 3 of them, when the boomerang like shield starts heading back toward Capt. America and hits the goddess in the back of the head and kills her. Duncan Idaho's ghola and Chuck Norris are locked in a great hand to hand combat fight. Goliath comes crashing into the scene and steps on Rush but Iron Man flies in as he is flanked by Mario in a cape and Luigie in a Tanooki suit flying right behind him. The Mario Bros. land on the shoulders of the giant and Iron Man begins shooting at him. Goliath swings his mammoth hands to smack the Mario Bros. this kills Mario but Luigie turns into the Tanooki statue just in time and the hand goes right through him. Iron Man takes this oppurtunity to shoot a small missle into the eye of Goliath killing him. Starfire and Raven fly in to attack the 3 rampaging T-Rexes. Starfire's cosmic blasts don't seem to have much effect on them but Raven sends a black disc-like object toward T-Rex #16 that basically removes the animals head from its body. She gets a little to close to the other 2 though as T-Rex #17 snatches her out of the air with its powerful jaws. Starfire in a rage gets underneath the huge T-Rex and picks it up. She throws the king of the thunderlizards at the transformer Dune Buggy carrying The Right Wings designated (republican) leader but Sandstorm takes evasive action and gets out of the way (the T-Rex still dies). Chuck Norris, who is keeping up with the Ginaz trained swordsmen just fine avoids a swing of the Atreides knife but still gets knocked to the ground by Duncan Idaho. Chuck pulls out a Colt 1911 and unloads a clip at Duncan; but he does not realize the capability of the personal Holtzman shield that Idaho is wearing and it blocks every bullet from the projectile weapon. Norris is shocked and Duncan goes in for the kill stabbing the worthy opponent in the heart. Sandstorm does a drive by at rather high speeds, turning so the back of his vehicle is toward his opponents. From the back seat where Gen. Grant put 2 of his best shots Capt. Panaka shoots Jane, Mal, & Tim Cheveldae. Nick puts a 12 gauge slug right between the eyes of The Bry. Sandstorm seems to be able to move in and out of the dunes with an amazing know how of the dessert and it has much to do with his passenger Bear who grew up hiding from his evil mother in a similar area of Bear Land. River Tam attacks Jack Shephard, doing a move that kicked the bridge of his nose into his brain. John Stewart and Storm attempt to avenge the death of Athena and attack Batman, Robin, and Capt. America who have also been joined by Yaddle. Storm sends a lightning bolt into Robin and kills him but Batman punches her with a little to much zeal as the sharpened spikes on his forearm cut open her throat. John Stewart blasts a hole in the chest of Capt. America and then tries once again to shoot Yaddle. This time the tiny green Jedi does not block it but instead jumps out of the way and does a backflip over top of the green lantern and decapitates him on the way down. Flash, who is way to fast to be hit by Mega Man's lazer blasts grabs Mega Man on the way past him and throws him into Iron Man. Flash does not have a lot of strength but with as fast as Mega Man was moving when he hit Iron Man it looked similar to 2 motorcycles that where crushed in a vice. Batman shoots the remaining T-Rex with his grappling gun and then pulls himself on top of it. He is only on it for a second before he jumps off and the explosive charge placed right over it's brain goes off and kills the giant beast. Starfire lands on top of Sandstorm and pulls Mikhail out of the driver's seat, throwing him out and killing him. Starfire, who was expecting the vehicle to go out of control with no driver looks at Gen. Grant and says in her sweet Tamaranian accent "Please give up or I will destroy your team". Gen Grant replies by yelling "Unconditional Surrender" as he sticks his vintage 1850's revolver in her mouth and pulls the trigger. Sandstorm stops for a second and lets Duncan Idaho jump into the empty seat. River begins running right at Sandstorm with the intent of jumping on when Sandstorm says to his passengers "quick! hold on to something". He then transforms into a helicopter and from mid-air blasts River with machine gun fire. Sandstorm turns back into a dune Buggy and Flash slows down to start running next to him. The remaining members of Reign Supremacy are in complete dissaray with the death of both Iron Man and Capt. America and are shocked at what this team has done to them not knowing quite what to do next. Batman thinks he may have a plan to take out the rest of the team but just then he hears a voice in his head telling him to run and that a victory is not being foreseen. It is Yaddle who is piloting the small air ship that the Serenity crew had called down remotely from Serenity. Luigie lands on the little craft that only carries 4 & Batman grabs a hold of Steve Yzerman who along with his hockey buds were completely useless in this dessert setting and uses his bat hook to pull them both on board the small air ship; allowing the 4 of them to escape with their lives.

1 comment:

Shan said...

Great match Mike! Awesome battle!