Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Better Than All of You Vs. Le' Napoleon Brigade

Better Than All of You is Predator #1-3, & Orc #1.

Le’ Napoleon Brigade is Skeletor’s Crack Troop #1-12, & Storm Trooper #51-59.

For those of you who are sick of dialogue-based, incoherent, rambling nonsense in the Pre-Season this match should be right up your alley. The Predator’s and orc grunt at each other a couple of times and The Brigade’s Troopers wave at each other with some military hand signals. Granted if the Storm Troopers had any personality or sense of humor they would point out that Skeletor’s Troopers are nothing but a complete rip-off of them but luckily they don’t. Normally the Storm Troopers might take the lead in this kind of tactical mission but considering that they are on the Crack Troops home world the Storm Troopers have been instructed to follow their lead. The Troopers think they are doing an excellent job of being stealth like until they realize that they are missing 6 of the storm troopers and 1 crack troop because an invisible Predator has been quietly picking them off one by one. Crack Troop #1 then sees in the distance Orc #1 hiding behind a large rock. The Crack Troop gives the signal to fire which all of the troopers follow. They easily take out the orc but then in the process they reveal something as well. The thick black orc blood splatters onto the invisible Predator #2 that was standing next to him which leaves him open to fire as well. The Predator realizes that his position is compromised which prompts him to throw his rounded blade weapon at his opponents. The immediate laser fire from the troopers manages to take out the revealed Predator but the Predator’s boomerang-like weapon takes out 3 Crack Troops and 1 more Storm Trooper. The 2 remaining Predators then rush to the sound of blaster rifle fire, knowing full well that their teammates are probably dead but that their death will provide the opening they need to achieve victory. The 2 Predators then jump in from behind the remaining troopers with their melee weapons drawn and finish off the remaining troopers. They then gut the soldiers and hang them from The Eternian rocks to show off the days hunting prize.

1 comment:

Lickolas said...

Nice victory Joe. I mainly just wanted to give this match a post, the zero comments just made my eyes rain.