Monday, May 24, 2010

P.M.S. vs Better Than All of You

P.M.S. is Freddy Krueger (w/ a yellow power ring), The Sentry, IG-88, Black Dragon #12, Aerial Clone Trooper Captain #1, & Aerial Clone Trooper #1-6.

Better Than All of You is Yellow Lantern #1 & 2, Red Lantern #1, Lonestar, Barf, & Astro-Droid #17 (RVD-1), in a Y-Wing Bomber, Batman Beyond, & Hulk Hogan (w/ Mandalorian Armor & a blue lightsaber).

Hulk Hogan, in his Mandalorian Armor, leads his team through the air to face P.M.S. But with a woosh of air, Hogan disappears from his team’s view. “What the hell was that?! asks Lonestar. “I have no idea,” replies Batman Beyond as he sees something falling from where Hulk was and swoops down after it. The clouds ahead of them begin to move unnaturally, as if something or someone was flying through them. Hogan’s attacker bursts through the clouds. It’s the Sentry, who’s holding Hulk’s Mandalorian helmet in his hands. He crushes it into a ball and fires it right through Yellow Lantern #2. The rest of P.M.S. follow behind the Sentry and begin their offensive. Lonestar takes evasive maneuvers in his Y-Wing Bomber. “Uhhhhh, Boss. Don’t do that again, unless you want to find out why I’m called Barf,” says a queasy Barf. “Sorry pal, but we’ve got several Aerial Clonetroopers hot on our tail,” replies Lonestar. He pulls a great move and gets the Aerial Clonetroopers to fly right past them. Barf targets them and blasts all of them away. But what they didn’t realize is that IG-88 had used this diversion to sneak up behind them and plant several explosives on the Y-Wing Bomber. The ship explodes and kills everyone inside. Yellow Lantern #1 and Red Lantern #1 team up and quickly take out Black Dragon #12 before it can utilize its acid breath. Batman Beyond then engages IG-88 and is able to dismantle its rockets. The assassin droid plummets to its death. Freddy Krueger with his yellow ring finds himself in a dogfight with both of the Lanterns on Better Than All of You. But the Sentry flies in and rips Red Lantern’s head clean off. He then blasts a hold right through the back of Yellow Lantern #1. “Hey! They were mine! Mine!!” screams Freddy. Batman Beyond is now alone against the Sentry and Freddy Krueger. The Sentry flies in a grabs Batman Beyond by the throat. But then the Sentry’s eyes go wide as Batman Beyond has ignited Hulk Hogan’s blue lightsaber into the Sentry’s chest. Moments before he hits the Graveyard and in his dying breath, the Sentry squeezes and crushes Batman Beyond’s neck, winning the match for his team.


1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

The Devil Lance and Demon Rod were given to Scott Pilgrim & Knives Chau.