Thursday, April 30, 2015


The suns beat down on his back as he starts to dig yet another grave. The work doesn't bother him, it's the least he can to to honor the sacrifices made by those he considers his children, but it's another common grave yet again made and filled with no fanfare or recognition. And this season, this horrible purge, he's had to ask for help with his depressing task. He's vowed to himself that he'll at least dig the first shovelful of soil and put on the first shovelful when the casket is lowered in. It's not much, but it's something. The "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes-hero of the common man- just can't let these deaths be for nothing. These were people, people who fought and died to try and give themselves and their families a better life. To chase that 15 minutes of fame everyone craves, ignoring the warning of misrepresentation and ignorance to their kind. The labels of "bullet catchers" and "roster fillers" don't bother these intrepid souls. They think they can make a difference. And it's this different style of thinking that Dusty is determined to honor, even if it's only with a few shovels full of earth and the sweat off his brow, after their dreams turn to nightmares.

Dusty's efforts aren't going unnoticed however. From a different dimension, he watches. Watches and marvels at the efforts made to honor the cattle. Those nameless fools. The blind, glory chasers. Those who only serve to further satiates the blood lust of the purveyors of the FFL. It disgusts him.  The multiverse is screaming out in agony and it's cries are still ignored and dismissed. The Convergence. The Secret War. Even the tomes of the Sixth Gun. They all preach the same doomsday gospel, and yet are all just called a "summer event".

But he knows better. His time with the Cosmic Key enhanced his multiversal awareness and gave him the ability to tranverse the various cosmos. He has walked in Metropolis. He's stolen from the helicarrier. He's set up shop in the shadow of the Playoff Planet in the one area none would dare to investigate. The tomb of the one none speak of. The one they refuse to allow to rest in their soil. The destroyer. They dare not even speak his name, his crimes of genocide are so great. It is in his image that this plan has unfolded.

They still don't know. His opening attack on the timeline. Unnoticed. Rewritten and forgotten. Chalked up to a case of mistaken identity. But his master stroke relies on the Mickey Mouse Grindhouse not being successful. So when it appeared that they would be victorious, he struck the timeline in such a way that their demise would be assured. And it worked. As did his interference with the snowspeeder. A snowspeeder can be operated by a single driver, but it's even MORE effective when the rear gunner has cloaked himself in technology rendering him invisible to Watcher eye.

His next phase may not allow him to be so unnoticeable. This will require a direct assault on a team vault. He must gather the instruments of apocalypse. The weapons that bring about armageddon. The early tomes tell of their individual power. Power that was harness too early, without knowledge of what they TRULY can do. He will have those six. And he will end the worlds.

And they'll never see him coming.The man known as Stardust will ensure that all that will remain of this atrocity of a Fantasy League is nothing but the destruction that they all clamor for.


Josh the Commish said...

Sweet!! I'm excited.

Artifact said...

Very cool.

American Dream Dusty Rhodes said...

Let me tell ya, daddeh. The 'Merican Dream been diggin theeth graveth for thirty year. THIRTY YEAR! That's hard time, jack.