Monday, February 16, 2009

The Untouchables Vs. Alice's Wonder Team

The Untouchables are She-Ra, Swift Wind, Madame Razz & broom, The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, & Zealot.

Alice’s Wonder Team is Tyler Derdon, Kimbo Slice, Vampire #1-3, & Treasure Troll #3.

On the steep Eternian Mountain side the seasoned FFL veteran Kimbo Slice turns to his best friend Tyler Derdon and says “well Tyler we each have 9 deaths, it looks like this may be our last hurrah”. “The 6th rule of Fantasy Fantasy is that you never talk about how many deaths you have acquired”. Derdon replies. “I thought that was the 5th rule”? Questions Mr. Slice. “It is both”! Answers Kimbo’s homeboy. The Slice man then turns to his friend and says “You know Tyler, you really are insane; and I want you to keep in mind who that is coming from”. The Fight Club/Alice’s Wonder Team founding member Tyler Derdon then turns to the Kimbonater and utters what will be the last words of their epic friendship: “I know Kimbo” he says “now let’s go destroy something beautiful”. With that being said the fighters rush into the ranks of The Untouchables Tyler Derdon though only a man tackles the powerful Sorceress of Castle Grayskull and Kimbo, following his lead does the same to the WILDCAT known as Zealot. The 4 of them go toppling off of the mountain to their death. The feeling of surprise that is felt by the 2 Untouchables is only matched by the feeling of joy being simultaneously felt by Kimbo and Derdon in their life-sacrificing attempt to even the odds for the Wonder Team that they have dedicated everything to. The Vampires, trying to take advantage of their teammate’s diversion rush She-Ra and her peeps. She-Ra who is atop her steed Swiftwind is taken off guard by the attack due to the fact that she naturally wanted to be the team to charge so she could take advantage of her superior height and speed when on top of the animal. In the melee Swiftwind rears up on her hind legs and crushes Treasure Troll #3 on her way down but Vampire #2 tackles the horse sending She-Ra onto the ground. The Vampire instantly bites the jugular of Swiftwind killing her. An enraged She-Ra pulls out her sword and uses it to remove the Vampire’s head while he is in mid-bite. Madam Razz tries to cast a spell to fling the Vampires off of the mountain but trips over her words and accidentally falls off of Broom. Vampire #1 picks up a large rock to use as weapon and moves against She-Ra but she dodges his attack and swings her sword narrowly missing the neck of the vampire and then cutting off one of his fingers on the downswing. Vampire #3 tries to jump onto Madam Razz who is just now brushing herself off and starting to get up when Broom flies in front of his master to try and save her. The powerful vampire punches the living Broom and breaks it into 2 pieces. “NOOOOOOOOOOO” Madam Razz yells as she sees her best friend Broom broken in two. She goes to pick up Broom just as Vampire #3 moves in for the kill. Madam Razz in a last ditch attempt to protect herself against the attacker takes the sharp end of Broom and sticks what used to be her old friend right into the heart of the vampire killing him. Meanwhile She-Ra proves her superior fighting prowess by dodging his rock attacks and then going in for the kill with a sword blow which severs Vampire #1’s head from his body.


Ryan said...

Wow, after seeing fellow teammates fall in battle, Kimbo and Tyler definately made the most of their 10th death.

Nice win Amy.

Lickolas said...

Nice match Josh, it looks like the grave yard just got a little bit more crowded.