Monday, April 4, 2011

Xavier's Annihilation Squad Vs. The Right Wing

Xavier's Annihilation Squad is Supergirl, Supreme, Radar, Suprema (w/ a blue lantern ring), Silver Racer (w/ a green lantern ring), Metron, Molecule Man, Sailor Moon, Windhammer, Black Lantern Josh Houslander riding Zombie Silver Dragon #3, Black Lantern Super Soldier, The Elders of The Universe: Collector, Grandmaster, Obliterator, and Runner, Marvin the Martian, & Uncle Fester (w/ a green lightsaber).

The Right Wing is Superwoman, Blue Lantern #2, Prometheus, The Cosmic Hulk Robot, The Silver Surfer (w/ a green lantern ring), Zeus, Flash (w/ a Blue Lantern Ring), John Stewart, Blackfire, Athena (w/ an Indigo Lantern Ring), Black Lantern She-Hulk, Black Lantern Six-Shot, Droid Fighter Ship #2 & 3, & Jedi Knight #1B (Gary), Nick Houslander (w/ a blue lightsaber and a devil lance), Bear (w/ a green lightsaber and a demon rod), House M.D., and Scrappy-Doo (w/ a blue lightsaber) in an Imperial Shuttle.

Can a fan of Fantasy Fantasy ask anything more than for the two most highly touted teams in the National League to square off mid-season in a setting that is totally befitting to the both of them. The Right Wing and Xavier's Annihilation Squad have been the two teams that have been talked about most as having the potential to actually end the American League Monopoly on The Universe Bowl. They both are heavy with cosmic power, and unfortunately for them (perhaps fortunately for The American League); they both had their play-off dreams dashed by a team that was “Better Than All of You” thought they were last season. As the match begins, Superwoman instantly goes after Supergirl. Supergirl’s alien shape-shifting abilities make her extremely powerful but Lois Lane as Superwoman gives her the powers of a true Kryptonian; which is more than enough to overpower Supergirl and kill her somewhat quickly. Suprema quickly proves that she is the supreme Blue Lantern wielder, as she uses her “more than superhuman” strength to snap the alien neck of Blue Lantern #2 (but not before Blue Lantern #2 charged Silver Surfer’s green lantern ring up to 200% power). Prometheus may be strong enough to hold up entire mountains; but he was not strong enough to live through the exchange of punches that he and Supreme putdown on one another. Zeus enjoyed himself more than a king or a god should, when he threw a perfectly aimed lightning bolt through the neck of Radar. The Silver Racer, seemed to be handling his green lantern powers just as well as The Silver Surfer; but the non-amalgam version of the surfer was the one with the more raw power, which is why the Silver Surfer was fairly easily able to take out The Silver Racer, once he unleashed the power cosmic on his multi-versed half-brother. Molecule Man is quite the powerful opponent for any combatant out there, but he simply became molecules once The Cosmic Hulk Robot “smashed” him into oblivion. Droid Fighter Ship #2 was able to take out the free-floating Uncle Fester, as well as Marvin the Martian before Metron took out both it and it’s wing-droid (Droid Fighter Ship #3) with a couple of building leveling cosmic punches (R.I.P. Droid Fighter Ship #2). Black Lantern Josh Houslander, has encased both his steed, Zombie Silver Dragon #3 and Sailor Moon within an “evil” protective energy field created by his Black Lantern ring. The three of them have successfully snuck up on and landed on the back of The Imperial Shuttle, which is being piloted by Gary (Jedi Knight and former Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto) along with Nick Houslander (riding shotgun). Bear and House are riding in the back two seats while Scrappy is acting like a spaz in the back portion of The Imperial Shuttle. While all of this “espionage” is going on, Blackfire has taken the opportunity to use her starbolts to stun Windhammer and her Tamaranian strength to bludgeon him to death. Back inside The Imperial Shuttle, Gary and Nick are conversing in the cockpit over a couple of death-sticks and cocktails. “I just don’t get all of this fighting,” Gary says to Nick. He continues: “I mean, I’m all about taking out bad guys if you have to, but I would just assume hang out all day in the locker room, smoke death sticks, and meditate all day than be out on these missions. I mean, why me“? “I heard that” Nick retorts. “Wa Wa” Bear adds. House chimes in with: “Wow... That is really the kind of enthusiastic