Saturday, May 22, 2010

Season Three: Week 10: Le' Napoleon Brigade vs. The Transfoamers

The Transfoamers Vs. Le' Napoleon Brigade

Le’ Napoleon Brigade is Golden Age Wonder Woman with Inv Jet, Jetfire, Jetstorm, Sentinel Alan Scott, Guy Gardner with Yellow Ring and the Wonder Pets in a Flyboat.

The Transfoamers are Ice Man in a Y-Wing, Purple Dragon #15-18, & Black Dragon #14.

Linny the Guinea Pig, Turtle Tuck and Ming-Ming Duckling all piled in the Flyboat and get ready to take off. The Flyboat instantly took flight through the city of Bespin, flying much smoother and faster then the Wonder Pets ever remembered.

Turtle Tuck: “What the heck Linny, what did you do to this thing?”

Linny the Guinea Pig: “Nothing, it’s just really fast today.”

Ming-Ming Duckling: “Are you wee-tarded, Guy Gardner super powered the boat up as we were taking off. That’s why it’s so fast.”

Turtle Tuck: “Oh, that’s great! I love that Guy Gardner.”

Linny the Guinea Pig: “Though ever since he got that red ring he has been really angry.”

Ming-Ming Duckling: “Yeah he has. Plus, with all that blood that he is constantly spitting out, I weally find it hard to be around him anymore.”

Guy Gardner: “Thanks for that, as if I wasn’t already angry enough.”

Alan Scott: “Oh settle down Guy.”

Guy Gardner: "It's not Guy, it's Guy."

Alan Scott: “Whatever, sorry rage boy.”

Guy Gardner: “Well, I’m not a f@#$ing hockey player Alan.”

Wonder Woman: “Would you all shut up and focus on the fight at hand. Now it looks like they have nothing but Dragons and a space ship. This shouldn’t be a tough one.”

Guy Gardner: “We’re three games under five hundred Diana, everything has been tough for us this year.”

Wonder Woman: “I’m so sick of you and that ring Guy.”

Guy Gardner: “God D@$nit, it’s Guy not Guy.”

The increasingly angry Guy Gardner then flies over to the Purple Dragon’s and one by one butcher’s each and every one of them. The blood that Gardner is spewing out of his mouth is nothing compared to the blood that is falling over the city of Bespin. When all is send and done, there is nothing left of the dragon’s except for a thick red mist.

Wonder Woman and Alan Scott both look at each other with a sense of pride, as they knew they could fire Gardner up with nothing more then a couple of innocent ill’s. Ice Man see’s this and know’s he is up against a much stronger team. Instead of delaying the inevitable, he flies his Y-Wing directly into enemy territory with Black Dragon #14 following right behind him.

The Black Dragon spray’s acid all over the body of Jetstorm, injuring him greatly. Jetstorm goes into a free fall but Alan Scott goes down to rescue him. With the help of a green energy field, Alan Scott is able to stop the free falling transformer from finding out whether or not this planet has solid ground. The now irate Jetfire doesn’t take this attack on his possible twin brother lightly and goes straight at the dragon. The two creatures fly through the sky with great ease, but in the end Jetfire is able to injure the dragon enough to catch up to him and break his neck.

Ice Man realized that he was the only member of his team left and considered just flying away to fight another day. This thought would have possibly seemed like an option if it not for the fact that he didn’t want a flawless victory (or loss depending on how you look at it) on his back. With this thought, he began firing everything he had at the injured Jetstorm, only to see his blasts bounce off of the protective shield that Alan Scott had placed around him.

Ice Man: “Damn it!”

Ice Man then start’s firing at Alan Scott, who much to his Chagrin, easily deflects the pilot’s blasts. This frustrates the Y-Wing pilot even more as he looks over his enemies to see who would be the easiest to defeat. He scan’s the skyline and after a couple of minutes he notices a small ship carrying what looks like, three tiny animals. Ice Man then gets a grin on his face and starts to head towards the Wonder Pets. He has his target set on the Flyboat and begins firing as quickly as he can towards the super powered animals.

