Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Horsemen vs Commandos

The roar of Godzilla rumbles through RAMA, followed by a series of explosions. President Obama  addresses the LMDs standing in front of him.

"LMD Bandmate  is on route as we speak. The red gem is where it's supposed to be, correct?"

"Affirmative. LMD designate amazon has acquired the power gem and dispatched the Horsemen spy. Designate crusader is equipped and awaiting dispatch. Brainwave program  for amazon is 89% complete with 34 seconds left to completion"

"Very good. Here's the orange gem. I took it from Linely before she started defiling herself with that filthy Horsemen who kept convulsing. Let's get to the Ark."

"Affirmative. Amazon is ready"

The two teleport to the ark. They arrive right infront of Bugs Bunny. Who's eyes pop out of his head in a wild take.

"Nyeeeh. What's up Barack?" he says as he pulls a giant mallet.  LMD Amazon grabs the cartoon rabbit and slams him into the ground, in a move that would normally break someone's next. But since Bugs is a cartoon, all he sees are stars.

Obama aims the orange gem and says "Let's see what happens when you're a real life, American rabbit" and transforms Bugs into a regular bunny. LMD Amazon crushes the cute, fluffy version of Bugs beneath her bootheel.

"Very nice. Again, on behalf of the Commandos, I'd like to thank you for your service. If my intel is correct, your target should be in the next room. Dispatch her quietly and ready yourself for the finale." He salutes the LMD.

LMD: Alpha remains motionless. As President Obama teleports back to RAMA to prepare the third LMD. Amazon takes off, ready to kill and replace Wonder Woman.


Krisatu said...

to be continued

Ryan said...


Lickolas said...


Lickolas said...

"What`s up Barack" was pretty brilliant by the way.