Thursday, April 7, 2011

week 6 B3 vs Teamp Sleeping Pussy

Beckerman's Backyardigan Beeyatches are: Mogo, Ego-the Living Planet, In Betweener with Lord Chaos and Master Order, Living Tribunal, BL Apocalypse, BL Parallax ,Dark Phoenix, Vulcan, Fafnir, Cyclonus, Deadman, Dracula, Brother Blood, Mike Myers, Yendar Platis, Black Dragons #13 and 14, and Green Dragons #15 and 16.

Team Sleeping Pussy are: Planetary: Elijah Snow, Jakita Wagner, Ambrose Chase and The Drummer; Watchmen: Rorschach, Dr. Manhattan, Comedian, Ozymandias, Nite Owl II, Captain Metropolis and Silk Spectre II; Minutemen: Nite Owl I, Silk Spectre I, Dollar Bill, Mothman, Silhouette, Young Comedian, Young Captain Metropolis and Hooded Justice; Kang, Banshee, Hanover Fiste, Giant-Man, Den, Deathbird, Thunderbird, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, 7 Female Sentinels, 3 Shield Agents, 5 War Skrulls, Enchantress, Mastermind, Flash (Jay Garrett), Spider-Woman and Zombie Mothra

Dr Manhattan and the Living Tibunal hover above the playoff planet, surveying the battle field.

"You know, you cannot possibly win Manhattan" says the Tibunal

"Perhaps" replies Dr Manhattan "But how can you know for sure?"

"The odds are not in your favor. You battle against two living planets,two beings which can defy death itself, a cosmic entity who is the very synthesis of the concepts of the universe. It's impossible for you to overcome these odds. I know, for I have seen the outcome of this battle in several different realities, and in none are you victorious."

"You have seen several realities, not all realities. Surely there..."

"I know why you protest. You're trying to protect..her. Laurie." smirks the Tribunal

"Laurie has nothing to.."

"Silence. Allow me to ease your mind. Your precious Laurie is able to live long enough to see your foolish attempt to impress her. And indeed it is a sight to behold. Not many are able to cause the destruction of Ego, the Living Planet. But your sacrifice at Ego's core is in vain. For Laurie still perishes. Make no mistake, Manhattan. My squadron does not come out of this battle unscathed. We lose many, but in the end triumph."

"Then why should I even bother to fight, if it's hopeless?" questions Dr Manhattan

"Because, deep down you still have some bit of humanity, and it is that part that will lead you to your inevitable doom. It's ironic, Dr Manhattan, that you shall be the downfall of Ego, yet Ego shall be the downfall of you."

"Then let us have at it"

"As you wish. Best of luck in the future, Dr. Today was just not your day."

Time is reinstated, and the battle goes exactly as the Living Tibunal has foretold.

Team Sleeping Pussy: All dead

Beckerman's Backyardigan Beeyatches: Mogo, The Living Tibunal, The Inbetweener, Black Lantern Parallax and Black Lantern Apocalypse survive.



Solobeck said...

Way to keep a P in his place! I liked it a lot, espcially the dialogue between the two entities(and I'm not saying that just because I won). Nice job-as always!

Ryan said...

How did Dark Phoenix die?

Solobeck said...

Rumor is she saw Dr. Manhattan's shlong and it blew her mind. . .

Ryan said...

How did Vulcan die?

Krisatu said...

Dark Phoenix was killed by Jean Grey, when she hestated killing Cyclops after he killed Vulcan with a little help from Kang.

Ryan said...

How did the Minutemen die?

Krisatu said...

The Minute Men got smashed by comet-like pieces of Ego after he was destroyed by Dr manhattan. They were crushed while they were battling B3's dragon's, who were also crushed by the rubble from Ego.

Ryan said...

That makes sense.

But what happened to Dracula?

Krisatu said...

I can't repeat what happened to Dracula on a family friendly blog. Just know, it involved Den and Drac being told to "suck" something other than his blood.

I've said too much already...

Ryan said...

Who was able to take out Michael Myers? How was he stopped?

Krisatu said...

Mastermind determind that only Rorshach would be able to take out Michael Myers, which he did before he was ultimately killed by a Deadman possessed Nite Owl II. Ozymandius was able to figure out what was going on and told Enchantress, who cast a spell that turned Deadman back into a human, but the spelkl was cast while he still was in Nite Owl so they both exploded.

Ozymandius felt no shame in sacrificing a fellow teammate to smite a foe. Ozymandius is a stone bastard.

Ryan said...

Oh I see. I didn't realize Mastermind had a vast intellect, I thought he could just create mental illusions.

Well, who was able to stop Golden Age Flash?

Krisatu said...

Enchantress realized that a Mastermind who just made illusions is a stupid idea, so she upped his intellect to make him a true master of the mind.

Lord Chaos screwed with reality enough to cause Jay Garrick to lose his speed powers and he was crushed by Cyclonus, but then the falling fragments of Ego killed Cyclonus and Enchantress.

Lord Chaos and Master Order fell under the spell of Enchantress and killed each other, in case you were wondering.

Josh the Commish said...

Krisatu, it is necessary, that you make it official and state who killed the following characters: --Female Sentinel #5
-War Skrull #1
-War Skrull #2
-War Skrull #3
-War Skrull #4
-The Enchantress
-Jean Grey

These characters were all sent to the Graveyard in this match and we need to know who there final killer was.

Krisatu said...

Enchantress was killed by fragments of Ego, so I guess he killed her.

That also goes for The War Skrulls, killed by fragments of Ego.

Beast was killed by Yendat Platis

Jean Grey was killed by Black Lantern Apocalypse

Krisatu said...

Female Sentinel was killed by Brother Blood.

Josh the Commish said...

Thanks Krisatu.