Monday, March 18, 2013

Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve Vs. Griffin's High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers

Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve are The Phoenix Five: Cyclops, Collossus, Emma Frost, Namor, and Magik, The Ghostbusters: Peter Venkman, Ray Stanz, Egon Spengler, and Winston Zeddimore, Zombie Absorbing Man, Zombie Mr T., The Matrix Twins, and Avengelyne.
Griffin’s High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers are Archangel, Daken, Fantomex and EVA, Vengeance, Vampire Yoda, Sumara (w/ Legion Flight Ring), Mrs. Voorhies (w/ red lantern ring), Damien Thorn (w/ yellow lantern ring), Mrs. Blaylock, Damien’s Rotwiler, Ghostface (w/ red lightsaber), Raven Knight (Immell #11), and The Monkguin.

These teams waste no time squaring off in the throne room of the lair of Carlos Olivera: Ruler of The Graveyard, and first ever character to inhabit this domain of death and destruction. Along with his right hand men Goblin #1 and Little Goomba #1, they police the comings and goings of all characters in the FFL. Egon is forced to throw away his PKE Meter, as it is driving everybody crazy by running at top capacity ever since they showed up at the Graveyard: “OKAY, We get it. There are ghosts HERE”!! Yelled Venkman as he gave Egon a wicked stink eye before the scientist discarded the tool into a firey crevice in the ground. Ray makes the first move and yells “there’s one”!! As he and his fellow busters turn their proton packs on Ghostface. They are quickly reminded that proton packs work just as good (or better) at busting humans as they do ghosts, as they fry Ghostface alive. Avengelyne at first seems outmatched by Raven Knight’s superior weaponry (her red lightsaber) and her magical abilities but Avengelyne manages to duck under the attack of Raven knight and find a spot under the left arm of The Immell’s to fill with her blade. Zombie Absorbing Man, grabs a hold of Sumara and realizes that his undead absorbing abilities can’t handle the pure evil locked inside of Sumara. Sumara allows the release of just enough of her energy to overload the zombie.

Dozens of dead FFLers are spotted running from the Biker spirit known simply as Vengenace, but The Phoenix Five are moving directly towards him. The Biker blasts his spikes at them, but Collossus moves faster than a character of his size should ever be able to, to rip the spirit right out of Vengeance, limb by limb. The Phoenix Five are then presented with the threat of Vampire Yoda, along with a contingent of The Dope Fiends mutants, but as this battle heats up, we shall examine some of the other fighting…

The Monkguin, as if he were not powerful enough with all of his inherent abilities from that of both a monkey and a penguin uses all of his training he received from the secret government agency that developed him. It is this training that makes it take a least an extra few seconds for Zombie Mr. T to grab that fool and start eating him. Damien smiles very creepily as he avenges the Monkguin by ripping Mr. T to pieces with his yellow power ring. The Matrix twins have their long history of battling for The Kennellz (dating all the way back to the team being known as The Outsiders) in mind as they decide that this place should suit them just fine after they give their lives in this battle. They draw out their switchblades and ignite their lightsabers one last time as they are hell bent on taking as many Dope Fiends with them as possible before they go. When the twins first arrive they see Damien Thorn and his crew of nasty Mcnastersons having their way with The Ghostbusters (I admit it, I just thought it would be funny for The Matrix Twins to try and save The Ghostbusters). Mrs. Voorhies is slicing and dicing Egon while Mrs. Baylock and the dog are both using their teeth to finish off Winston. The twins rip through Zeddimore’s attackers first with their duo of slicing weapons, and move on to their boss Damien. Damien blasts yellow energy at the pair; but the twins are able to dodge the attacks and then slice him in to thirds with simultaneous swings of their green sabers. They remove Mrs. Voorhies head next, but not before she is able to run Ray through. The twins make short work of The Friday the 13th villain but the antagonist from The Ring proves a bit more difficult as she just looks at twin #2 to capture what essence he had left and make sure it stays right here in The Graveyard. Matrix Twin #1 is able to use a mix of his powers left over from the original matrix, along with his lightsaber to avenge his brother’s death, but his victory leaves no time for celebration as Vampire Yoda beheads him without breaking stride on his way to battle The Phoenix Five.

Vampire Yoda, much to the surprise of The Dope Fiend team that drafted him is not at all evil. He still has a thirst for blood and an undead soul; but the residual force power in his being and the sheer amount of midi-chlorians in his cells is more than enough to overcome whatever evil the vampire disease could have caused for him. Cyclops unleashes a full phoenix-powered optic blast towards the vampire Jedi Master, but Yoda ignites his lightsaber and blocks it. Yoda struggles to hold back the power; but it is not his force ability that gives out, it is his weapon. Yoda looks down to see his own lightsaber melting under the power of Cyclops forcing him to let go of the damaged weapon and duck under the attack. Yoda leaps and runs to dodge Cyclops’ attacks after his saber is fully destroyed and jumps up to the neck of Cyclops ripping out his Adam’s Apple with his new found vampire teeth. Yoda then shows Magik the true meaning of her name by force pushing her into the lava moat guarding King Olivera’s throne (but not before Magik rips apart EVA with ease). Archangel and Daken have never much liked each other. Whether it be here as members of The Dope Fiends or on their former team, The Horsemen of Apokolips. But they can’t deny how well they work together, or how well their methods match up (and hey, at least they have one thing in common… They both think Wolverine is a dick). The two of them, along with Fantomex take on both Collossus and Emma Frost, while the weaponless Yoda is finally caught in the bare hands of Namor and relieved of his head through the strength of Namor’s Phoenix backed Atlantean strength. Emma Frost manages to use her powers of energy projection to wipe out Fantomex (see Ryan, now Emma Frost actually does have energy projection powers… So there (anybody else actually remember that season one comment board debate??)). But Archangel uses his teammates demise to swoop in behind Frost and catch her off guard. He manages to use his wings to slice he in half Darth Maul style at the waste. Collossus then grabs a hold of Archangel and snaps his neck right before Daken is catches the Russian from behind actually chipping his claws as he plunges them through his organic steel body and into his heart. The last remaining member of The Phoenix Five begins to size up Daken; but before their skirmish can begin Avengelyne sneaks up from behind the son of Wolverine and uses her sword to inflict the will of out creator upon the sinner Daken (he can’t heal from it, cause God said so). Venkman exclaims “I love this team!! Let’s do that whole Universe Bowl thing again this year”!! As…


Josh the Commish said...

Michael Vickz Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve are Victorious!!

Dope Fiends: All dead

Kennelz: Namor, Venkman, and Avengelyne survive.

Ryan said...

Haha. Yes, now Emma does have energy projection powers.

NFG Mike said...

This controversy has piqued my interest. Gonna fire up the DeLorean and see what went down.

TruBlue15 said...

Please assign one lightsabre to Peter Venkman and the other to Brandon Inge

Josh the Commish said...

Hey Matt, I thought that we weren't going to change to that format, until after we had voted on it, and until after everybody had chosen their 25 items that they wished to be passed on. I was going to post a forum where we could vote/discuss this towards the end of the year; but I could do it sooner instead. Does that sound okay?? With that being said, while we transition; we should definitely go with your lightsabers going to Venkman and Inge. I just want to make sure that if a change is going to be made, that that is indeed what the majority wants. I'll be sure to post something, as soon as I am in front of a real computer, and not just posting from my phone.