Thursday, May 27, 2010

Season Three, Week 10: The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets vs The Syracuse Valley

Due to some technical errors, this match was delayed on getting out. So here is the final match from Week 10 in Bespin.

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets are Superboy, Salaak, Hermes, Thundercracker, Toad in the Mario 2 Spaceship, & Air Zimmell.

The Syracuse Valley is Star Fox (w/ Darth Maul's double red lightsaber) in an Arwing, Peppy Hare in an Arwing, James McLeod in an Arwing, & Young Anakin Skywalker (w/ a blue lightsaber) in an Arwing, (movie) Megatron, (movie) Starscream, Bucky O'Hare (w/ a green lightsaber) w/ Deadeye Duck (w/ a red lightsaber), Bruiser, Willy Duwitt (w/ a halberd), Pilot Jenny, AFC Blinkie (w/ a red lightsaber), & Commander Dogstar in The Righteous Indignation, & Dash Rendar & Leebo in an Ornithopter.

The small roster of midgets are all huddled on a platform around a red cartoonish spaceship. Looking hopeful and yet strangely sad.

Superboy steps to the center of the group and speaks:

“Warriors, Firstly, let me say that it is an honor to serve with you, Secondly there is a fearsome array of warriors aligned against us today. Toad’s brave sacrifice should not be taken lightly, or ever forgotten.”

And with that, He picked the red ship up and hurled it into the atmosphere.

Meanwhile The Syracuse valley began their own suicide mission.

“Young Anakin, Starscream, Megatron, James McLeod and Peppy Hare, you go wide right of the group. I’m sending Bucky in to deal with the heavy hitters. They should have the element of surprise.” said Star Fox.

And with that, the Righteous Indignation careened towards the midgets. Salaak used his ring to create a large catcher’s mitt construct and ensnared the mammal frigate. The engines straining against the powerful green construct. The plan had worked however and the Red ship, piloted by a small mushroom headed warrior arced down with deadly conviction towards the Indignation.

“It’s a good day to die.” said Toad through gritted teeth as he slammed his ship into the frigat, causing a massive explosion and killing everyone aboard.

Dash Rendar and Leebo tried to pilot their unwieldy ornithopter around the debris and barely managed to escape the collision. Unfortunately Superboy was ready for them. He used his super strength to pluck the oddly flapping wings from the ornithoptor as if it were an insect, sending the smuggler and his co-pilot careening into a nearby building.

At this point StarFox swooped in for the kill, he barrel rolled near constantly, impressing even thundercracker and then unleashed his lasers at Superboy striking him expertly in the eyes. Blinding him and sending him plummeting deep into the cloud city. Thundercracker got the drop on salaak but the green lantern was able to fend off his attack sending him careening into air zimmel. Thundercracker was able to right himself, and with a crumpled Zimmel flapping over his wing he set his sights on Star Fox. Star Fox then made a run for Salaak with thundercracker on his tail he performed another expert barrel roll and the resulting disorientation sent thundercracker into James McLoud killing them both.

Sallak used a large meat cleaver construct to sever one of the gravity diffusers and wings from Fox’s Arwing. Fox bailed out of the ship, it careened into Peppy Hare and killed her. Fox then landed on a platform near Hermes and drew his double bladed lighsaber. The Red glow flashed but the God of speed was entirely too much for the pilot, he disarmed him with little effort and threw him from the platform.

Megatron and Starscream teamed up with Young Anakin to overwhelm the green lantern, and they were successful, poking holes in his constructs and finally ending his life with a well placed rocket once his ring had been depleted of power.

The remaining pilots were easily able to dispatch Hermes whose winged helmet and boots do not actually allow him to fly.

The Syracuse Valley is victorious.

Megatron, Starscream and Young Anakin are the only survivors of this contest.

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