Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Right Wing vs The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets are Superboy, Bill Kelley (w/ a blue lightsaber), & Ewok Baby #1 & 2.

The Right Wing is Superwoman, & Atticus Finch.

“Alright Bill, we’re out of the Playoffs. But let’s still send a message to The Right Wing and the rest of the League,” Superboy says to Bill Kelley as they are transported to Pandora. Bill takes a final long drag from his cigarette and agrees and simply nods back. The moment they set foot on the jungle floor, Superboy is blindsided by Superwoman and slammed into a tree. Atticus Finch nails Bill with a stiff right hook right in the jaw as well. He then cocks his rifle. “I remember when my daddy gave me this gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house; and that he'd rather I'd shoot at tin cans in the backyard. But he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go after birds would be too much, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted - if I could hit 'em; but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird,” says Atticus as he aims it at the fallen Bill. “Yeah well I’m no bird,” Bill says as he ignites his lightsaber and drives it into Finch’s chest. He then leans up against a tree and fires up a cigarette. The two Ewok babies crawl up next to his feet as he sees the trees rustling around from what must be Superboy and Superwoman’s battle. “Lois?!?! What the hell?” yells Superboy as he realizes that he’s being attacked by a super-powered Lois Lane. She doesn’t even bother responding, she just keeps coming with blow after blow. But Superboy retaliates and grabs a hold of Lois’s leg and spins her around, slamming her into a tree. “Man Clark’s gonna be pissed about this,” he says as he grabs a hold of Superwoman and snaps her neck. Superboy then flies back down to Bill Kelley. “So how’d you do? I hear that Atticus Finch is one hell of a hero, Superboy says. “No need to be afraid of him, Connor. He's all bluff,” Bill replies.



Krisatu said...

Tell me that Bill Kelley lit his cigarette with his lightsaber. Cause that'd be a stone pimp maneuver.

Ryan said...

Yes. Yes he did.

Josh the Commish said...

The Mithril Vest was given to Haldir.