Thursday, June 17, 2010

Season Three: Week 2: Consolation Match: The Abomitrons vs. Oblivio

The Abomitrons are Immell #2 Batteldae (a clone of Batman & Tim Cheveldae), Immell #3 Robin Murray (a clone of Tim Drake & The Bry) and Naboo Soldier #2.

Oblivio is Troll #7.

Conrad, the Naboo Soldier, is pacing back and forth around the Houslander’s kitchen table wishing that they had been able to program some sort of intelligible language into the Immell clones. As it is though, all he can make out in their conversation is something that resembles a mishmash of words all ending in double M’s and double L’s. Conrad is basically just waiting for the match to start in hopes that he can somehow come out of this one alive.

You see, as a common character, his chance of survival is much slimmer than someone of actual ranking. He knows that he is basically just a living bullet catcher and that his usefulness ranks up their with common Storm Troopers (as if there was another kind) and a huge rock that somebody more important could stand behind to protect themselves from incoming fire. As of right now, he was still uncertain of whom he was going to be up against. Despite all of that though, he was in good spirits and was going to do everything in his power to try and not be just another stereotypical common in this league.

As he paced back and forth, he heard the noise of something coming up to the house. He walked to the front of the house to see what was going on when he noticed a very large Troll heading his way. He immediately drew his blaster and yelled back to his team to take cover. The Troll stood about twelve feel tall and was headed towards the house with great momentum.

The three Abomitron members quickly took to their attack positions and seconds later the Troll came barreling through the door. The Troll’s club bashed down front door of the house and soon enough he was in the kitchen. Immell #2 took his grappling hook out and shot it through the legs of the Troll and into the remains of the wall on the other side of the house. Immell #2 then slid between the legs of the Troll and was now on the other side of the great beast.

Conrad was quite impressed by the move and was wondering what was going to come of it. Immell #3 then grabbed the blaster out of the hand of Conrad and threw it to Immell #2. Immell #2 caught the gun and proceeded to blast the Troll in the back of the head. It only took a couple of shots to the back of the Troll’s head to send it crashing to the ground. Once the Troll was on the ground both of the Immell’s made sure the oversized menace was officially put out of commission by using everything they could find to kill the beast.

As Conrad stood there in awe of his teammates expedited dispatching of their opponent, he was at the same time joyful and discouraged. Of course he was happy to have come out of this rather speedy match alive, but he was still hoping to have contributed in some sort of way. As he just stood there waiting for the Immell’s to come back, Immell #2 walked over to him and handed him his blaster. The Immell said something to him that made little sense but he did have a look of admiration on his face. Conrad took that look as a sign of acknowledgment from his teammate of a job well done. For sometimes it is better to do nothing at all and win, then to try your hardest and lose. After all, it’s the little victories that always count in the end. Well, sometimes the big victories are pretty wonderful as well. In this case, Conrad was going to have to be happy with any victory that he could get.

Oblivio: All Dead

The Abomitrons: Immell #2 & #3 along with Naboo Solider #2 survived

The Abomitrons are Victorious!!!


Josh the Commish said...
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Josh the Commish said...

The zapper and proton pack went to Immells #12 & 13.