Monday, September 1, 2014

Universe Bowl VII: Post 7

I found the complete letter from Governor Morris to Bill Duer. It was evidently from last spring, shortly after the Week 5 matches. In lieu of what has occurred it sheds a little bit more light on what we are dealing with.

April 27, 2014

Mr. Duer,

As you know, the past couple of weeks have been complicated to say the least. The casualties on every side were great, more then even I imagined. I never wanted it to go this far but since it has, I see no way for us to turn our backs on it now. When we gained control of the “Process”, as our scientists are now calling it, we thought we were just taking control away from the Watchers, which we were, but we did not fully understand the power that we created.

Now I know per our many conversations that we did not actually create this power. I realize that we stole this power from the Watchers by the only way we knew possible. What I am writing to you about right now is something different. I say different because the power that we thought we were in control of is not exactly the power we intended to create. I apologize for the vagueness of this letter but as of right now, we are still not sure what it is.

I do not need to explain everything to you as you already know much of the internal research, but I need to go over a couple of things. When we manipulated the Chaos King, we didn’t think twice about what we were doing in regards to consequences. We were so preoccupied with taking over the Process that we didn’t even consider the repercussions of doing it. Despite our success with taking over the Machine as we set out to do, we failed to put any research into what it would mean overall.

With that being said, we have since looked into it and what we have found is quite startling to say the very least. We knew from the beginning that the Process was tied directly to the Graveyard. Given we are still not quite sure how this was originally created, but we are sure that this is how they have regenerated our planet for all of these years. Which naturally means that the Graveyard is older then we originally thought, possibly as old as our planet itself.

Back on point though: How does this relate to what we did?

When we took over the Process, we did it to take power away from the Watchers; that was it. What we created in the interim is vastly different from what we originally conceived and so much worse. The energy we stole from the Chaos King was unstable to say the least and therefore uncontrollable for the most part. This led us into forcing the residual energy into certain levels of our research facilities that stretch throughout our planet. After months of cycling through these different facilities we assumed that it’s dissipation was either a natural occurrence or just the energy losing its, well, energy to put it bluntly.

At first we worried about what it might do to our planet but once we gained control of the Process, we put it to the side as something to deal with at another time. We now know we have made a grave error in judgment. This unstable energy was unstable because we separated it from itself. Now this is a very basic explanation of what has occurred but it is the simplest way to explain it. The real reason why we have lost so many people over these last few weeks has very little to do with the constant battles that have been taking place. That energy has taken on the form of something that we are still not sure what it truly is. The only thing we know for sure is that the energy is a concentrated form of the power that exists in the Graveyard; only it is not being controlled by anyone outside of itself. This means that despite our greatest efforts to tame whatever this “Being” is, we have no way of stopping it. That means that very quickly our entire planet, including everything inhabiting it will eventually be overtaken by it.

The timetable is still fuzzy at this time but our most conservative estimates put the total annihilation of our planet at 184 days, just over six months. Bill, I know much of what you have supported in the past has been overzealous to say the least, but I know even you never wanted anything like this. We took the power away from the Watchers and in the process, have destroyed everything that we originally sought out to save. Please Bill, listen to everything in this letter and do whatever you can to help us.

We will continue to find a way to fight this but as of right now, we have nothing. Once the planet is infected, there will be nothing we can do. Though as one of our chief analyst’s pointed out, we are not fighting an infection, we are fighting the cure.

With Sincere Regrets,

Governor Morris


Solobeck said...

I am posting a comment: I like UBVII so far. Nice job Nickatu.

Josh the Commish said...

Very wordy!! But good stuff, Thanks Governor. I'm not sure even Bill Duer can get them out of this one.

NFG Mike said...

I shall also post a comment in favor of this Universe Bowl.