Monday, May 25, 2015

S8GLCF: Chapter X

City Region. . . 1:47 p.m. . .

The bodies of all Celestials litter the battlefield.  The stunned Horsemen stare at the robotic Megatron and Zombie Optimus Prime as the giants scan the battlefield for the remaining enemy while holding the tattered bodies of Achilles, Daken and Wonder Woman in their immense hands.  Daken enters the fray and in a beserker rage kills both Scarlett and Roadblock, while destroying their mechanical bodies.  Daken turns around and is bitten in half by Zombie Optimus Prime. 

Cyclops:  Xavier!!!  Where’s Professor Xavier!!!

The remaining Horsemen attempt to come together in a defensive formation, but to no avail since they cannot find a position necessary to confront the specific assault schemed by the Rabblerousers.

Green Lantern Ryan Poteracki:  That's great, this is really f#$kin' great, man. Now, what the f#$k are we supposed to do? We're in some pretty s@&t now, man.  Game over, man!  Game over!!!

Cyclops: Horsemen!  We are leaving!!!


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