Monday, May 25, 2015

S8GLCF: Chapter V

Desert Region. . .  12:46 p.m. . .

Optimus Prime and Roller wade through the sands of the Desert Region in robot mode. The two Transformer modules stand by one another, as is meant to be in the Conference Finals. 

Optimus Prime:  Ready?

Roller:  Ready.

The two look upon the Beast Wars robots, Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Rattrap, Dinobot, Tigatron, Airazor, Silverbolt, Savage/Noble, Nightscream, Depth Charge, Scuba, Big Horn, Big Convoy and Blackarachnia, along with the entire Vehicle Voltron teams, being Air Team – Commander Jeff, Rocky, Wolo, Chip and Ginger and Land Team – Commander Cliff, Cinda, Modok, Marvin and Hutch.

The bashing and breaking of structural steel clamors throughout the desert as the conclave of Rabblerousers meet the Horsemen duo.  Optimus Prime and Roller coordinate their strikes together, managing to strategically blast a component of each Vehicle Voltron team, while defending themselves against the Beast Wars army.  At the end of the initial skirmish, the Land Team of Voltron is destroyed, with the Air team remaining.  Additionally, the Horsemen are able to take out Depth Charge and Scuba, Rattrap and Big Convoy.    Eventually, the sheer numbers is too much for both Optimus Prime and Roller and the two succumb to the remaining enemy.    

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