Monday, October 6, 2008


Barack Obama has replaced his Vice Presidential running mate, Joe Biden.


Anonymous said...

Dear Josh! It is too difficult to write on your blog.

ematejoca said...

Please see my blog. I want to contact with you, but I cannot to stay on your blog time enough to say what I want. It runs away.
I am so excited about your news.
Is it true about Biden? I am pleased. He is too conservative.

I try to come here again.

ematejoca said...

Please let me know if it is true that "Barack Obama has replaced his Vice Presidential running mate, Joe Biden."
Nodoby knows about it in Germany.
Be so kind und let me know if was a joke from Ryan!

Waiting for an answer! Thanks!

Ryan said...

I am sorry to inform you that yes Teresa that is a joke. Doom is referring to Dr. Doom from the comic book/movie Fantastic Four. Latveria is his fictional home country which is located by Romania, Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia. I really am sorry for any mix up.


Josh the Commish said...

I am very sorry Teresa. I did not wish for this joke to cause an international incident. I am also sorry that our blog is giving you problems. I actually had some problems posting comments on your blog as well last week. I hope whatever the problem is that it is soon fixed.

ematejoca said...

Dear Ryan!
Dear Josh!

It was my fault. I was so stupidy to believe such a thing. Or I just wanted to believe it.

I have just seen the Presidential Debates. Now I must go to sleep.

Greetings for all of you.