Monday, June 7, 2010

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. Built Ford Tough

Consolation Match Week 1, a.k.a. The Losers Bracket. formerly known as, The Murderflies Home Court.
The Midgets vs Built Ford Tough

The Midgets are: Mighty Mouse and Smurf #2.
BFT is: Gigaaaaantor, Gigaaaaantor, Gigaaaaa-aaaantooooor. Bigger than big, taller than tall... you know the drill.

The tension between Built Ford Tough and the Brotherhood of Evil Mitches seems to increase as the days go by in Hyrule Castle.
But Josh, the Owner of the brotherhood can not bear to sacrifice one of his warriors against the well oiled killing machine (literally) that Built Ford Tough has presented before them...

Twice a day for forty days, Gigantor, the champion of Built Ford Tough, comes out between the battle lines and challenges the Brotherhood to send out a champion of their own to decide the outcome in single combat. However, The Owner and all the other Midgets are afraid of him. By chance, Mighty Mouse is present, having brought food for his fellow teammates. Might Mouse is told that the team owner, Josh, has promised to reward any man or mouse who defeats Gigantor, and accepts the challenge.

Josh reluctantly agrees and offers his hidden stash of unawarded victory armor, which Mighty Mouse declines, taking only his sling and a single smurf, chosen in a brook.

Mighty Mouse and Gigantor confront each other, Gigantor with his armor plated body and giant strength, Mighty Mouse with his smurf and sling. “The heretical robot curses Mighty Mouse by his robo-gods,” but Mighty Mouse replies: “This day I have come to save, and I will strike you down, and cut off your head; and I will give the dead bodies of your team mates this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a new champion in Hyrule, and that all this assembly may know that Mighty Mouse saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is mine and I will strike thee down with a single well placed smurf.

With that, Smurf #2 figured out what was going on... "oh *$&@!" said the smurf in disbelief.

But there was nothing for it, Mighty Mouse used is super strength to compact the smurf into a deadly blue bullet, he placed it in the sling and hurled Smurf #2 at Gigantors head, punching a neat hole through his circuits, and rendering him non functional.

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets are Victorious!

Smurf #2 did not survive the crunching into a bullet, let alone the being fired through Gigantor's head at supersonic speed.
Gigantor did not survive perforation


Solobeck said...

Awesome match!!

Krisatu said...

Old Gigantor never hangs around
When he hears this mighty sound...
"Here I come to save the day!"
That means that Mighty Mouse is on the way.
Yessir when the Migets have a brawl
Mighty Mouse will join and win it all
So when Ford Tough brings on the fight.
Mighty Mouse puts out their light.
"Here I come to kick your ass"
That Mighty Mouse is full of class.
Showing reckless care for a little smurf
Might Mouse more than proves his worth.
"Sorry chumps, but you got served"

I think that's enough of a victory song, it's hard to rhyme served.

Josh the Commish said...

The Star Sapphire went to Mighty Mousette. Cost is plus 10.

Josh the Commish said...

I love the song Johnny.