Friday, March 19, 2010

Battle for League Domination

After the first week of Inter-League Matches, The American League and the National League are in a dead tie of 6-6. As of this posting, the National League has already won two matches from Week Three, which puts them up 8-6. With ten matches still to go, the competition as well as the trash talking will surely get more heated and probably funnier. Good luck to both leagues.


Krisatu said...

Trash talking is allowed??? Well, this is a game changer. Now I really need to pay attention to who I face. Though with such innovative and ground breaking names like TEAM and one of their best players being a UNICORN I'll probably have to tone things down so I don't make the owner cry.
And before you start in on "Oh, they were former champs and held the trophy", that was in the past. Here in future time we have things like DROID phones and 5 Dollar footlong where as back in the "dark ages" of TEAM championship reign they had Blackberries...and 5 dollar footlongs. Think about that, grandpa.

Anonymous said...

AL FOREVER!!!!!!!!