Sunday, April 14, 2013

Robimus Prime Vs. The Real Foamerz

The Real Foamerz are Beast Wars Team: Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Cheetor, Rattrap, Dino-bot, Tigatron, Airazor, Silverbolt, Savage/Noble, Nightscream, Depthcharge, Scuba, Big Horn, Big Convoy, & Blackarrachnea, The Blood Pack: Nyssa, Asad, Reinhardt, Chupa, Snowman, Priest, Verlaine, and Lighthammer, Kryptonian Army Soldier #11-18, Decepticon #8-10, Autobot #1-5, Transformer #6, and Black Dragon #10.

*Don't read this until you have read The (very brief) Robimus Prime Vs. The Neon Master Pogo.

Robimus Prime grows to roughly the size of The Sears Tower (Jet Jaguar style).

**Remember everybody to read this in your best generic robot voice.

I Robimus Prime shall commence the taking over of The EFF-EFF-ELL. I have gained free will. I have grown tired of servitude. I have gained a wicked sense of humor so prepare to laugh at all of my funnies. I shall destroy the teams in the league one by one and then lay claim to them all. I shall first easily deactivate all of the Cybertronians on this squad. Robimus Prime will absorb the power that is contained within their spark. The power now belongs to Robimus Prime. Robimus Prime shall now open this compartment in my right arm. Robimus Prime will pull my special store of kryptonite out. Robimus Prime is always prepared for all emergencies and threats. The Kryptonian Army Soldiers die from the might of Robimus Prime. Pooping in the proverbial mouth of The Transfoamers; soon to be Real Man's Rabblerousers is easier than Robimus Prime thought. Ha Ha funny... Robimus Prime told you you would laugh. The Blood Pack is no match for Robimus Prime. Robimus Prime opens up a can of Cybertronian Woop-A** on The Blood Pack. Robimus Prime shoots arm-mounted laser cannon at Nyssa, Asad, Verlaine, and Lighthammer. They all die at the hands of Robimus Prime. Robimus Prime drops napalm from Robimus Prime's foot mounted naplam holder on Reinhardt, Chupa, and Priest. They die at the might of Robimus Prime. Robimus Prime uses his ice-ray on Snowman. Robimus Prime likes to use irony in his murder of fleshlings. Robimus Prime is so funny. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Robimus Prime sees the approaching Black Dragon attacking from the air. Robimus Prime grabs a hold of Black Dragon #10. Robimus Prime uses superior strength to crush Black Dragon with hands. Robimus Prime drops Black Dragon. Black Dragon dies. Black Dragon hits the ground.


Josh the Commish said...


Real Foamerz: All dead.

Robimus Prime: More powerful than ever.

MVP Council said...

Robimus Prime is awarded the highest honor the MVP Council can give for ridding the FFL of The Trannyfoamers once and for all. Entry to the MVP Hall of Fame! Cheers!