patriotism I’m dying to hear about, as we are putting our lives on the line for the cause. Oh, by the way, were you going to pass that B & B back here or am I going to have to have hit you wit my cane and take it”? “No it’s up for grabs” Gary says, as he passes the bottle back to House. It is at this moment, that the Shuttle Crew notices that there is indeed, a dragon, a black lantern and an anime on top of their ship. Nick volunteers to go check it out, and dons a space suit. Nick goes out on top of the ship; but by the time he gets there he realizes that his black lantern cousin and Sailor Moon have already found a way inside. The Zombie Silver Dragon, is now very out of its element in space without the power of the black lantern ring to protect it. Nick ignites his lightsaber, but it is actually his Devil Lance that he uses to stab through the heart of the Zombie Dragon (R.I.P. Zombie Silver Dragon #3). The cursed Devil Lance than attacks Nick, just enough that it damages his space suit and sends him off into the nothingness of space. Black Lantern Josh and Sailor Moon sneak into the cockpit of the shuttle and instantly a melee begins. House manages to get a “killed by a midget” joke off before Josh blasts him with a shot of black energy to kill him; while Bear and Scrappy manage to both get a piece of their lightsabers into Sailor Moon to finish her off. Josh is pretty proud of his killing of the matches only medical professional, but his joy is short lived as Gary manages to slice off Black Lantern Josh’s head with a quick lightsaber swing. Gary, Bear, & Scrappy begin to mourn the loss of Nick and House as they fly away, but before they can do anything The Elder of The Universe known as The Obliterator completely obliterates their entire shuttle. Black Lantern She-Hulk squares off against Black Lantern Super Soldier in what is a very evenly matched hand to hand combat battle. Super Soldier is parrying her attacks quite well, until a black energy infused right jab breaks his shield in half. After that the defenseless Super Soldier succumbs to Black Lantern She-Hulks attacks. The Runner attempts to battle with The Flash, but he simply can’t keep up. The Flash is able to run circles around The Runner until The Runner’s molecules are completely destroyed. The Collector wishes to begin a collection of every power ring in the spectrum; but he makes a poor decision when he tries to begin with John Stewart (whose ring has been previously bumped up to 200% power by The Flash’s Blue Lantern Ring). The Collector is unable to protect himself, once Stewart releases twice his ring’s potential on the elder. The unlikely duo of Athena and Black Lantern Six Shot then combine their powers to take out The Grandmaster, before he has the ability to put together an unstoppable force of minions. The Obliterator, who is the last remaining elder regroups with Supreme, Suprema, and Metron to combine their powers in an attempt to stop The Right Wing. Zeus teams with his daughter Athena and her new BFF Black Lantern Six Shot to move against The Obliterator. The Obliterator manages to obliterate Black Lantern Six Shot, but in the end is unable to overpower the two Greek gods. Suprema and her blue lantern powers are enough to actually catch up to The Flash and his blue energy and crack his spine, but once her exhausted self has to face off against both John Stewart and Blackfire, she is overcome by their powers. Black Lantern She Hulk moves against Metron, but in this case, sheer strength has nothing over a good mix of strength, speed, and cosmic power. Metron is able to separate She-Hulk from her ring and then destroy what is left. Superwoman leads both The Cosmic Hulk Robot, and Silver Surfer against Supreme. Supreme is able to overpower The Cosmic Hulk Robot with sheer strength of both body and will; but once Silver Surfer unleashes both the power of his green energy ring combined with the power cosmic and Superwoman’s might, Supreme no longer has the strength to fight on. Metron then finds himself surrounded by Superwoman, Silver Surfer, Zeus, John Stewart, Blackfire, & Athena. Metron is able to defy odds by killing the supposedly immortal Athena despite being outnumbered; but that is all he is able to accomplish in his last stand.

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

Xavier's: All Dead

The Right Wing: Superwoman, Silver Surfer, Zeus, John Stewart, & Blackfire survive.