Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Deadline change

I'd like to propose before the league a change to the deadline for submitting rosters. I'd like to change it from Monday night to Tuesday night.  That will give teams an extra day to read their match from a previous week and make decision based on what transpired before. However, this extra day would also come with a price. I say starting week 6, if you do not have a roster submitted by Tuesday night, you will be playing your week one squad. It's not an automatic loss, but it's a severe disadvantage. I realize that week 9 is only 75 points, and will have to come up with something for that but in the meantime I think this is a tough but fair penalty.

Speaking as both a Watcher and an owner, I'm voting yes for this proposal. Not only because it'd be nice to have some more time to read other matches, and not just my own before I submit my rosters, but because it's not fair for people who miss the deadline to not be penalized in anyway. I'm not pointing fingers, or naming names but if you were late turning in assignments for school or work you're penalized. This is the same. Not one is here by gunpoint, you elected to do this, so you should be held to the same rules as everyone else.

As with the weapons vote, my vote is no more powerful than anyone else's. Majority will rule.

Thank you for your time.


kennelz owner said...

The kennelz are in favor of this, yes!

Archr5 said...

I don't see why not. I can forget to submit a roster by Tuesday night just as easily as I do Mondays! :) Easier in fact!

NFG Mike said...

Transform and roll out!

Lickolas said...

I vote yes. Now I have until Wednesday to turn in my team.

Josh the Commish said...

I'm glad this is being discussed, but if this passes, it will probably not be able to go in to affect until next season. Some of the watchers really need the teams by Monday night, and it isn't right to change deadlines mid-season. I will hold my vote for now, either until next season or until we can calm down some of the behind the scenes discussion that is taking place in regards to this.

Ryan said...

The only current Watcher who has ever regularly posted his match prior to Sunday night has been Seeney, and he's the one who proposed this. So I completely disagree with the whole "some Watchers need the teams Monday night" part.
I don't see why this is a problem at all. This is a change that has been needed to be made for years. Last year we implicated a penalty to late rosters. And because of that, we virtually had none.

Josh the Commish said...

Actually Ryan, the watcher I was speaking of who made this request was your brother, who I have not yet had the chance to talk to about this. I would like people to please elaborate on what it is they are voting yes on. I feel like Ryan has a good grasp of what the proposal is about, and he seems to be for all manner of it, but I think others maybe do not (no offense meant if I am wrong). I realize that Nick and Mike (Goof, not NFG) are joking with their posts, but there will be no late submissions or forgetting to send in rosters under this new format. You will be penalized right away. I believe that there are several things to vote on here, not just one. Furthermore, what game, sport, club, or any other manner of institution changes the rules in the middle of the game? When they change a rule in sports, fantasy or otherwise, it becomes effective in the next season in almost all scenarios. I was simply saying some things need to be clarified first and some ground rules need to be laid out, or else this league will quickly turn to absolute chaos. I am not at odds with anybody here just trying to keep the peace and keep everything clear for all.

Ryan said...

I talked to Griffin already actually. And he votes yes with this change. His stance on needing teams by Monday, was just because Monday is the current deadline.

Honestly I hadn't realized that the successful rule we had in place last year, where if you were late, your entire roster under 7 deaths received a death, was completely ignored this year. Yes it was harsh, but it resulted in almost zero late teams.

Josh the Commish said...

The guidelines this year were left up to the watchers. If it was okay with them to wait a bit longer than they could do so. Or they could do whatever they wanted with the team that was late. It was left up to them to be as benevolent as they wished. This was discussed at length at the watcher meeting. Your rule was not gotten rid of Ryan. It just hasn't been needed yet this year. Again, I just want to know that people know what they are voting on.

Ryan said...

That makes perfect sense then. I apologize for assuming that.

I'm voting yes for the Deadline to be extended to Tuesday night, as to give teams the time to digest their previous week's match.

I'm also voting yes on that there should be some sort of penalty or whatnot to hold chronic late teams responsible. It's not fair to us who do submit teams in a timely manner. And as a former Watcher, I know how frustrating it can get to have to sit there and wait to get a team.

