Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hayley's Comets vs The Syracuse Valley

Hayley's Comets are Sandworm #9 & 13, The Marauders: Scalphunter, Arclight, Malice, Harpoon, Blockbuster, Prism, Riptide, Scrambler, & Vertigo, The Thunderbolts: Songbird, Radioavtive man, Swordsmen, Mister X, Headsman, & Ghost, Cyber Force: Stryker, Cyblade, Ripclaw, Velocity, Ballistic, Heatwave, & Impact, 8-ball, 6-ball, 9-ball, & 11-ball, Catharine, Jeremitt, Mace, & Sindel, Towani, & Watchdog #1-6.

The Syracuse Valley is Anakin Skywalker (w/ a blue lightsaber) & Kister in Ratts Tyrelle's Podracer, Soundblaster w/ Zombie Rumble, (movie) Ravage, Fast Forward, (movie) Wheelie, Decepticon Spy Bug, & Decepticon #1, Star Fox (w/ Darth Maul's double lightsaber) in an ARwing, Peppy Hare in an Arwing, James McLeod in an Arwing, Bucky O'Hare (w/ a green lightsaber) in an Arwing, Deadeye Duck (w/ a red lightsaber) in an AT-RT, Bruiser in an AT-RT, Pilot Jenny w/ AFC Blinkie (w/ a red lightsaber), & Willy Duwitt (w/ a halberd) in an Ornithopter, (movie) Jazz (w/ a blue lantern ring), Robocop, (movie) Megatron, (movie) Starscream, The Toxic Avenger, Scorpion, Human Smoke, & Venus Demilo.

The Syracuse Valley is the first to arrive in Ancient Egypt. Star Fox leads a formation of Arwings into battle. He sees over the horizon the members of Hayley’s Comets waiting. Star Fox sounds the advance and the Valley rushes into the fight. “Why are they so far away?” Bucky O’Hare asks. “I don’t know Bucky,” replies Star Fox as they are flying in. Then all of a sudden, the sand blasts up out of the ground as Sandworms #9 and #13 emerge. They consume Human Smoke, Scorpion, Venus DeMilo, Movie Wheelie, Movie Decepticon Spy Bug, Deadeye Duck in his AT-RT, Bruiser in his AT-RT, Pilot Jenny and AFC Blinkie. As they crash back into the sand, the Sandworms take out Movie Ravage, Fast Forward and Decepticon #1. Movie Megatron then blasts ahead of Star Fox and his squadron, making his presence known to the Comets. He bombards them with an aerial assault that kills the entire roster of Cyberforce. Movie Starscream flies in for a quick follow up attack and kills 8-Ball and his gang. Soundblaster then ejects Zombie Rumble right into the heart of the Marauders. The rusting Decepticon shatters Prism and rips Riptide in half. He then transforms his arms into his seismic pistons and starts pounding the ground. But by doing so, he just drew the attention of the Sandworms. He is swallowed by Sandworm #9, but his (second) final death isn’t in vain. Zombie Rumble brought the Sandworms to their own team. Archlight, Harpoon, Catherine, Jeremitt and the Watchdogs were all killed by their own Sandworms. The Toxic Avenger then tangles with Radioactive Man and uses his opponent’s powers against him to win the battle. But Mister X and Swordsmen leap in and cut the deformed hero down before he can savor his victory. Movie Jazz uses his Blue Lantern ring to fly in so he can attack as well. He kills Mace, Sindel and Towani quickly before using his magnetic powers to pulls the weapons and cybernetics off of Scalphunter. This allows Robocop to blast him away. But the Sandworms once again burst out of the sand and this time kill Willy DuWitt who was flying low in his Ornithopter, Movie Jazz, Robocop and Peppy Hare in his Arwing. Star Fox leads his team in an attack pattern against the Sandworms, but their Arwings’ weapons are having no effect on the giant creatures. Anakin and Kister are zipping through the sand in Ratts Tyrell’s Podracer, narrowing evading certain death from the Sandworms. “We got to get out of here Fox,” says Bucky O’Hare. Star Fox then orders the retreat as the Syracuse Valley knows there they do not have what it takes to defeat the Sandworms.


1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

The laser sword, laser gun, pokeball, & star wand were given to The Towani family.