Sunday, April 4, 2010

Note from the Commissioner

Due to several different delays on both the Watcher and Team Owner end, the matches for this week will appear slightly later than normal. I ask that all team owners please be patient. If your match, or a match that you were looking forward to is not up yet, it will be very soon (within the next 36 hours at the very latest). As for Week 6, I understand that it is a difficult team to put together, so if you need a little more time or help it is understandable. Thanks.



Krisatu said...

I'd like to take this opportunity to address some rumors that have been flooding the front offices of Logical Genocide as of late. It concerns the lack of playing time given to Warwolf #6 Don "Don Juan" Warwolfovich.

Now, we don't normally like to focus on the personal, private lives of our players but in this case it is slightly warranted.

Yes, it's true that a few weeks ago there was an altercation between "Don Juan" and Riff Raff of the Cadillac Cats over a comment Warwolfovich made to RiffRaff's significant other Cleo during a team prwactice. The comment will not be repeated here, due to it's salacious nature, but 'vich claims it was an innocent joke that Riff Raff took the wrong way. Regardless, the decision was made that perhaps Don was not quite focused enough to be battling at this time, because his focus isn't on battle, but on romantic conquests and Logical Genocide's players are expected to give their 100% focus to putting on the thrilling type of matches our fans have come to expect from us.

That being said, Warwolfovich will be heading to the play off planet for week six's battle, the biggest battle for the franchise thus far, as franchise owner Chris Seeney has made no secret of the fact that he will stop at nothing to achieve ownership of the green lantern power ring that goes to the victor that week. It has been impressed upon "Don Juan" that anything less than 100% effort will not be tolerated. Warwolfovich swears that he's completely focused and is looking forward to joining his teammates in this upcoming contest.

Hopefully this settles all this gossip and the focus can go back to Logical Genocide's match performance, and not these tawdry rumors.

Thank you, and be well.

President Barack Obama said...

Thanks Chris,

I read that in the "Fantasy Star" last week and I've been wondering about it ever since. Thanks for the clarification. Good luck and I hope things begin to settle down at home for the battle next week.
We here at the Commando's wish you and the entire Logical Genocide team the best in the second half of the season.

Good luck and God Bless

Krisatu said...

Thank you for the kind words, Mr President. Best of luck to you and your team for the rest of the season as well. I hope to one day meet you and the rest of the Commandos in the glory of battle. Say hello to pop superstar Hannah Montana for me.