Josh the Commish said...

Both valid points. Thank you Ryan. I have no objection to what is being discussed here, but this rough shod formula for change must be tweakes or it will all unravel into chaos quick. The goal here is democracy, not anarchy.

Josh the Commish said...


For now, I see no reason not to just roll with this proposal as is. But I would ask you all to please allow me to come up with a method for this stuff before the blog starts to look like a school board website. We all benefit from more nerd stories and less red tape.

Krisatu said...

I do apologize for springing this up without a lot of discussion and causing a fracas, but I did have good intentions.

I brought this up there have been many weeks, both past and present, where Tuesday rolled around and I still hadn't gotten my rosters till later in the day. I thought that if most people are not writing till Sundays anyway, and there are a lot of teams we have to chase down on Tuesday, I don't see the harm in giving people till Tuesday.

I proposed the "penalty" as more of a basic guideline for what various Watchers should do if a team is late. That way we don't have to get Josh to chase after various owners and he can concentrate on his own matches and outside interests. I don't think it's fair for him or anyone else to have to be responsible for the job of another GM. Most teams are able to get their rosters in on time, and the "penalty" isn't really all that stiff as opposed to last year's.

I do agree we need less red tape and more stories, but I feel this is a league wide problem and needed to be discussed and dealt with in a public manner. I meant no ill will or to step on any toes. I just want to get things ironed out so we can all relax, have fun and all be on the same page.

Real Man said...

Great stirring shit with the high and mighty Josh! He needs to be pushed down a peg. Overthrow!!! Krisatu for Commish!!! So says Real Man!!!

Krisatu said...

Haha. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Real Man but I was just trying to do my duties as vice-Commish and help ease some of the burden off of Josh. I meant no disrespect toward him or his office.

gryfflin said...

I vote yes that we extend the deadline to Tuesday and that a penalty system should be in place. I did tell Josh that I would be very strict this year because I am very busy. However Now that the season is underway I’ve come to realize that Sunday night is really the only time I have to write so it no longer matters to me when I get the teams.

Josh the Commish said...

Hey Real Man, thanks for the help in pushing me down a peg. Now it will be easier for me to kick you in the nuts. Asshole.

NFG Mike said...

Sounds like Real Man's just itching to show his new team what he can do! Quit holding out and play him!

Real Man said...

Ask and you shall receive NFG. I have been advised by owner of The Shitkickers that I will be leading his team into the fray this week. Bring some Depends as you crap your pants in fear of a true Real Man! So says I!!!

Ryan said...

Fizzle you are one lucky dude. You get to watch the debut of Real Man. I am sure he will make a game changing impact!

Josh the Commish said...

I can't wait. Although, he will most likely just say he's going to be in the match and then be a bitch and change his mind, leaving his team hanging. But at least after he proves nothing, I'm sure he'll find somebody to talk shit to, or about. As long as he doesn't have to do it to their face or anything.

-So says the Commish.

NFG Mike said...

I expect a thank you card from Fizz. I know of one combatant and its already a "match of the week" contender. Can't wait

Artifact said...

Sorry to disappoint but Beck's opponent this week is what spawned this thread and also Real Man wasn't offically started.

That being said, if Becks were to ever start him, the the terrain better be a ditch under a bridge because that guy is a cum guzzling troll who deserves to be ignored. The same way you ignore a man jacking off on a sidewalk or that kid who ate the paste in first grade.

So says Fizz.

Ryan said...


Josh the Commish said...

I love it Fizz. I now have this image of Real Man trying to talk shit with jizz pouring out of his mouth... Under a bridge of course.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with this.

He Who Sleeps

Ryan said...

Yeah but you still have to answer his three riddles before passing, otherwise he gets to snowball you.

Krisatu said...

I have it on good authority that I will be the one to bear witness to Real Man's debut.

Ruh roh.

gryfflin said...

wait there's a guy in our league named real man?