Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve vs Logical Genocide

Michael Vicks Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve are Calypso, Triton, Tracy Strauss, Marco Aleksandrovich Ramius in the Red October, 5 Navy Seals, 2 Navy Seal CPOs, 6 Argonauts in the Argo, Beast Boy, Fin Fang Foom, Nova, Terrax, Firelord, Hrmm, Ajax, Barbarossa, Saint Walker, Indigo 1, Monk, 4 Green Lanterns, 6 Oa Guardians, The Wonder Twins: Zan and Jayna, The U.S.S. Nimitz, Anakin Skywalker in a F-22, Ahsoka Tano in a F-22, Mace Windu in a F-22 and Jack Bauer in a F-18.

Logical Genocide is Mera, 2 Gremlins, Neo-Cymek #8, Robert and Melissa in Air Ford One, Nekron, Chris Seeney in KITT, Red Lantern #2, 6 Warwolves, Dr Deathbrain, Living Killing Rollercoaster, C.F. Smurf, Prometheus, Black Dragon #11, Zombie Tyler Durden, Zombie Marine #2, Manhunter 1 & 2, Dementor #8, Xenomorph #52, Predator #48, Terminator #40, Jedi #28, Iron Patriot, 5 Triceratons, Moonstone, The Hood, Bronze Tiger, Jason Todd, Magmar, Cody Jones, Serling, Ewok #74, Titan Force 5 as Titan Maximum, Cybertronian Guardian #9, Shatterstar, Ion, Adam Strange, and V w/Yellow Power Ring.

