Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week Five: TEAM vs Built Ford Tough

TEAM is Superman (Justice League Alpha), Solaris the Tyrant Sun, Neo Cymeks #1-12, Zombie Ultron, Galactiac, and Thanoseid.

Built Ford Tough is Indiana Jones (w/ a green lantern ring), Ford Prefect, Zaphrod Beezlebrock, Marvin the Paranoid Android, Trillian, Filip "Chibs" Telford, Christopher Robin, Dr. Who, Capt. Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, & Ianto Jones in The Heart of Gold, Fantastic Max, FX, AB, Grapple, Archie the Octospider, Black Lantern Han Solo, Zombie Chewbacca, Han Solo (Rogue Jedi), Good Luck Bear, & Andrew Jackson Libby in Air Wolfe, Gigantor, Jeff Houslander (w/ a red lantern ring) in his Ford E-250 Van, Cookies(new) Blue Beetle, Firestorm, Black Lantern Dumbledore, The Energizer Bunny, Zombie Rob Bartlett, Battle Droid #100, Ancient Sith Lord #8 & 9, Failed Jedi #1-3, Mandalorian #1-3.

TEAM has promised to make an example of their Divisional brethren, Built Ford Tough, in this battle in Uncharted Space. A swarm of Neo Cymeks descend upon the Heart of Gold and they collectively blast it and its passengers to smithereens before anyone inside can attempt to mount an offense. “Well… that’s just great,” Indiana Jones says to himself as he witnesses the quick destruction of the Heart of Gold. “Oh quite you’re goddamn whining,” snaps Jeff Houslander as he launches his Ford E-250 Van right through Neo Cymek #9.

Black Lantern Han Solo uses his powers to protect and fly Air Wolfe through the rigors of space, but they are met by the duo of Galactiac and Thanoseid. The super powered zombie version of Han Solo does his best to maneuver Air Wolfe, but Thanoseid’s Omega Effect isn’t easily avoided. The helicopter is vaporized in a blink of an eye. “Bwwarrrggghh!!!” belches Jeff Houslander as he vomits red rage energy all over Neo Cymek #12 as most of the rest of Built Ford Tough attack the remaining Neo Cymeks. Black Lantern Dumbledore fires a death curse at Neo Cymek #1 mere moments before it kills the Fantastic Max crew. Jeff finishes off Neo Cymek #12 and looks for more prey. Indiana Jones and Grapple attack Galactiac from behind. Indy distracts the cosmic being, allowing Grapple to go to work. The Transformer quickly uses his keen building intellect to focus on Galactiac’s machine body and is able to literally take it apart bolt by bolt. “Nice work, kid” Indiana Jones says to Grapple. But Grapple is unable to respond; Thanoseid has attacked Grapple and ripped his spark from his chassis. Firestorm enters the fray and uses his powers to turn Thanoseid into purple Play-Doh. But he is only able to aid Indy for this short time, as his attention is drawn to the oncoming of Solaris, The Tyrant Sun.

Meanwhile, the war between the rag tag group from Built Ford Tough and the Neo Cymeks of TEAM continues to wage on. Zombie Rob Bartlett, Battle Droid #100, Cookies, Archie the Octospider, AB, Mandalorians #1-3 and The Energizer Bunny have all been massacred by the giant robots. Jeff, along with Gigantor and Black Lantern Dumbledore focus their collective powers on one robot at a time, a plan that seems to be working. They destroy Neo Cymeks #4, 7 and 11, but Zombie Ultron attacks Gigantor from behind and eats his way through the large robot. Jeff and Dumbledore attack Zombie Ultron together and are able to overwhelm the half dead android. Indiana Jones zips in and aids his team who are being absolutely brutalized by the Neo Cymeks. He blasts Neo Cymek #2 apart and then creates a massive green energy stone pillar to crush Neo Cymek #8. But his attack is cut short, as is his life, by the arrival of TEAM’s newest ace in the hole, Justice Legion Alpha Superman. Indiana Jones’s Green Lantern ring flies back to Built Ford Tough’s locker room awaiting its new wielder.

Firestorm is joined by Black Lantern Dumbledore and Jeff Houslander as Solaris arrives to battle. However, this leaves the remaining member of Built Ford Tough wide open to a Justice Legion Alpha Superman led Neo Cymek assault. They are utterly exterminated in a matter that is both quick and painful. Superman then double backs and blasts right through the decaying wizard and uses his freeze breath to cool the fiery rage of Jeff Houslander. He then puts his fist through the frozen roofer as easily as a ladder through a window on a cold January afternoon. Firestorm is now the lone member of an absolutely annihilated team. Solaris unleashes a massive blast of energy directly at Firestorm, but he fights back and absorbs the cosmic energy. The Tyrant Sun fires an even more powerful blast at Firestorm, but he continues to absorb it. But this is simply too much energy for even Firestorm to absorb, so he begins to focus all of his power within himself. Justice Legion Alpha Superman flies in between Solaris and Firestorm and attempts to stop him, but Firestorm unleashes a supernova that washes over Superman, blinding and severely injuring him. In doing so, Firestorm vaporizes Solaris and the rest of the Neo Cymeks, but perishes as well in the process. Superman floats through the cosmos unconscious but victorious, none the less.


1 comment:

Ryan said...

TEAM: Justice Legion Alpha Superman survives, although severly injured.

Built Ford Tough: All Dead.