Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Brock Sampson's "oops I didn't put a team in this week" Fighting Murderflies Vs. The Syracuse Valley

Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies are Brock Sampson, Guy Gardner & G'Nort, Howard the Duck, Booster Gold, Kyle Rayner, Beatrix Kiddo, Ted Nugent, King Leonidas, Jedi Master #20, Ginaz Swordsmen #10, Greedo, Dorf, Shatterstar, Juggernaut, Bat-girl, The Capt. Planet Crew, The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, & Scooby-doo w/ Scooby Dumb, Mecha Godzilla, Caramon & Raistlin Majere, Rancor #1 & 2, Ewok #4-40, The Power Puff Girls: Bubbles, Blossom, & Buttercup, Ron Popeil, U.S. Marine #1-12, & Clone Trooper #26.

The Syracuse Valley is Master Chief, Omega Red, Darth Maul, Sith Lord #4, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, & Raphael, Splinter, Casey Jones, Soundwave w/ Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Lazerbeak, Buzzsaw, & Ratbat, Nightcrawler, Venom, The Battletoads: Zit, Rash, & Pimple, Star Fox, Sonic the Hedgehog & Tails, Bossk, Hammer Bros. #1-6, Boomerang Bros. #1-6, Fire Bros. #1-6, Giant Hammer Bros. #1-6, Xenomorph #85-90, Kree Soldier #1-6, Navy Sailor #60-65, Moritani Soldier #1-6, Little Goomba #1-27, & Treasure Troll #4.