“They may be 0 and 4, but this team is not to be taken lightly,” says Mace Windu to the rest of his team. “Yeah, but you’re looking at the 4 and 0 Kennelz,” replies Anakin Skywalker. “And we’re about to be 5 and 0 Master,” Ahsoka Tano chimes in. They soon see the full forces of Logical Genocide, with the small exception of Robert and Melissa, who are notably absent from the match. Either they didn’t bother to show up or they decided to enter the Water World battle inside Air Ford One, which is just a Ford Escort. It appears to be that this is exactly what happened as Marco Aleksandrovich Ramius spots them from inside the Red October. Air Ford One sinks rapidly as Robert and Melissa drown inside. The six Warwolves on Logical Genocide dive deep under water and attack the Russian submarine. They begin to tear open the hull of the submergible and are able to breech the interior. Ramius knows that he and his two Navy Seals are finished, and causes a chain reaction inside the nuclear engine, which destroys both the Red October as well as the Warwolves. Back up on the water’s surface, Neo-Cymek #8, better known as Ed, is being triple teamed by Hrmm, Ajax and Barbarossa. Ed isn’t able to put up much of a fight and dies as a result. The Argo sails into battle, but finds itself overcome by gremlins, which have all be produced by Logical Genocide’s Gremlins, Howard and Marv, being dunked in the water. There are currently thousands of Gremlins scurrying up onto the Argo and taking it over. The six Argonauts fight valiantly (just like they did against the living skeletons) but there are simply waaaaaay too many Gremlins for them to survive. Firelord then flies in and puts an end to all this Gremlin madness. He, along with Nova, uses their cosmic energy to fry the thousands of Gremlins that are multiplying by the moment in the water. The six Triceratons are having an awfully hard time staying afloat, due to their sheer size. Their worries of drowning are soon realized as Calypso uses her water powers to drag all of them to the bottom of the ocean floor. “Wonder Twins powers activate! Form of water! Form of Sea Serpent!” shouts Zan and Jayna. They then overtake and kill Ewok #74, Cody Jones, Serling and Zombie Tyler Durden. Tracy Strauss then doesn’t want to be shown up by some pointy eared twins and proceeds to drown Dr. Deathbrain and the Living Killing Rollercoaster. “Enough!! This is my home, and you WILL NOT BEAT US HERE!” yells Mera. “Yeah, we’ll see about that,” retorts Tracy Strauss as she turns herself into water. “Yes, we will,” says Mera as she takes control of the water forms of Tracy Strauss and Jayna uses them to drown Zan before she fires them both out of the water, where Ion and V are waiting. The two of them destroy the water beings with a combo of yellow and green energy. Mera then swims as fast as she can right at Triton and snaps his neck before he can even react. “You tink you con control da water? Why don’cha try an control me?” an ever growing Calypso says to Mera. The angered bride of Aquaman is not intimidated by Calypso’s threats and she hurls herself right at the sea witch. The two of them battle fiercely, causing giant waves and massive whirlpools. “Crap, this is making it really hard to drive this thing,” Chris Seeney says to himself inside K.I.T.T., which is utilizing its Third Stage Aquatic Synthesizer to hydroplane on the water. The waves cause Seeney to go out of control and crash against the side of the U.S.S. Nimitz. The explosion does manage to kill a Navy Seal in the process. It’s at this point were Mace Windu orders an all out assault to end this battle. One by one, Mace, Anakin, Ahsoka and Jack Bauer all take off of the U.S.S. Nimitz inside their respected jet planes. They in perfect formation dive towards the water and lay waste to Zombie Marine #2, C.F. Smurf, Jedi #28, Jason Todd, Bronze Tiger, Magmar, Shatterstar, and Terminator #40. Red Lantern #2 then flies after Jack Bauer’s F-18 and is hot on his tail. “Damn it, I can’t shake him,” grumbles Bauer. The Red Lantern fires several shots of red energy, which Jack is barely able to avoid. “Don’t worry, I got you,” Anakin says as he loops around and blasts Red Lantern #2 out of the sky. The water begins to settle down as the battle between Mera and Calypso seems to be coming to an end. The water calms down and both competitors are floating there, lifeless. “Ion, this is Iron Patriot. Mera was our best shot at a victory. We have to do something, and quick!” says Norman Osborn. Ion then swoops down and blows Hrmm, Ajax, and Barbarossa out of the water with such easy it was almost like they were schooners and not enormous robot ships. This allows the rest of Logical Genocide to swarm the deck of the U.S.S. Nimitz. Xenomorph #52 quickly kills the two Navy Seal CPO’s aboard the aircraft carrier. Predator #48 then hunts down and kills the two remaining Navy Seals just as quickly. Black Dragon #11 (“Cyphyllic”) flies overhead, but is attacked by the four Green Lanterns. It kills Green Lantern #5 with a powerful spray of acid, before the other three are able to take it out. Manhunters #1 and #2 fly up and blindside the Green Lanterns, killing GL #2 and GL #4. Saint Walker, Indigo 1 and Monk fly up and aid the last Green Lantern. Saint Walker bolsters the Twi’lek Green Lantern’s power ring, which allows her to destroy Manhunter #1 as the two Indigo Lanterns take care of Manhunter #2. Dementor #8, however, flies straight up and sucks the very soul right out of Monk before anyone can defend him. Saint Walker uses his blue energy of hope in combination with Indigo 1’s indigo energy of compassion to kill the Dementor. Titan Maximum and Cuddles the Cybertronian Guardian attack the U.S.S. Nimitz. The two giant robots cause catastrophic damage to the aircraft craft carrier. This devastation gains the attention of Fin Fang Foom, who goes after Cybertronian Guardian #9 first. The giant dragon, who is currently not wearing his purple shorts, rips the head off of the big robot at launches it right at Titan Maximum. “Dude, did he just kill Cuddles and throw his head at us??” asks Commander Palmer. “Yep, I think so,” replies Space Seaman Willie Palmer. “Well ef that!!” Commander Palmer shouts. Titan Maximum then shoots Fin Fang Foom in the back with its eye lasers. The dragon is hurt, but not defeated. Foom turns around and spews combustible acid mist all over Titan Maximum, destroying it and killing all inside. Moonstone and Iron Patriot then take flight and attack Mace Windu in his F-22. The Jedi Master is dodges and weaves through all of their blasts, but Iron Patriot is able to clip a wing. Mace Windu ejects out of the jet before it plummets into the water. “Hang on Master,” says Anakin as he swoops down below Mace, who with his Jedi powers is able to grab onto the jet. He then leaps off of it just as quickly, ignites his lightsaber and relieves Iron Patriot of his helmet, Jango Fett style. Saint Walker then uses his power ring to catch the falling Jedi Master. Adam Strange is carrying The Hood and flying after Jack Bauer’s F-18. The Hood conjures up a demonic magic spell, which destroys the guiding systems of the jet causing it to crash into the water. Bauer is able to eject from it before the explosion, but he is taken out by a large yellow dagger created by V. Terrax then flies in and uses his cosmic powers to pull the earth up from underneath the ocean and consume Prometheus and Predator #48. Beast Boy then comes up from underwater in the form of a great white shark and eats Xenomorph #52. “Aaaccchhh!” yells Beast Boy as the acid blood of the Xenomorph beings to eat away at his insides. Indigo 1 quickly flies down and uses her indigo powers to heal him. “Thanks. Man talk about indigestion,” quips Beast Boy. Jade then flies up and sees Ion, which causes her to stop in her tracks, due to her feeling for Kyle Rayner. This moment of hesitation is what causes her death. She is killed from behind by Moonstone. Anakin then flies in and blasts not only her, but Adam Strange and The Hood out of the sky. Ion then attacks and kills Firelord. “I’ve got the glow worm!” says Ahsoka as she takes aim at Ion. “Ahsoka, wait! He’s too powerful!” shouts Anakin. But his warnings come too late. Ion turns and vaporizes Ahsoka’s F-22 in an instant. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” screams Anakin in agony. The six Oa Guardians then surround Ion and begin to simultaneously blast him with their energy, which is actually draining the Ion power from him. Anakin flies in at mach speeds towards him, but V is able to blast his F-22. This does not slow Anakin down at all, he eject out of the cockpit, ignites his lightsaber and viciously cuts into the vulnerable Ion. Saint Walker then launches Mace Windu up into the air, allowing him to end the life of V. “You really think this is over?” an ominous voice growls. “This is but only the beginning,” the voice says. The voice is coming from Nekron who has just resurrected every combatant that has died in this battle, including the thousands of Gremlins. The Oa Guardians immediately attack Nekron, but he fights back and kills Oa Guardain #1, 4 and 5. Nova and Terrax uses their combined cosmic powers to weaken the Lord of the Undead as the rest of their team fend off the hordes of zombies. Anakin then has Green Lantern #1 use her power ring to launch him and extremely high speeds right at Nekron. The Jedi drives his lightsaber deep into Nekron’s body and then lops his head off. The zombies all fall back into the water, ending this battle.



Krisatu said...

So close. So, so close. Damn fine match Kennelz. You deserved to win.

Next week though, play off planet. Built (Bill) Ford Tough. You're mine. I;m bringing my own special FORD just for you.

See you punks soon.

Josh the Commish said...

The 2 Blue lightsabers were given to Daniel Larussa & Faith. Cost is plus 3 for both of them.