Monday, June 23, 2014

George Lucas Conference Final: Chapter XI

In the heavens above the Playoff Planet, a dogfight occurs between the Horsemen’s’ Darth Vader Sith Starfighter Transformer and the Midgets’ Deadpool in an F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter, Darth Talon in a tie interceptor, Boba Fett in a tie interceptor and Aayla Secura in an A-Wing. 

Although Secura is a well-trained Jedi, she is unable to avoid utter destruction at the hands of the Vader Transformer, currently in Sith Starfighter mode.   Both Secura and her A-Wing are blown to smithereens.  In response to their teammate’s death, Deadpool, Talon and Fett attempt to surgically strike the Vader ship.  The Transformer is riddled with laser fire and other weaponry, but nonetheless manages to destroy Deadpool’s fighter.  The mutant barely manages to jettison from the ship in time.  Vader also manages to destroy both tie interceptors, but due to the rings and armor associated with the duo, both Fett and Talon escape unscathed.   

As Deadpool floats in a parachute to the ground, he is met by Scar.  Scar manipulates the power of the Black and vomits at the mutant’s parachute.  The chute becomes encased in the spittle and Deadpool begins to plummet to the ground below.  Before hitting the surface, Scar sways the energy around Deadpool to overpower his mutant ability such that he is unable to compensate for the damage caused by the evil Guardian.   Deadpool dies before hitting the ground. 

The Vader Starfighter screams away with Scar, leaving Fett and Talon behind and miraculously untouched.

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