Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beckerman's Backyardigans: Beeyatches Vs. Miley's Whores and Barrack's Thug Commandos

B-3 is:

-General Zod


-White Lantern Kyle Raynor (w/ full spectrum ring).

-Lord Helspont

-Vampire Dark Phoenix


-Black Order:

-Proxima Midnight

-Black Dwarf

-Ebony Maw

-Super Giant

-Corvus Glaive

-Superior Spider-Man (Otto Octavius)

-Sentinel Prime (w/ Autobot Matrix of Leadership)

-Skeletor (w/ Gandalf the White’s staff).

-Darth Vader

-Abeloth (Mother of Mortis).

-Revan (w/ Mogo’s green lantern ring).

-Mazinger Z and Kouji Kabuto


The Commandos are:

-Iorek Birnenson

-Lyra Belacqua


-Will Perry


-Hanibal of Crete (w/ Tron Light Suit and Disc).

-Black Dragon #15

-Allosaurus #1-4

-Robin Thicke (w/ 2 of Grevious’ lightsabers and Despotellis’ yellow lantern ring).

-Alan Thicke (w/ a green lantern ring).

-Joanna Kern (w/ a Star Sapphire).

-Tracy Gold (w/ a yellow lantern ring).

-Jeremy Miller (w/ an Indigo lantern ring).

-Hannah Montana (w/ 2 of Grevious’ lightsabers).

-Gungan Soldier #40 (w/ a trident) (he has 9 deaths).

-Gungan Soldier #41-50 (some of them have 9 deaths).

-Acklay #3

-Witch #1-2

-Bail Organa (w/ a White Lantern Ring and a Ferengi Energy Whip).

-Red Dragon #3 (w/ 9 deaths).

-Red Dragon #4-6

-Bronze Dragon #1-6, & 16-19.

In an unanimous vote of 5 to 0....


Josh the Commish said...


Commandos: All dead.

B-3: Kyle Raynor, General Zod, Lord Vader, Skeletor, Quasar, and Thane survive.

Josh the Commish said...

B-3 will go up against The Horsemen of Apokolips in Round 2 for 850 points.

Ryan said...

Bring it Beckerman!!!!

Artifact said...

C'mon Becks! Lol

Solobeck said...

I'm bringing my prime time Predator-Terminator team!!! Cumin two getchu!