Saturday, September 6, 2014

Universe Bowl VII: Post 10: Chaos

Chaos, it’s the only truthful way to describe it.

Both team’s combatants continue to fight despite the chaos that surrounds them. It is difficult to say whether or not either side fully realizes what is going on, the one thing that is apparent, is both sides are continuing this fight despite all the reports I have read involving an alliance between the Kitties and the Midgets.

The fight is taking place over the remains of what I believe used to be the Stalwart Valley region. It is now nothing but a ruin, filled with giant cracks in the landscape. Never ending fires with smoke billowing out with a consistency that would lead you to believe it was nothing more then an industrial complex design. The constant rain that has leveled the planet almost completely unrecognizable has lead most water creatures either to the surface or forced them deeper into the sea. The constant earthquakes and fissures in the earth have destroyed most bodies of water, relocating the water to who knows where.

Like I said, Chaos.

Above me flies Dick Grayson in his Rockwell X-30 followed closely by John and Mary Grayson via their Green Lantern Rings. Adam Warlock in on the ground but it is very apparent he has something up his sleeve. Due to constant changes in sea levels, Aquaman has been forced to the surface to fight on land. The shear amounts of water coming from the sky may be working in his favor but it is difficult to tell truly what is going on here.

A violent release of energy from the fissures is not uncommon anymore, keeping most of the fighting away from these cracks. Down on the surface, a fight breaks out between Duncan Idaho and Feral, a fight that leaves Feral dead and Duncan extremely hurt. In what looked like Mala giving her enemy aid in the form of care, has since turned into Hawkman slitting the throat of the Dune hero and verbally scolding his Wookie Teammate. Not that it has seemed to matter much as Thundercracker leveled the entire street that Hawkman and Mala were on, easily killing them.

Thundercracker landed momentarily but what happened next is a first as far as I am concerned. A new fissure opened up directly below the Transformer, yet instead of the usual blast of, whatever it usually is, a stream of green energy hit Thundercracker, taking him by complete surprise, destroying him where he stood. All that remains of him is the glow of his yellow lantern ring, which due to the growing fissure in the ground, eventually fell into the earth’s core or at least falling down into the newly born hole.

Nearby all three Grayson’s are now fighting with Adam Warlock, who has since taken to flight himself. As the four of them not only dodge attacks from each other, they also have to contend with the ever-constant blasts coming up from the ground. Warlock is able to blow the left wing of Dick’s plane, sending him into a tailspin that is quickly saved by Mary via her ring. Unfortunately for Mary, this moment of valor for her teammate left her unprotected as the NL Conference Finals MVP has taken full advantage by redirecting the planets energy blasts right into the female Grayson. I still have not seen a body but she is presumed dead.
John is not taking this death very kindly but despite his rage and his lantern ring, it is still no match for the super powered Warlock. John is taken down to the ground by Warlock, striped of his ring and killed on the street. Warlock then took to flight once more, forced the once protected X-30 plane of Dick Grayson down into one of the fissures only to see it blown to bits moments later after another release from the planet.

It looks as if Warlock is alone now in this ruined city, taking in what is left of the battered landscape. I suppose this is it for this report…wait, Warlock is fighting once more. It is difficult to tell due to the heavy downpour and smoke but it looks like he is near the new crack in the landscape that destroyed Thundercracker. It is a woman or a girl, she is easily holding her own though against him. There is now a third person, who, and I could be wrong, is climbing out of the crack in the ground. Yes, she is still alive; both Troy’s are now fighting Adam Warlock. Wonder Woman somehow survived her fight and fall with Zombie Supergirl all those weeks ago.

It now appears that her and Donna Troy are taking on Adam Warlock, by surprise nonetheless. The fight is fast but it is quite apparent that the two women are more then a match for Him. Warlock is now on the ground with Diana standing on his neck. Donna has taken flight over head, still ascending. She has now turned around, heading back down towards the ground. Warlock is struggling to get up but Diana is having very little trouble fighting his advances. Donna is heading straight down towards the Midgets very powerful fighter and wow, just wow. There is rubble everywhere and it is, hold on, yes, Adam Warlock is dead.

Donna came down at breakneck speed and pummeled the Midget member directly into the ground.

The brutality took me off guard there for a moment, I apologize for that.

Both Wonder Woman and Donna Troy have now left this place, no doubt in search of their remaining teammates. It also looks like Aquaman has left with them. It is unclear why he did not fight with his team but it does not look like the super powered women are giving him any grief for it either.

That makes one disappearance accounted for with Wonder Woman and as we said, we are now presuming Zombie Supergirl to be deceased. In regards to the living, breathing Supergirl, she is still nowhere to be seen.

A surprisingly eventful battle here in the former Stalwart Valley.  If anything else happens I will surely contact you guys again, for now though, I think I have seen enough action for one day.

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

Very cool action!! Did Ryan have a part in that??