Head Coach King Leonidas has gotten sick of sitting on the sidelines which is why he made the decision to fight along side his team this week. Leonidas shows how anxious he was by drawing first blood as he leads Jedi Master #20 and Ginaz Swordsmen #10 into battle. 3 wildly different types of swords swing through the air as they easily plow through all 6 Navy men and all 6 of the Moritani Grumman. They then attack the 6 Fire Bros. The Jedi goes out in front to block their fire balls with his lightsaber while the other 2 rush in to finish them off. Using their new Ronco patented Auto-reloaders on their rifles the Marines move against the 6 Xenomorph's. They rush them as a unit but the Xenomrophs fight back quickly and aggressively with the Marines. The Marines do manage to kill all 6 of the rampaging aliens but only Marine #4 & 7 are left alive, both of them were also hit by the alien's acid blood which has left them scarred and wounded. Clone Trooper #26 starts blasting the slow moving little Goombas and takes out Goomba #1,4-8, & 19 but Goomba #2 walks up to the trooper and touches him in the leg which kills him (that's all they have to do you know). Omega Red kicks G'Nort in the chest and then lands on top of him but before he can finish him off Guy Gardner blasts the mutant with his power ring, he then brings down a huge anvil of green energy on top of Omega Red and kills him. G'Nort then decides to do something right for the first time this season as he drops a gigantic dog bone on the 6 Boomerang Bros. Darth Maul and his apprentice Darth Rave move against King Leonidas and his crew. The 4 crimson blades come swinging at them as the Jedi Master faces off against Darth Maul while Lord Rave stabs the Ginaz Swordsmen before he can react. King Leonidas avenges his Ginaz trained friend by relieving Lord Rave of his head but Darth Maul proves to be to fast and skilled for them as he finishes off the Jedi Master and then plunges his double-bladed lightsaber into the heart of Leonidas. Soundwave ejects all 6 of his tapes but The Power Rangers are there to answer the call. Jason and Zack pull out there weapons and slice right through the metal bodies of Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw with their cosmic sword and axe. Trini and Kimberly double team Ratbat by bringing it down with their little knife/lazer gun combo weapons but Billy is attacked by Ravage who pounces on the blue ranger. Jason moves his hips around wildly and then yells "Hey....(long pause while they translate from Japanese) they got Billy, let's go help him". The other 4 Rangers then grab Ravage and blast him into several pieces but it is to late for Billy who is already dead. The Kree soldiers run in an rip Dorf apart with their superior strength bu Juggernaut rushes towards them and plows right over all 6 of them. Juggernaut then runs through the Goombas as if he had just gotten the star and wipes out #2, 9-18, & 20-27. Howard the Duck uses his favorite Quack-Fu drop kick to kill Treasure Troll #4. Star Fox shoots Daphne with his lazer gun as he and Master Chief are running as fast as they can to try and keep up with Sonic and Tails. As the 4 video game stars rush into a nearby building where the Murderflies set up camp before the start of the fight the false floor gives out and the 4 of them fall into the dirty old basement of the building. They here a distant "Gotcha" and "Ruh Roh" from the floor above them as Howard the Duck lights up a cigar and looks at Scoob and the Gang to say "Another mystery solved, huh guys"? Sonic yells "look" as the 2 Rancors that the murderflies put in the dark basement come out to feast on their prey. Before they are eaten Master Chief waves his gun in the air and says "And we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you snooping kids"! "Scooby-Dooby-Doo". The Power Puff Girls quickly fly in between the large and small hammers being thrown at them and wipe out all 6 Hammer Bros. and all 6 Giant Hammer Bros. Splinter leads his turtles and Casey Jones against Brock Sampson, Beatrix Kiddo, Shatterstar, Bat-girl, and the Brothers Majere. Caramon and Raistlin face off against Michelangelo and Raphael. Raistlin takes a step back as his much larger brother tries to fend off the Ninjas with his broad sword. Caramon finds a weak spot between Mikey's shell but as he is stabbing him Raph gets Caramon in the back of the neck with his Sai. Now that Caramon is not in the way Raistlin has the room to blast Raphael with a bit of magic that is approaching the dark arts. Beatrix Kiddo and Batgirl work just as good togeather as the 2 turtles who grew up with each other but it is still a fairly long and well-matched battle that ensues before the 2 women finish off Leonardo and Donatello. Shatterstar slices Casey Jones hockey stick in half and then sticks his other sword into Casey Jones' heart. Splinter on the other hand fairs a little better as he somersaults past Brock Sampson and pulls out his cane sword to stab him in the back of the neck. Nightcrawler "Bamfs" onto the scene but as soon as he shows up Booster Gold blasts him in the face to instantly kill the fuzzy little mutant. The Battletoads try to contact Master Chief because he had formulated a plan to possibly take out Mecha Godzilla, but unfortunetely for the 3 amphibians Master Chief is dead. The Battletoads have basically no plan whatsoever when they valiantly (or foolishly) run at Mecha-Godzilla which is why the fight is not very time consuming as Mecha-Godzilla crushes 1, then burns 1, and then crushes another 1. Bossk jumps in front of the rampaging Juggernaut and starts unloading his blaster rifle into him but it proves futile as Juggernaut runs over him without even slowing down. Kyle Rayner proves that he is not the most useless Green Lantern ever when he iniolates Venom and the alien symbiote suit that Eddie Brock is hosting. Rumble and Frenzy take flight to do battle with the Power Puff Girls when Soundwave sees that Darth Maul is surrounded by almost the entire Brock Sampson squad. Ted Nugent and Greedo begin shooting at the Sith Lord who is easily blocking all of the shots until Kyle Rayner,Guy Gardner and G'Nort start shooting at him as well; while Shatterstar, The Bride, and Batgirl start to inch up on him without getting to close. The Capt. Planet Brats then combine their powers to form Capt. Planet who they send in to get the killing blow against the overwhelmed Darth Maul. Soundwave orders Rumble and Frenzy back to him. They fly back but Frenzy grabs Splinter and drops him on to Soundwave's back before the two Decepticon tapes transform and go back into Soundwave. The ewoks start singing and playing the drums on the dead Decepticons with the Hammer Bros'. hammers in celebration. The 3 Decepticons follow Splinter's order under protest as he risks death by making them pick up Little Goomba #3 in the course of retreating, because Splinter never leaves a teammate behind.

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