Ice Man is so confident in his attack that he begins cheering before the Flyboat is actually defeated.

Ice Man: “Hell yeah, suck on that you French F@$@tt’s.”

Guy Gardner: “Oh know you don’t you a## ramming jerk off.”

Guy Gardner then block’s the Y-Wing’s blast’s that were for the Wonder Pets and immediately goes after the final Transfoamer member. Ice Man, who is pissed off from Gardner’s block, flies right into the crazed lantern. As Gardner and the Y-Wing collide a huge explosion erupts in the Bespin sky. After the dust settles all you see is the blood spewing Guy Gardner holding Ice Man in his arms. The badly beaten Ice Man is barely conscious when Gardner takes him to his final resting spot.

Guy Gardner: “How dare you try to kill my pets.”

Turtle Tuck: “My pets?”

Ginny the Guinea Pig: “Just go with it.”

Ice Man: “Screw you Guy.”

Guy Gardner: “IT”S NOT F#%@ING GUY, IT’S GUY!!!!!!!!!”

Guy Gardner then flies out of the planet’s atmosphere and releases Ice Man into the depth’s of space. Where after a minute or so he freezes to death. Gardner then flies back down to meet the rest of his teammates to celebrate their flawless victory.

Alan Scott: “Geez man, you could have just snapped his neck and ended it right there.”

Guy Gardner: “That would have been too kind of a gesture for a piece of scum like him.”

Wonder Woman: “Well, that’s fantastic Guy. Hey guys, we won, you know what that means don’t you.”

Ginny the Guinea Pig: “You bet your noodles I do, it’s time for some celery.”

Guy Gardner: “Celery? What kind of a reward or snack for that matter is celery? I mean, wouldn’t you at the very least rather have a piece of fruit or something with some taste?"

Wonder Woman: “Shut up Guy, it’s healthy and they seem to really like it.”

Guy Gardner: “Fine, have it your way.”

Alan Scott: “Hey guys, why is this match still going on? I mean, this was a blow out yet we are still here talking to each other about completely random and pointless things.”

Wonder Woman: “You got me Alan, I’m just passing the time until we get sent back to our locker rooms.”

Alan Scott: “Huh, it’s just weird. I mean why would they still be reporting this stuff if nothing is going on. It’s like they are just writing to write now.”

Wonder Woman: “Yeah, I don’t know Alan. (To the Wonder pets) How are you guys liking the celery?”

Ming-Ming Duckling: “It’s very good Wonder Woman.”

Turtle Tuck: “Yeah, thank you so much Diana.”

Wonder Woman: “Yeah, not a problem you guys. In fact, I think I might partake in some celery myself.”

Ginny the Guinea Pig: “Well, how is it?”

Wonder Woman: “It’s an interesting flavor. By interesting I of course mean it taste’s like a penguin’s a$$hole.”

Ginny the Guinea Pig: “Oh, I’m sorry for that.”

The Transfoamers: All Dead

Le’ Napoleon Brigade: Everyone survived, but Jetstorm is badly damaged by the acid from the Black Dragon.

Le’ Napoleon Brigade is Victorious!!!


Captain America said...

Thanks a lot Captain Jack-Off!

Solobeck said...

Awesome dialogue!!!

Krisatu said...

Why didn't Steve Finnell invite me to follow his blog? What a jerk!

He's probably one of those sissy, former Logical Genocide fans who think I went too far the last few weeks with my turn on the fans. Well, you know what "Steve Finnell" I hope you find happiness rooting on another squadron. Becuase you obviously don't understand the genius of Logical Genocide promos. Go back to things you understand like "Twlight", "The DaVinci Code", and "Hop on Pop". That's reading material more worthy of a bulbous mongoloid like yourself.

Sorry Steve, but I don't take being dumped all that well. We gave our all to entertain you, and it wasn't good enough for you. You're an ingrate Steve, and I'll never forgive you for not reading my matches. You're a heart-breaker Steve Finnell. A stone cold bastard.

Who exactly is Steve Finnell?

Josh the Commish said...

The Devil lance and Demon rod were both given to (golden age) Wonder Woman.